
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

【從電影學英文】:Danish Girl(丹麥女孩)-I am entirely myself.(我是個完整的人了)
今天我們要從這個重要的跨時代跨性別的議題來一起學習英文。雖然是很深刻的議題也充滿的爭議性,但學著用英文去和朋友分享所學所聞,也是增進英文能力很重要的方法喔!學著用自己的母語去反省深思身邊的議題,不僅僅可以提升語文實力,更能幫助自己在思考英文的時候有不同的角度和感動呢!丹麥女孩(Danish Girl)-禁錮在軀體的靈魂,何時有機會尋回被認同的自我?震撼整個影壇的跨性別議題,雖然並非首次被搬上國際社會媒體討論,但這麼寫實地記錄一個傑出畫家Einar Wegener(Eddie Redmayne)從男性的角色中,喚醒內心早已經壓抑已久的女性靈魂。在面對社會現實的異樣眼光與未啟蒙的大時代環境下,加上已婚和大眾人物種種身分枷鎖,已經讓主角莉莉Lili Elbe(決定做回女性的本我的稱呼,偶然在友人探訪而以手中百合來命名)自我壓抑到極限,看似藉由變裝找回一點自己的本我,但卻也是另一種的束縛,因為這樣的身體並不是她所喜歡認同的。這部電影並非完全著眼在討論跨性別變性手術或是這一切是否由先天基因決定性取向或是後天環境觸發了某些內在的想法。更是個人對於人生有了全新體悟而走上的不同抉擇。
台中一中(男變女)曾愷芯老師選擇自己「想」過的生活,而不是「應該」過的生活,並在媒體公開訪問時,這不是一件好事嗎?是的,有時候個人的選擇不應該被汙名化,如果你看過這部電影,你會了解當初莉莉經歷了許多心理、生理的掙扎和非常人能忍受的苦痛,也要讓自己女性的角色得到完整的身分和自在的作回屬於自己的模樣。莉莉在童年時期早已因為怕被排擠和異樣眼光,無法理解為什麼自己會有想當女生的衝動,又在初次和男生有了親密接觸時,讓父親震怒不已,也沒有任何人可以談及內心的混亂,更找不到情感上的出口,交織矛盾與自我否認而無法找到生命的出路,只能不斷在畫作中勾勒出童年家鄉的樹林與清澈的湖泊,因為深怕自己真的被傳統價值觀淹沒了真我,走上了一條不屬於自己的道路。影片隨著那纏繞莉莉美麗身影的絲巾,被一陣強風颳走而飄盪在山谷間,好似在無限高歌生命也像在低聲泣訴充滿折磨的人生。是阿!最後生命會自己找到出口,莉莉的靈魂也在最後找到自由,在這輩子最重要的兩個人陪伴中辭世。I am entirely myself這句話花了她大半輩子去追尋,即使要失去生命也在所不惜,或許你我可以捫心自問,要有多強的動機才能夠去承受這些極大的疼痛和割捨甚至失去原本的生活?或許對於這樣的抉擇就不會只是謾罵或是指責了!倘若大眾能有更多的理解和尊重溝通,莉莉的生命旅程將會更有意義,也可以對於先天被賦予的性別身分有不同想法的朋友,能有機會在更專業與更多人性關懷的環境下,創造屬於自己的幸福人生。
1. transgender surgery變性手術
" Lili Elbe is not only an inspiration for bravery but also an pioneer for transgender movements."(莉莉不僅僅賦與人們更多勇氣,更是跨性別運動重要的先驅者。)
2. trap(v.)掉入陷阱(n.)圈套→tricky(a.)狡詐的,用在生活中可能很難解的議題或是考試中出現很令人水深火熱的題目,都可以說:That's tricky!
EX.: Through excruciating struggles with the reality, Lili Elbe came to realize that her soul was trapped in a male body. That's not her and it's really put her in self-denial for long.(與現實的碰撞和苦痛的掙扎,莉莉驚覺自己的身體被困在男性的軀體中。這並不是真正的她,因此也讓她活在自我否定的世界中。)
3. sexual discrimination 性別歧視V.S. sexual orientation性別取向
EX.: Human society is no stranger to sexual discrimination, especially in male-oriented communities or tribes. The glass ceiling at workplace treated women unfairly and offered them fewer chances for high-end positions with some concerns that they might switch their focus from the career to the family life instead.(特別在以男性為主社會或部落中,性別歧視隨處可見。在職場的女性升遷侷限讓女性工作者沒有得到合理的對待,也因為雇主擔心之後她們將重心從職場放回家庭生活,而提供較少的高階工作職缺給她們。)
*請同學特別注意: orientation,這個單字的源頭是orient以…為導向。而在進入新環境時,學生往往需要orientation,有資深的學長姐或校方導覽人員進行『新生座談』;而在職場裡,許多菜鳥也需要orientation,快速熟悉作業流程或是公司各單位處室所在位置和相關守則規範,所以這類的『職前座談』也是很常見的。
另外常提到這個人很沒方向感就可以說:She is completely disoriented when heading to a new place(前往新的地點時,她老搞不清楚東西南北。= She has a poor sense of direction.(她方向感極差無比)
4. puzzle(n.)謎題;拼圖(v.)使…迷惑不解→piece together the fact拼湊真相
EX.: Whether transgender surgery has been officially authorized, it is apparently costly and risky to receive such an invasive operation, leading to hemorrhage and some complications afterwards.(不論變性手術是否被官方單位所認同,這很明顯地是所費不貲而且去進行這樣侵入性的手術是相當危險的,很有可能會大量出血或是引發不同併發症。)
5. schizophrenia (n.)精神分裂
EX.: Based on medical documents, schizophrenia tends to run in the family and it could attack you without early signs of warning. It's full of variables and unpredictability for many. Patients who are inflicted with such disease might suffer from delusive hearing or some hallucinations to a different extent.(在醫學文獻中,精神分裂在家族遺傳中常見,而且有時候並沒有明顯的早期徵兆。對大多數人來說,這是充滿許多變數和不確定性的病症。長期受苦於此的病患總被不同程度的幻聽或幻覺糾纏不已。)*補充:bipolar personality躁鬱性人格→depression憂鬱症
Collocation Challenge: Please fill in the blanks with correct "Verbs"
超重要五顆星: 各種關於"更改"的說法及表達語
1. ____ the appointment due to the delayed flight of our clients
2. ____ the meeting until the president made it to the conference
3. ____ the lease contract when the tenant failed to comply with
the terms both agree upon.當房客未盡履約責任時,(房東)可以依合約內容向對方解約。
4. ____ your perspectives might lead to a different surprise and spark more innovative ideas.改變想法可以有不同的驚喜和激起創意的火花
5. With all numerous details there, the training sessions were therefore ____.因為細節繁多,因而延長訓練課程
6. Owing to the unexpected storm, the opening day of Four Season Hotel in Denmark will be _____ then.意外的暴風雨,丹麥的四季飯店將會延後正式開幕大會。
Answer Keys: Correct Verbs on different occasions
1. cancel the appointment due to the delayed flight of our clients
2. postpone the meeting until the president made it to the conference
3. invalidate the lease contract when the tenant failed to comply with
4. shift your perspectives might lead to a different surprise and spark more innovative ideas.
5. With all numerous details there, the training sessions were therefore prolonged
6. Owing to the unexpected storm, the opening day of Four Season Hotel in Denmark will be rescheduled then.
通常使用[arrange a meeting] for someone,來表達替某人安排一場會議;然而我們很容易用中文母語的思維說出[arrange a person]來表達安排某些人員從事什麼事情,但 arrange是不能接"人"的特殊動詞。所以可以用"安排一場親職座談餐會"
ARRANGE a banquet for the teacher-parent association.
【翻譯練習時間】Daily Sentences中文解釋下期揭曉喔
A. You shouldn't take her sacrifices for granted.
B. It is high time that she were about to return home before too late.
C. Memories of the past flooded into my brain.
D. Persistence is the only quality leading one to success.
E. Your attitude, not aptitude, determines your altitude.
F. Reading some books can generate more inspirations and guide you to different choices.
G. You are advised to see a doctor because you've been coughing so bad.
H. ( At the clinic)What seems to be the problem today, Ms. Chen?
I. Yes, I am all ears. Just fire away and don't hang me in suspense!J.
You should walk the walk and talk the talk.
K. Hope is always there and the only thing you should do is chin up and perk up.
