
"Our Island, Our Dreams" To Premiere On April 24



《星月無盡》全片係於2006年11月在金門開拍,主要描述在金門特殊的歷史文化下,當地年輕人的一段青春歲月,親情、友情與愛情交織,在金門的土地上思考與成長的故事。 影片由一對姐妹花貫穿金門兩代人的愛情隧道,兩年輕人揮灑出四個好朋友的憂喜天空,而令人印象深刻的是金門的迷人風光,不僅有金門的湖光山色,金門的特產也在劇中不停發酵,呈現出一個淳樸明朗又風起雲湧的小島,充滿金門年輕一代對未來的掙扎與矛盾。

Directed by Tang Zhen Yu, "Our island, Our Dreams" will be in first-round(1) cinemas throughout Taiwan on April 24. Kinmen County Government is looking into(2) the possibility of purchasing tickets from the distributor and distributing them among various Kimen Associations of Taiwan, in hopes that the move will boost(3) Kinmen tourism by motivating visitors to visit scenes of the film and attracting veterans(4) to return to where they spent their "golden years."
  "Our Island, Our Dreams" was first unveiled(5) during its advance screening(6) at Vieshow Cinemas on March 17. Major-media reporters, distinguished artists and celebrities,(7) and corporate executives were all present to cheer director Tang Zhen Yu. Unanimously,(8) leaders from all walks of life(9) admired the carefully developed story and the deep connotation(10) of "Our Island, Our Dreams."
"No doubt "Our Island, Our Dreams" is a genuinely(11) domestic production with a masterfully(12) organized story," agreed Asia-Pacific Film Festival best director Zhang Zhi Yong, Golden Horse award-winning playwright(13) Zhang Jia Lu and Golden Horse best-photographer-award winner Liao Ben Rong.
Filming of "Our Island, Our Dreams" commenced(14) in Kinmen in November 2006 in order to portray(15) the youthful years of local young people against Kinmen special historical and cultural backgrounds, and intertwined with(16) family ties, friendship and love-all taking place in the land of Kinmen. The film joins together the love tunnels of two generations through a pair of sisters, from whom arises the joys and sorrows of four close friends. Ever-impressing are the glamorous(17) scenes of Kinmen-not only the picturesque(18) natural landscapes, but also the world-renowned(19) local products, which continue to create and build the plot, painting the simple island with the striving(20) and inner struggles of the younger generation towards the future.

■1. first-round-首輪的,第一回合的。

■2. look into-深入地調查、研究。

■3. boost-(vt)促進、推動;提高、增加。

■4. veteran-(n)老兵、退伍軍人;亦可指老手、富有經驗的人。

■5. unveil-(vt)揭開面紗。veil當作名詞使用,指的是面罩、面紗,當動詞用指用面紗遮蔽;加上字首-un成為反義詞,指揭開、揭露、公諸於世。

■6. advance screening-電影的「試映會」。此處advance當形容詞用,指預先的、先行的。

■7. celebrity-(n)名人、名流。

■8. unanimously-(adv)無異議地、全體一致地。此處的字首-un,並非表否定,而是表「單一」之字根,原本形式是-uni,由於後面緊接-animus的字根(指heart)為母音起始,因此-uni變化為-un。(另應注意本字的發音)

■9. all walks of life-各行各業。

■10. connotation-(n)弦外之音、言外之意。

■11. genuinely-(adv)真正的、名符其實的、由衷的。

■12. masterfully-(adv)熟練地。

■13. playwright-(n)劇作家。

■14. commence-(vt)開始;著手。

■15. portray-(vt)描繪,畫~,(用語言)描述~。

■16. intertwine with-交織。twine本身就是「麻繩」的意思,當動詞用為纏繞;inter為彼此交互之意。

■17. glamorous-(adj)富有魅力、迷人的。

■18. picturesque-(adj)圖畫一般的;美麗的,別緻的。

■19. world-renowned-聞名全世界的。

■20. striving-(n)鬥爭、對抗;奮鬥。
