
LOHAS Kinmen Cultural Creativity Seminars Began

作者: 譯者:Wilson Chou;校正:Patti。


The 2010 "LOHAS Kinmen & Green New Life-Cultural Creativity Seminars", sponsored by Kinmen Cultural Affairs Bureau and executed by Unitas Foundation, went onstage on July 3rd. Several well-known writers and celebrities were invited to present speeches at the seminars. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi expressed his hope that, with LOHAS as the subject, Kinmen will be turned into a vivacious (1) LOHAS island by skillfully integrating its tourism with its commerce.

The Cultural Creativity Seminars has invited many famous writers, media celebrities, film directors and other culturalists to talk about the extensive potential that Kinmen has, in the hope to arouse continuous cultural creativity.

Senior media figure Zhou, Yu-Kou (周玉蔻) emphasized at the seminar that Kinmen's most striking feature is its democracy. She encouraged Kinmen residents to take advantage of this feature and promote the development of Kinmen into a neutral (2) and peaceful region, making it a paradigm (3). Well-known writer Li, Ang (李昂) suggested that since Kinmen has its own culture, history, and military background, Kinmen should uncover the traditional Southern Fujian cuisine (4), as well as different cuisines brought in by veterans (5) from different mainland provinces, and pair them up with local food ingredients (6) to improve the reputation of Kinmen cuisine.

●1. vivacious-(adj.)活潑、快活、有生氣的。
●2. neutral-(adj.)中立的。
●3. paradigm-(n)典範。
●4. cuisine-(n)菜餚;烹飪法。
●5. veteran-(n)退伍軍人。
●6. ingredient-(n)烹飪的食材、原料。

