
英文原來這樣說(English IsA Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

歡迎大家再次鎖定英文學習專欄English is A Piece of Cake,老師今年特別推出多益考證相關的專欄也獲得很多同學的支持和鼓勵喔!還記得我們利用找出『短篇文章找主旨』、『精采換句話說單元』和『飯店旅館英文上下篇』,讓同學可以比較真正的國際專業英檢考照用字和平常教科書或時常閱讀的英文讀物之間的差別用法囉!今天,老師要介紹一篇非常感人的文章,是由英國小學的校長所寫給同學的鼓勵信,認為大家不應該只是針對學期成績而衡量自我的價值而是用多方面肯定學子在藝術上、人際相處上、時間投資上,用更體貼細心的口吻來讓孩子快樂成長而不被制式的成績限制出自己的喜好和熱情,那我們就來一起看看這非常有意義的感人書信吧!
Dear Charlie Owen:
Please find enclosed your end of KS2 test results. We are very proud of you as you demonstrate huge amounts of commitment and tried your very best during this tricky week.
However, we are concerned that these tests do not always assess all of what it is that make each of you special and unique. The people who create these tests and score them do not know each of you-the way your teachers do, the way I hope do, and certainly not the way your families do.
They do not know that many of you speak two languages. They do not know that you can play a musical instrument or that you can dance or paint a picture. They do not know that your friends count on you to be there for them or that your laughter can brighten the dreariest day. The do not know that you write poetry or songs, play or participate in sports, wonder about the future, or that sometimes you take care of your little brother or sister after school.
They do not know that you have traveled to a really neat place or that you know how to tell a great story or that you really love spending time with special family members and friends. They do not know that you can be trustworthy, kind or thoughtful and that you try. Every day, to be your very best…the scores you get will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything.
So enjoy your results and be very proud of these but remember there are many ways of being smart.
現代人不只害怕當『窮忙族work overtime, get under-paid』也還怕天天醒來就是要錢,三餐餐費、交通燃料、保險醫療、聚餐娛樂、衣物行頭添購和如雪片般飛來的帳單鋪天蓋地而來,比哈利波特收到的入學通知單還多呀!學習語言最怕就是相似字,表面意思好像可以互通但其實使用的時機根本不同。所以今天Brian老師要細心整理有關中文解釋上「費用」的系列單字,看似很簡單但學問可大了。或許從小你都知道bill帳單但是指紙鈔或法案,而你有看過常在各大展覽會中的concession fee?還是你知道中文的「水電費」該怎麼用英文表達嗎?以下老師替大家整理的字組:Charge vs. Cost vs. Fare vs. Fee vs. Price vs. Rate。它們的用法依不同的場合、情況會有使用上不同的,而且通常不可互換!

charge (v.)(n.):殺價常說: You are overcharging me.你在敲我竹槓嗎?=That's a rip-off. 充電/審判/衝刺/索費/費用
例句:There is a 5% additional charge if you pay by credit card.(=plastic)
常見字組搭配 (collocation): free of charge(=complimentary)→旅館篇特別介紹的complimentary breakfast免費早餐
補充:有時可與 fee 互換使用,例:legal charge/fee法律訴訟費, admission charge/fee入園/入場/入學費用, bank charge/fee
cost (n.): 較籠統的花費總稱,而昂貴的可以用costly/pricy來介紹
Costco常見的好事多購物中心,注意其發音之外,也有個有趣的背法,進去這個商場就會Cost你很多coco(小孩子很愛說的「錢錢」);而同學知道咖啡龍頭星巴克的英文由來嗎?Star(星星)+Buck(塊=dollar)s →希望企業賺的錢可以像星星般的無限多啊,可說是非常有企圖心的企業呢!
例句:I've calculated the cost of the trip to Europe, and it's over NT$300,000.
TOEIC熱愛考法:at the cost of…………=at the expense of以......為代價或犧牲
EX.: Dexter finally got the chance to work in the Swedish office at the cost of years of efforts without socializing with friends/family or taking a short break.
常見字組搭配 (collocation): high/low/full/total/extra cost, rising cost, at no extra cost,
Fare (n.):What's the fare from Lyon to Marseille by train?(請問從里昂到馬賽的火車票費用是多少呢?)上計程車前一定要告訴對方:By Meter(照錶跳)省得有糾紛喔!
搭乘交通工具的費用, 如車、船、飛機票。
例句:Brian didn't have enough changes for the bus fare, so he walked all the way home.中譯:大可愛布萊恩不夠零錢付公車車票,因此他就一路走回家。
→這個時候你就會非常想跟公車司機說"Have a heart!"or"God, Mercy me."請你發揮點良心,可憐可憐我吧!大概比較適合有靴貓眼的朋友來用。
常見字組搭配 (collocation): bus/air/rail/train/cab/taxi fare, reduced fare, standard fare補充:Fare 與 Fair 的發音相同,在英聽上要特別注意!
→老師用個句子讓大家好好背誦: The cab fare is not fair so that I would refuse to pay.(計程車費用太不合乎道理了,所以我拒絕支付。)
Fee (n.): 規定費用(跟百貨公司的不二價"Fixed Price"很像),ex.: parking fee
入場費、註冊費或某項專業服務, 如醫療、法律收取的費用。
每到一個國家我都會習慣去當地的博物館或文史館系列了解背景文化,這樣到各處都會有非常有連結感。記得到歐洲荷蘭英文童書展,只要是學校老師都能夠「專業人士」特惠價,但因為準備行程太匆促來不及申請相關文件,於是我就用非常動人的英文告訴對方"I traveled all the way here from Taiwan, an island full of hospitable residents and diverse cultures and I am on the mission of bringing the latest information and knowledge back to my hometown and school as the English teacher. Please bend the rule(打破慣例) for me once, and I will appreciate your help so much!"就這樣說之以理、動之以情,老師破例拿到了Concession Fee for Teachers=就是教職人員的特惠入場價格喔,法律之外也不外乎人情呢!例句:Sarah will definitely sue her previous company for not covering her health insurance fee and benefit package regardless of how high those legal fees will be.
中譯:不管訴訟費用有多貴,莎拉一定會告前公司沒有合法付給健保費和履行基本福利方案。常見字組搭配 (collocation): registration fee, membership fee
Price (n.): 也有付出「代價」的解釋喔!The price is really high.這代價是非常高的!
例句:To celebrate the grand opening, all items are half price for the opening week.
常見字組搭配 (collocation): high/low price, prices go up/rise/increase/soar, prices go down/fall/drop, prices fluctuate, a price rise/increase
Rate (n.): 會隨市場情勢波動(fluctuation)或淡旺季(low season/ peak season)有調整的費用。所以去到飯店網站上都有" Accommodation Rate"而不是Fee,老師有在飯店篇很詳細介紹囉!記得要好好複習內容,才能舉一反三。
例句:What's the rate for a double room on weekends?
常見字組搭配 (collocation): the going rate (一般市價), special/reduced rate, hourly/weekly rate
Fine (n.): 法律的罰金(或罰單),如果是判決下來的罰責可以說penalty。而如果是保釋金可以說:bail(n.)(v.)把某人保釋出去可以說:bail someone out
例句:George had to pay £100 in parking fines first before his car could be released from the car compound.
中譯:在 George 可以從拖車場取車前,他必須先繳清100英鎊違規停車的罰鍰。

Rent (v.)=lease (n.): 房屋的租金。【美】也可當其他租賃費用。
例句1:Brian pays his rent at the beginning of every month.
中譯1:Brian 每個月月初繳他的房租。
例句2:The boat is very popular, and the rent is only $20 an hour.
例句3:The total cost includes accommodation and car rental.(British English)

想必同學非常喜歡今天豐富的內容吧,把感人的書信好好唸過幾遍也可以提升自己的口說能力喔,當然也要把老師用心整理的內容讀熟,學習英文非難事只怕有心人(Where there is a will, there is a way.)!那我們下次再見囉!
