
英文原來這樣說(English is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

There Is Nothing Single About a Single Mom
Recently I took my two nieces to a movie by myself. The closest I've come to being a mom is being a babysitter, so I thought it would be a walk in the park. As it turns out, a three-hour adventure with two bouncy, sugar-infused, excitable, curly-haired little girls is anything but a walk in the park. More like a walk in the dark of "I don't know what I'm doing!" From wiping noses, to wiping bottoms, to making sure no one ate an entire box of gummy bears while I wasn't looking, to managing to hold two sticky and squirmy little hands while balancing water bottles, backpacks, stuffed animals, and giant bags of popcorn--flying solo with two little baby birds in the nest is no small feat. I walked away from that experience with a renewed respect for moms everywhere, especially single moms.
●The closet thing I've come to +V-ing對於我接觸….最類似的事情….
EX.:The closest thing I've come to being a teacher was tutoring my younger brother with math questions.
●Sugar-infused(a.)由糖分攝取所引起的,也有稱這種因為吃太多糖果而有的興奮反應為Sugar High。Infuse有注入的意思。
●anything but= exclude 不包含VS. nothing but=include包含
EX.:I want anything but money.(我什麼都要就是不要錢。)
EX.:I want nothing but money.(我什麼都不要就是要錢。)
●There is no small feat. 不小的壯舉, feat(n.)功勞或戰功。
●Renew(v.)更新; renewal of the driving license駕照更新 VS. revoke吊銷
My sister is not a single mom, and neither was my mom. They've been blessed to have husbands around to help carry the load. Still, after a long day of working, cleaning, cooking, defusing arguments, brushing hair, brushing teeth, bathing, and disciplining, and somehow finding five minutes a day to tend to their own needs, they are often physically and mentally drained. So I can't imagine how much more of a burden single moms must carry around on a daily basis, with the well-being and needs of one or more impressionable, innocent, trusting little people riding squarely on their shoulders. So to the single moms, I salute you.
But you put on quite a show, really had me going/But now its time to go, curtains finally closing/ That was quite a show, very entertaining/But its over now/Go on and take a bow/Oh, and the award for the best liar goes to you/For making me believe that you could be faithful to me/Let's hear your speech out/How about a round of applause?/A standing ovation?
You have likely never received a standing ovation, but you deserve one. You are the silent heroes. You are on the front lines of a long and hard-fought battle to raise strong, intelligent, healthy, moral, productive children. You put your own needs second without even pausing to think about it, and you take the small piece of cake (both literally and figuratively) so your little ones can have the bigger one every time without fail. You don't date anyone who can't handle a package deal because it's no longer just about you--you're thinking and living for two (or more). You face a million different challenges every single day, and you don't back down. You never even waver. You cry, but only when no one else can see. You hold the hardest and least-paid job there will ever be, and you do so without complaining. And when push comes to shove, you become a dad out of love. You are a doctor, a teacher, a nurse, a maid, a cook, a referee, a heroine, a provider, a defender, a protector, a true Superwoman. Wear your cape proudly.
●Standing ovation指表演讓全場觀眾感動到起身鼓掌的畫面
●On the front line站在最前線(通常是拿來比喻戰場中的士兵)→bear the brunt首當其衝;You are crossing the line你太過分了!
●Out of 出於…sympathy憐憫心/rage盛怒
●without fail可以達成(母親希望孩子可以開心吃到蛋糕而不會失望)
今天我們要講的習慣用語有一個共同的詞:push. 這個詞的意思是「推」。我們要學的第一個習慣用語是:push around. Push somebody around這個短語從字面解釋就是把一個人推得團團轉。你在學校的操場上有時會看到大男孩把小個子男孩當胸一推。他是在尋釁打架。我們也可以說: He's pushing him around. 不知有沒有人也在把你push around?你可能會說沒這回事,因為你已經不小了,但是push around並不光是指肢體行動或者動武,有時辦公室的上級不必動手也會把下級push around. 他的手段可能是高聲喝令,或者為了雞毛蒜皮的小事動不動就發脾氣等等。我們接下來要看的就是這樣一個例子:
例句1:I'm sick of Mr. Jones pushing us around. I'm going to find another job, and when I do, I'll go in and tell him what I think of him and then slam the door on my way out.他說:我實在討厭Jones先生這樣擺佈欺負我們。我要去找新工作,找到後,我會到他辦公室去告訴他我對他的為人有什麼看法,然後走出來的時候把他的房門重重地關上。聽了這段話裡,你可以體會push around有仗勢欺人的意思。我們要學的第二個帶有push這個詞的習慣說法是:pushover, Pushover是復合詞。Pushover是指容易接受他人影響或者聽從勸告的人。有時pushover也可能是個軟心腸又富有同情心的人。例如我們下面要說的Peter就是這樣一個人:
例句2:My friend Peter is a pushover for anybody in trouble. Yesterday on our way back from lunch he saw an old man begging. And he immediately handed him a ten-dollar bill.他說:我的朋友Peter對受苦的人心腸很軟,昨天我們吃了中飯回來的路上看到一個老人在乞討, 他馬上給了那老人十美元。從這段話可以看出pushover也可以解釋軟心腸的人。
我們要學的第三個習慣用語是:when push comes to shove. Shove, 它的意思是使勁猛推,舉動往往還帶點粗暴。我們剛才說過push意思只是「推」,顯然shove動作的強度要大得多,情況也來得嚴重。when push comes to shove意思就是面臨最後緊要關頭、沒有任何迴旋餘地的時刻。
例句3:Mr. Blank is getting a lot of letters and phone calls from people on this bill and he won't say how he'll vote. But when Congress votes Tuesday and push comes to shove, I think he'll vote in favor of it.他說:Blank先生收到了好多有關這個議案的信和電話,只是目前他還不願意表態,然而到星期二國會表決的時候他可就沒有絲毫迴旋餘地了。我認為他將投贊成票。
