
英文原來這樣說(English is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

每次同學收到老師的專欄都會非常地興奮,也很好奇老師怎麼在華語圈文化中自行保持對英文的接觸和學習?你有天天問自己「這句話英文要怎麼說」的習慣嗎?來到十字路口旁,看到「紅綠燈」,是否會立刻閃出Traffic Light;到了百貨公司除了映入眼簾的華麗專櫃,都會看到「手扶梯」上下行的運載乘客,此時Escalator也脫口而出;突然購物到一半,發現自己很想上洗手間,看到"Breastfeeding Room"就知道是「哺乳室」,而不會誤闖進去;晃到餐廳旁邊時,本來看到特價餐點裡面寫著"Fresh Prawn with Oyster"字樣,也想到「明蝦和生蠔」剛好自己會過敏,而安全地避開;準備回家的路上,天色漸漸暗下來,看著路邊的日本餐廳「排著人龍」,也可以大聲讚嘆"What a long queue / line";進門前,會在「玄關」脫下鞋子,也會說聲"Take off shoes at the foyer"的習慣;最後喊出"還是家裡最棒","There's no better place than a sweet home"。是不是感受到,生活俯拾皆是英文題材和學習內容呢?
本年度也有許多的國定連假活動,除了舟車勞頓和處處人擠人,駕駛最怕的應該就是"Backseat Driver"告訴你剛剛哪裡應該要先轉彎才可以避開車潮,不然就是剛剛速度太快差點撞到旁邊的貨車,甚至語帶威脅地說「我還是頭一次坐到這種技術欠佳的車子」,好似自己就是駕訓班的考照測驗員。這種老是喜歡在後方跋扈又碎念地指揮駕駛的人,就叫做「後座駕駛」(Backseat Driver)。可怕地是,大家通常都會不自覺地開始"車內指揮交通了!這可會大大影響駕駛的心情和安全,不可不慎喔!Brian老師也在教學環境中,常看到所謂的「直升機父母」(Helicopter Parents)會帶著興趣缺缺的孩子來上課或是一週七天都報滿許多才藝班(Talent class)深怕孩子輸在起跑點上擠不進名校的窄門,卻沒想到孩子已經身心俱疲(exhausted),更不用提是否能找到人生的"熱情"(Passion也可引申為一個人想從事的"職業")。其實不難想像父母的壓力,來自社會給予的期望和許多親朋好友的比較批評等等因素所導致的行為,但這樣「盤旋」(Hover)在孩子身邊的緊迫盯人模式,是否有真正關心到孩子的「心靈狀態」和「學習吸收效果」呢?其實讓孩子多參與各主題的短期營隊(Theme Camps)或是服務活動(Volunteer Activities),可以去觀察孩子的反應和學習狀況,這樣既可以又省時又省錢,還可以讓孩子在沒有壓力的環境下學習和自我成長(self-growth)。身為師長的角色是諮詢者(advisor)和推進器(facilitator),不應該是一味地指責(scold)和打壓(suppress),「鼓勵和肯定」(Encouragement and Recognition)是人在一生中能夠勇於追求卓越的重要能源喔!這也讓Brian老師想到閱讀過的近期國際週刊發表的一篇親子文章裡頭提到「捉迷藏」是極度危險的活動,也是提高很多孩子遇害的機會,所以甚至在不少國家紛紛提起禁止「捉迷藏 Hide And Seek」之際,引起許多的迴響和反對的聲浪,讓我們一起來看看這篇文章,關心你我的教育環境和正視生活中的大小事也歡迎大家跟老師分享你的看法喔!
Recently it was banned from a playground in England, the topic of a sex convict's confession in New Zealand, the subject of a child's funeral here in the United States and the reason for a 911 call in my own back yard. Can you guess what it is?
Hide and Seek. Yes, hide and seek.
In our era of parenting, there are two philosophies regarding children's interactions with the world that have seemingly emerged. Philosophy one views the world as a mostly safe place that we need to allow our children to freely experience and explore, and philosophy two views the world as a mostly dangerous place that we need to protect and shelter our children from. Then there are those who fall somewhere in the middle, parents who are aware of the dangers of the world but not fearful, and are concerned about their child's safety but not obsessed. I think those are the type of parents we should strive to be.在我們世代的教育觀,對於孩子如何和這個世界互動關係中的觀念慢慢的有了些雛型。有一派的看法認為:這是個安全的世界,我們應當讓孩子去自由體驗和探索其中奧妙;而另一派卻堅信:這世界處處充滿危機,我們要極力保護孩子和隨時提供避風港;持中立的人們懷著:身為家長應該是要注意到身處的危險但不需要草木皆兵,可以關心孩子的安全但不必過度煩憂。我認為以上的這三種想法都有可能是我們成為家長會面臨的選擇。
So whether you subscribe to philosophy one or two, whether your agree or disagree that games like hide and seek should be banned from school yard, or whether you see bad things as happening to children all the time or as a rarity, it's important to try to reach middle ground and address serious dangers around seemingly harmless things.或許你會想投票給第一種或第二種想法,無論你同意與否,捉迷藏是否應該在校園裡消失匿跡,或是你曾在聽聞關於一些發生在孩子身上的憾事,或認為這些只是個案罷了!最重要的是,可以慢慢的調整心態,朝比較重要但也不失關心這些看似無傷大雅卻有隱藏危機的活動。(小檔案:西方社會發現有許多孩童在大人可能沒注意的情況下,性侵犯或綁架犯就擄走了孩童,捉迷藏從孩提時期的美麗回憶瞬間變色成黑暗夢魘。)
Like hide and seek. Whether you advocate for playing hide and seek or not, there are principles of the game worth considering:
1.Hide and seek promotes secretive play. The nature of the game is to not tell anyone where you are and what you are doing.
2.Hide and seek asks children to hide and not come out. The nature of the game is to ask children to hide so they can't be found.
3. Hide and seek sends mixed messages. The nature of the game asks children to do what we've always told them not to.
4.Hide and seek requires mind skills young children may not have. The nature of the game requires you to differentiate between hiding for real and hiding for pretend play.
●Pronunciation Correction: Meanings(長短音)
1. A. The shop is red.
B. The shop is raided.
2. A. Please lend me some cash!
B. Taiwan is a picturesque land.
3. A. My daughters are now married!
B. There are only two doctors in the clinic.
4. A. You can't just walk a dog without a leash.
B. You should sign the lease contract.
5. A. After losing a few pounds, my pants get quite loose.
B.Lisa's husband is a total loser who never earned a penny home.
●Phrases: Worth Memorizing
1.G.P.S. always misguides the inexperienced drivers to the unknown places miles away from the destinations. 導航系統常誤導菜鳥駕駛開到離目的地十萬八千裡的地方去喔!
2.Please keep your volume down and refrain from talking on the phone so loudly that it really inconveniences others.請把你的音量降低,也盡量不要在電話中大聲交談,這樣影響到很多人。
3.It's easy to get a cramp without adequate amount of warm-ups before swimming.
4.Hey! This is an Indian gift from Joe who always expects others to return the favor when he fails to meet the deadline.
5.Most teenagers are exposed to thrilling video games so as to cause them to have short attention span when it comes to the schoolwork.
6.Sometimes we should learn to pamper ourselves by getting what we really want and hang out with people we haven't met for long.有時候我們要學著寵愛自己,藉由得到想要的東西和許久沒碰面的友人相聚。
7.Shanny has a hard time concentrating on Brian's lectures considering that she got the whole world to worry about.珊妮很難集中注意力在布萊恩的課堂上,因為她老是杞人憂天到不行。
8.Don't badmouth others behind them because it's undoubtedly shady and disgusting!不要背後說人壞話,這可是很陰險也很令人不齒的!
●Questions for Brainstorming:
A dumb man walked into the pharmacy and pointed his stomach for medicine and he got it. Question, now what should a blind man do to get the painkiller for a headache?
