
英文原來這樣說(English is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

夏日炎炎也是旅遊旺季(Peak Season for Tourism Industry),嚮往飄著海風和椰子樹搖曳的南島風情,草裙舞與傳統敲擊樂(Percussion Music)應和翩然起舞,望著天海一線的藍天白雲,腳下有調皮的(Mischievous)海浪搔弄著(tickle)、嬉戲地告訴你:快投入大海的懷抱吧!那種清涼瞬間消暑不說還讓遊客擔心起無法在看到這種美好該怎辦呢?老師的小小抒情(melodramatic)幻想詩篇就先打住為主!其實大家往往提著行囊(luggage)、握著護照(passport)登記證(boarding pass)時,內心其實心裡內心非常激動,既期待又怕受傷害,但往往同學最擔心就是要「護照查驗Passport Check」的時候,不知道機場的官員會問什麼呢?大家常跟我說:「台灣的海關都很NICE,可是遇到歐美國家人員就會緊張到說不出話!」其實同學剛剛的談話犯了一個錯誤。其實我們走進出境大廳(Departure Lobby)後,看到的是海關(Customs)人員,因為他們最常辦理的業務內容是:Declaration(申報貨物)、課以關稅(Tariff)、退稅(Tax-Refund/Tax-Back),內容可真是包羅萬象,甚至還要去檢查商港和各大船舶裝卸貨的港口,真是太厲害了(ADMIRABLE)!所以同學常看到的是『入出國及移民署官員』(簡稱移民官Immigration Officer),而他們的重要職責就是查驗護照和出入國(境)旅客的身分和是否有違法情節,可以和司法警察單位可以有效率地防堵有心人士,進行假證件入台、從事與許可目的不符之活動或工作、虛偽而通謀之假結婚或是否有從事暴力或恐怖組織或其活動進行。雖然目前社會經濟一片繁榮、安和樂利,相關單位也不敢鬆懈為國門把關,足以讓國人豎起大拇指,給三千六百個讚(Likes)可能都不夠喔!另外老師也對不分晝夜都要維護海邊是否有偷渡人口或是從事不法人口販運、毒品走私相關情事的行政院海岸巡防署(Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan)除了需要相當好的觀察力與專業判斷能力,可以做出及時的登船偵查、追捕闖入法定海域的飛行器、船舶、或其他運輸工具和依法執行許多困難的任務(如:查驗非法船舶與相關人員,擁槍自重的犯罪集團),如果沒有好的體能應變、處理工作中的潛在衝突和掌握先機,是非常難以保護國家海域和人民安全的!不論是上述的海關、移民署官員,以及海巡署人員,讓你我可以入出國順利平安,不用擔心其他可能影響安全的因素,真的很感謝這些執法人員,下次看到他們,可要記得用力地幫他們打打氣甚至大家可以考慮加入國家保護的一員,如果能參與這些UNSOUND HEROES(無名英雄)大家庭,真的是很令人景仰喔!
The 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review
In this report, we conclude that we will continue to adhere to(遵守)the five basic homeland security mission (內容請參照下方五點)set forth(提出) in the first Quadreenial Homeland Security Review report in 2010, but that these missions must be refined(重新定義) to reflect the evolving landscape不斷演變的新面象 of homeland security threats and hazards(危險). The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010(2010年漏油事情), Hurricane Sandy in 2012(2012桑迪颶風), and the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013(2013年波士頓馬拉松炸彈案) illustrate these evolving threats and hazards. We must constantly learn from them and adapt.
(A)Prevent Terrorism and Enhance Security預防恐怖主義(攻擊)及加強維安
(B)Secure and Manage Our Borders 保衛及管理國土邊境
(C)Enforce and Administer Our Immigration Laws加強執行和統籌指導移民法規
(D)Safeguard and Secure Cyberspace 鞏固和保全網絡系統
(E)Strengthen National Preparedness and Resilience增加國家防備機制和應變能力
The terrorist threat is increasingly decentralized and may be harder to detect. Cyber threats are growing and pose ever-greater concern to our critical infrastructure systems as they become increasingly interdependent. Natural hazards are becoming more costly to address, with increasingly variable consequences due in part to drivers such as climate change and interdependent and aging infrastructure.
Safeguard and Secure Cyberspace鞏固和保全網絡系統
We must, over the next four years, continue efforts to address the growing cyber threat, illustrated by the real, pervasive, and ongoing series of attacks on our public and private infrastructure. This infrastructure provides essential services such as energy(能源), telecommunications(通訊系統), water(水源), transportation(交通運輸), and financial services(金融設施) and is increasingly subject to sophisticated cyber intrusions(精密網路攻擊滲入) which pose new risks. As the Federal Government's coordinator(互相協調聯繫) of efforts to counter cyber threats and other hazard to critical infrastructure.
However, the trade and travel system is also susceptible to(受到…影響) threats and hazards. When air and maritime travel (航空或海上旅遊)into and within the United States was halted(喊停) in the immediate aftermath of the attacks of Spetember11, 2001, the resulting disruptions (干擾)had tremendous(極大的) negative impacts on our economy. Short-term supply chain disruptions due to port strikes and natural disasters have also impacted flows of cargo(貨物流通). Cascading events, such as the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan that led to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster(福島核災事件)and the temporary idling of auto plants in the United States, demonstrate(指出) the potential for significant(巨大影響的) disruption to the lawful trade and travel system. The increased movement of people and goods across our borders provides many opportunities but also provides more places for illegal goods(違禁品), unauthorized migrants(非法移民), and threats to hide, illicit materials, threats, and hazards may cross or between our ports of entry deliberately (蓄意地)or inadvertently(不經意地).
Transnational criminal organizations(跨國集團) reply on revenues(收入)generated through the sale of illegal drugs and counterfeit goods(偽造物品), human trafficking(人口販運), and smuggling(人蛇走私), and other criminal activities(犯罪活動). These organizations continue to expand in size, scope and influence and are capitalizing on(利用…來營利) technological innovation, including new plate-forms(平台) to sell illicit goods, innovative(創新的) ways of moving money, tools for coordinating operations(整合營運系統), and a variety of other criminal and cyber activities. Transnational criminal organizations are gaining strength(勢力增強) by taking advantage of the same innovations in management and supply chain(生產線) structures that are propelling(推進促進) multinational corporations.(多國企業化經營)
Nationals shall be banned from exiting the ROC if they:
1. Have been sentenced to punishments of imprisonment or greater after exhaustion of their appellate rights and have not served or have not completed the term of the sentence;
2. Have been wanted or have been restricted from exiting the ROC by the civilian or military juridical authorities;
3. Have been strongly suspected, on the basis of sufficient factual evidence, of endangering national security or social stability;
4. Have been strongly suspected of being involved in rebellion or treason and have been restricted from exiting the ROC at the request of the authorities concerned;
5. Have been strongly suspected to be involved in major economic crimes or major criminal cases and have been banned from exiting the country at the request of the authorities concerned;
6. Have yet to perform military service except for having been permitted to exit the ROC in accordance with law; or
