
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

「寫作固定開頭和結尾要怎麼寫?」、「一週內就改掉講英文的口音?」、「口說練習時真的不用想文法,拚命說不會積非成是嗎?」、「到底要單字先還是要閱讀先?」。這些問題萬變不離其宗(All roads lead to Rome),在學習五個歐洲語言系統的經驗告訴我,先學習該語言的:【語調】,learning the techniques of the intonation可以幫助抓到使用語言的情緒,當然你之後學習累積的字彙就可以更讓native speaker or language learner理解,才不會疑問還是肯定讓對方霧煞煞;再來,以學習【字彙】角度來看,不管是語言檢定考照或是自學興趣出發,都應該要以實用和貼近生活化為主,因為就算是聽力和閱讀不至於考到艱澀的範疇,或太過於抽象的概念,小秘訣:盡量從自我感興趣話題下手,每天準備五句生活職場常用句,呼吸間都是在學習狀態的話,要進步非難事;語言最開頭的【聽力】只要是生活中的交談、臉書上的社團交流PO文、音樂頻道平台或YOUTUBE影片分享內容,都應該是大家可以做為互相轉換和消遣的學習方式(即是不要用單一方式或教材學習,才增加廣度和深度,也可同時印證自己所學知識是實用的!),等車時間或是通勤交通發呆(chilling during transits),都可以來段TED TALK的深入淺出演講,讓自己在短短的時間內也能吸收豐富卻又集中度強的單字群組,效果加倍。
你在看我嗎?從生活來【看】用字,妳知道什麼情況要用watch? Look at?
1. The passengers are _怒視_ the smoker on the platform.
2. A girl is _快速瀏覽_ the latest issue of Fashion Weekly.
3. Mary is the only girl Brian adores as we __注視_ the beauty of stars in the sky.
4. The man by the door kept _直直瞧著_ me as if there's some stain on my face.
5. In the evening, the library is full of students who _專注地看_ their reference books.
★ watch (v.)觀賞→bird-watching(n.)賞鳥→watch pedestrian pass by看路人走過。
★ see(v.)看到→My neighbor saw me jog in the park.我鄰居看到我在公園慢跑。
& see a movie 通常是到電影院觀賞V.S. watch a movie在電視(腦)或手機上觀賞居多→theater(=theatre)真人演出圓形劇場和movie theater電影院不同喔!
★stare at (v.phr.)直瞧著, EX.: Whenever she strolled along the street, Helen couldn't help but stare at those gorgeous dresses on window display.
★glare at (v.phr)怒視著, EX.: Why are you glaring at like that? Did I do something wrong?
★take a glimpse of匆匆一瞥, EX.: Pushed by time, I usually just took a glimpse of those products on the shelves at the duty-free shops before proceeding to the boarding gate. Therefore, you cannot blame me for not buying you anything on my way home.
★gaze at(v.)凝望, EX.: In New Zealand, college students take to lying on the grass, gazing at the shimmering full moon.
如果是想要進入進階篇的朋友,不如挑選市面上由小說所翻拍電影的文本,書店裡也會有暢銷書排行榜,不管是正面勵志類、驚悚謀殺、靈異恐怖、溫馨感人或愛情雋永的題材都有,老師建議可以先讀過書背的大意簡介,認為題材本身還算能接受,就可以進入書本的部分,試著去閱讀三頁左右,如果能夠抓到八成意思和七成的單字量,成為原文小說的起點。同學可以拿短篇集結的小說,不然人物角色複雜和時空錯置容易搞混。另外創作才子韋禮安,不僅僅誠懇深情的歌聲擄獲歌迷的心,在學識上也是有台大外文系的加持光環,也在近日分享自己在閱讀一本由電影控制Gone Girl同位作者Gillian Flynn另一驚悚力作Dark Places,講述主人翁在目睹滅門血案後,直指自己的親生哥哥就是殺人兇手,但隨著時光荏苒,當年的證詞好像也出現了動搖,到底這牽連一整個社區的可怕案件,是怎麼開始?又是怎麼影響到二十多年後的他們?一連串的蝴蝶效應全然展開,千萬不要關燈喔!?需要刺激題材才能勾起興趣的朋友,不失為一個好機會來探索本年度暢銷作家的精心勾勒出人性最幽暗的角落吧。
學習當中使用許多的聯想法來加深印象,歷史年代用口訣,數學公式反覆套用,甚至國文水調歌頭也要邊唱邊背,實境圖像或諧音方式可以從input輸入方面:1.聽覺(影音朗讀)2.視覺(圖卡影像)3.觸覺(書寫文字)等轉換媒介讓學習內容多方輸入,更可以加深學習經驗和未來的output輸入效果(聽寫能力展現)。但往往在需要英語溝通的場合中,不難發現國人在交談的理解上並沒有太困難的地方,但回應的句子結構顯得太過於矯情或是冗長過頭,過多的贅字造成溝通阻礙。R:Redunduant冗長表達 C:Concise精簡表達
1. 我女兒從和不同國家的交談可以得到很大的樂趣,這也是她決定要報考成為一名空服員的理由。
R: My daughter takes great pleasure in talking to people from all around the world and that's why she decided to apply for a position for flight attendant.
C:My daughter takes to interacting with people abroad , which explained why she determined to be a flight attendant.
不僅僅把句子濃縮,也利用了強而有力的片語take to + V-ing/N/Np(對某事物產生興趣),
R: It's clear that my company needs more workers for helping share the heavy workloads. After the morning briefing, we would consider hiring more staff to accomplish the project as anticipated.
C: Our firm, apparently, is understaffed in terms of more workloads. Recruiting more staff is a must for pulling off the project as requested.
許多夢想要出國留學或工作,甚至要技術移民的朋友們,對於口說測驗的部分一直相當的畏懼。也有程度達到英檢中高級的學生會反映出自己的焦慮感,深怕自己的口音不符合評分老師的青睞,還是錄音效果品質欠佳導致失分,更或者是臨場反應沒有平常練習來得嫻熟或流暢。其實大家都多慮了,托福口說內容其實是從淺而深的去進行;個人生活經驗→文化議題討論→留學生活衝擊→大學校園規範→課堂主題學習及思辨→未來生活展望和發展。這些就囊括了托福口說最常出現的題型與範圍,也是許多要追求專業進階訓練的台灣學生們要克服的內容。不必去杞人憂天,要懂得人定勝天。一分耕耘,一分收穫,才是真理。接下來,老師要把平時就在口說課程中,其中練習的口說句型和高分範例來跟各位分享囉!不過要請大家看到以下這個題目,請自己利用20秒的時間寫下看法,順便待會對照老師的口說回答邏輯,看看有什麼出入,可以怎麼做修正,這樣就不難達到事半功倍的效果囉!Let's get the ball rolling and brace yourself for the thought-provoking challenge!
{Practice}:Question : Individual Preferences and Details
Some college students choose to take courses in a variety of subject areas in order to get a broad education. Others choose to focus on a single subject area in order to have a deeper understanding of that area. Which approach to course selection do you think is better for students and why?
Please quickly select the preferred option and conjure up some ideas to justify your statements.
1.When it comes to + N/Np/V-in, I do hold some personal perspectives toward them. And I am in favor of _____(the idea)________當提到____相關議題,我本身確實想主張一些觀念和想法。對於本題,我對____持支持意見。
2.Speaking of _______, it has been considered quite a predicament for many.
I, personally, support ______________.
3. From my own perspectives, it is such a complicated issue but I will emphasize the importance of _____________.
&Supproting: 內容支持句( at least two clear reasons)
1.I am convinced that ___A___ will outweigh ___B____ in terms of......
2. Furthermore….,/ Additionally,../ To be more specific, if I were______,
I would totally take __________ because_________________.
& Conclusion: 精采結尾(Repeat the main ideas)
1.Briefly speaking, the core value of ____(idea)_____ is_____________which I favor most.
2. Therefore, _____(idea)________________ wins my heart.
3. Consequently, the advantage of ___(idea)______ seems more reassuring to me.
Apparently, though it might seem profound to detail it, everything has its own pros and cons.
(Introduction): Be clear about your idea
I, personally, hold some individual perspectives towards this issue, for which I am in favor of the idea of taking courses in a wide variety of subject areas.
1.(personal experience)
During schooldays, we've been exposed to various subjects in respective field of knowledge in order to identify our passion for life.
2.(why dislike the other option)
If I only took one single subject area, I might lose the broad vision and couldn't see things in a comprehensive manner.
3.(In-depth analysis : Scenario)
To meet the requirement of the modern job market, a college graduate could hardly land a decent job without branching out to other skills or relevant knowledge. In short, your opportunity of seeking jobs will be limited.
1.The time is different now and as a modern citizen I do figure that taking courses in many subject areas will outweigh the idea of taking only a single subject area.
2.Preparing myself with more chances and equipping myself with more professions for the future are a must.
