
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

The Best Lesson I've Learned in Life(人生學到最慘痛的教訓)
1. A decade ago, I had done something I have felt regretful since then.
One of my best friends from China told me he's totally money-strapped and desperate for cash after having lost great sum of money in gambling games.
What's worse, he was threatened that his life would be at stake if he failed to make the payment he owned the private casino owner.(十年前,我做了一件讓自己後悔莫及的事情。有個從中國來的好朋友告訴我,他因為在賭局裡輸了一堆錢,導致現在阮囊羞澀而且被錢逼到絕境了。屋漏偏逢連夜雨,如果無法付清倩私人賭場的債務,他生命安全就會有顧慮。)
2. By the urgency in his tone, I could tell it should have been quite a critical issue which must have been tackled in a timely manner. Considering the emphasis on the time-sensitive and life-threatening extortions with the interests of the debt rolling bigger and bigger, there's no way I could say no in his face and whoever was in my position would have done the same thing. Yes, I did lend him some money euqalivalent to NT$ 100,000 to rescue him from all the hunting and chasing of the loan shark.(從他說話的急迫性,我可以判斷這一定是緊急到要馬上處理的事情。考慮到這有時效性而且會威脅到他的生命安全又利滾利的債務,我怎麼可以能拒絕他,而且如果你是我,你肯定會做出一樣的決定。是的,我借他台幣十萬塊來償還這些殺人不眨眼的地下錢莊,救他脫離苦海。)
3.Even though we still kept in touch with each other for a couple of months, he suddenly disappeared and afterwards changed his cell number without any earliler notices or hints. I tried to hold my horse and instead got from worries to anxiety because all my friends and family around told me I totally fell for his tricks. Little did I know that human can stoop so low as to lie to your best friend and take advantange of his/her trust after the year-long relationship.(雖然我們還是有保持聯絡好幾個月,但他突然人間蒸發也沒有任何通知,而且還換了手機號碼根本打不通。我試著不要這麼焦急,但我身邊的親友都說我真的被他的伎倆騙了,這才讓我的擔心變成嚴重焦慮了。我根本不相信世界上有這種人會墮落到要欺騙多年的好友和長久以來建立的信任度。)
4. All in all, I've learned from the hard way: Money can spoil any forms of relationships and being innocent will do me no good.(總之,我學了很大的教訓:金錢往來往往讓關係都變質了,傻傻好天真並不是件好事!)
*English Phrases and Expressions*就是要你好好說英文<好英文就是要說第二遍!ENGLISH BOOT-CAMP>
S:Student T: Teacher
S:I hope my boyfriend can be really humorous and talk-active in socials.
T:The sense of humor and engagement in conversations with friends are the qualities an ideal boyfriend requires.
S:I find it frustrating to socialize with others sincerely because they gave me some fake responses.
T:It happens. Sometimes the feedback we've received was not as genuine as anticipated. [But what we can do is being more accommodating and forgiving, and that'll make us feel better.但我們能做的就是要多包容多寬恕,這會讓我們自己比較好過。
S:In my free time, I always contribute a lot to the church by working as a volunteer bringing friends to our gatherings.
T:I've been dedicated to church services as a volunteer who welcomes friends with open arms.
S:The nose from the construction down there was so noisy that I almost went crazy.
T:The construction noise downstairs was really annoying and it really got on my nerves.
5. 我今天感覺棒極了,因為我暑假不用去上課了!
S:I feel good today because I don't have to go to school during summer vacation.
T:I feel fabulous because I have no school during summer break.
S:It's really hot outside and I would like to stay at home than go to work.
T:The heat out there is almost unbearable and I would love to stay put rather than leave for work.
S:This creative writing is very excellent from the words used.
T:This creative composition is considered excellent in terms of wording.
S:I don't feel about drinking a cup of coffee right now.
T:I don't feel like drinking coffee right now.=Not in a mood for coffee now.
S: I am so full that I cannot eat pizza anymore. Thanks.
T: I just cannot take another bite of the pizza. Thanks.
S:Thanks for taking the book back which I dropped in the library a few days ago.
T: I really appreciate your help of bringing me back the book I lost the other days.
Recently, some love-struck(為情所困的) friends will come to me for their dwelling on the past romance and suffering which they've seemed quite vulnerable(無能為力的)There's no such rule or regulation to specify that you should stop giving, loving, or cherishing the relationship. Instead, most people simply have the wild goose chase around someone who didn't even bother take a glimpse of (無意間看到)him/her.
I am not the love expert or the witch cooking some magic portion in the cauldron turning your fantasy to reality. The truth is that I used to one of you, weeping on the roadside when the person at the other end of the phone breaking up with me in a seemingly dead and indifferent tone as if we were never ever being together. And it's lovely to quote Ms. Taylor Swift's hit single" We will never ever get back together" as the reference of my last relationship with the date now fully carrying out her dream in France in pursuit of(追求追尋) her dream and we both find it awkward to reconnect each other after all the years of zero contact, but affection for each other still lingers there I bet.(or just the thinking on my side) Remember this: It's nothing RIGHT or WRONG to fall in love or have a crush on someone as long as you won't literally jump on the your prey like most vicious and blood-craving(嗜血的) creatures in the concrete jungles.
Tip :You're supposed to move out of the apartment as soon as possible if that unit is not in possession of your ownership. It's better to not leave some traces of your garments in the shared closet or the washroom. You know it will kinda make the other's new life get off a rough start,right? Having a heart for your ex could have impressed him/her with your conscience and caring thoughts as you decided to put an end to this relationship. It will definitely be OVER like the way it sounds. Again, clean up and pack your belongings, it's an official closure between you two but between Tyra Bank and those dramatic models in American Next Top Model, not as fierce as it should have been. Crying out his name in the pouring rain is like putting on a good show(自導自演的劇碼) which you are the only person to give the standing ovation while the rest remains numb. Poor you, my dear. You should pull yourself together(振作起來)and don't cling to the horrible emotions which make you a monster you could recognize anymore. Take a look of your reflection in the mirror, you deserve a better life with your glamour shining and dazzling the crowds around. You are never alone in the category of Heart-Broken or it's likely to key in some words like " Why do I end up being a loser since I've been working so hard to be a giver with nothing in return?", " How to train your lover with more appreciation or at least gratitude in the slightest(至少表示一點感激)?", or even worse the " The best way of turning a lost relationship back to your life?" Dear, those messages you might find pathetic because you are making yourself so. Okay, I am fully aware I might sound cruel, but no one should spend months, or years in self-pity while the one you clung to now is leading a new life with new company in a new city. AND THERE'S NO SIGN OF YOUR IMPROVEMENT in mental growth or getting more sophisticated in some challenges.
1.There're millions of people in the washroom and I cannot wait for one more second. 洗手間那裡擠到水洩不通,我根本等不下去了。
2.If it weren't for John's help, my laptop would totally crash now.要不是當時約翰幫忙,我的筆記型電腦或許就報廢了。
3.My children are glued to the TV over the weekends and don't show a sign (有......跡象)of fatigue at all.我的孩子一到周末就整個佔住電視不放,好像精力無窮。
4.Due to the severe snow storm, most vehicles are dead on the road with frozen engines.由於大風雪的緣故,讓許多車輛的引擎故障而在路上拋錨了。
5.It takes you like forever to get ready before going out, what exactly are you doing there?你每次出去前都要弄了老半天,到底在忙什麼啊?
6.The genesis of this whole accident was the physical confrontation.這整件意外的源頭就是肢體衝突。
7.A:Dear, I can totally eat a horse now after three-hour meeting.
B:Hey, hold your horse. Didn't you just determine to lose some weight?
8.The flood of shoppers made the beeline to the department stores in the anniversary sale, which looks as if the hungry crowd rushed to the canteen after class.這波百貨週年慶的人潮鎖定目標往前衝,看起來真像下課後餓很久衝到食堂的學生。
9.OMG! Mom and dad are coming back tonight. They will be so mad seeing all these people trashing our house at the party. God, please don't rain on my parade.真不敢相信!我爸媽今晚要回來了,他們要是看到這些來家裡狂歡作亂的朋友會氣瘋掉。天啊!你不要這樣毀了我的派對呀。
10.Trista reminded me of the imminent job interview next month and told me to level with the interviewer without exaggerating too much about myself.崔斯塔提醒我下個月的工作面談,還告訴我要跟面試官誠實應答,千萬不要誇大其詞。
One day after work, a clown wearing green suspenders and floppy red shoes stopped at a red light on his scooter. While he was waiting for it to turn green, a new Crovette pulled up next to him. The clown had ever seen a Corvette before, so he looked inside, which bothered the driver. When the light turned green, the Crovette burned rubber as he left the intersection. To the driver's surprise, the clown was still right behind him. The driver then shifted into sixth gear and stepped on the gas. When he looked in his rearview mirror, the clown was still right there. Shocked, the driver pulled off the side of the road, " Great job, you won the race," the driver said. " What race?" the clown asked, " I was just trying to get m suspenders of your side-view mirror."你知道台灣的特色小吃有哪些?你知道台灣哪讓外國遊客留下特別印象?台灣髮廊洗頭文化和釣蝦場竟讓波登主廚大吃一驚嗎?In another episode, Bourdain touches down in a familiar spot, the famed Keelung Night Market. There, he experiences some of Taiwan's local foods such as an oyster omelet(蚵仔煎), and also samples some of the port city's other famous seafood." No matter where Bourdain goes, he peppers his conversations with brutally honest remarks (殘酷誠實的評論) about the city and culture he is surrounded by. With Bourdain, the only things that are sugarcoated as the desserts. For those who love food, travel, and truthful comedy, The Layover 2 is just what the doctor ordered.
