
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

自從韓劇「藍色生死戀」在亞洲爆紅後,男男女女都萌發愛戀的情愫,也渴望有「來自星星的你」的都敏俊教授來搭救,可以擺脫一成不變的生活;同時,也可以擁有「屋塔房上的世子」穿梭時光的永恆承諾,暖男風潮再現,總是想終結單身卻又天人交戰(war with oneself)是否該這麼快把自己交給另一半,"沒關係這是愛情啊!"。從青澀校園時期,許多人都憧憬(fantasize)著浪漫的戀情和甜蜜時光,印象中大家會選擇到山上欣賞夜空星光滿佈(The sky is scattered with stars.);到電影院感動主角的深情不悔;到夕陽絕美的海邊踏著細沙,雙雙緊靠的足跡,好像就會這樣一直走下去。以上的微美場景彷彿撥放著無限回憶,當初的山盟海誓猶然在耳。
每當情人節(Valentine's Day)到,花價突然供不應求(Demand is higher than supply)又水漲船高時,就會讓單身的朋友默默竊喜(smirk),但同時又發現許多餐廳在這特別的節日不提供"單身用餐",於是在人類世界裡就發明出的"太閃了"相關表達,甚至朋友在社群網路貼上情侶照,大家會直接說" 給我墨鏡,閃到看不到路了。" 在歐洲國家,情侶在街上公然擁抱(cuddle)、親吻,都不用太大驚小怪(make a fuss),因為這種"閃給大家看"的態度是從小父母就相當地開明,而且認為"天天說愛"是很重要的事情,如果老公上班出門前沒跟太太說" I love you, babe."回家可能就要跪"漢堡"了(Just kidding!)
Hey, Take a look at them! They are displaying affection to each other publicly.
1.展示物件:The jewelry is on display on the shelves. (珠寶在架上展示中) ;2. 展示能力:This athlete has displayed incredible strength in freestyle stroke. (這位運動員在自由式項目展現驚人表現。而同學天天盯著3C的螢幕就是display screen!)
※同學在信中提到:老師之前提過看電影要用go " SEE" the movie,可是在自修國外影集的時候,外國人會跟其他用手機的觀眾說"Excuse me, could you turn off the phone, we are trying to WATCH the film here."所以到底要用SEE還是WATCH?
<解答>同學說得都是對的,看電影是"前往的動作",故使用"go see the movie",在只要進去電影院觀賞"大銀幕"就等著是"在家裡"觀看的同樣行為,我們就會用"watch the film/movie"。所以如果你要表達:「我這週五去了電影院看電影。」可以這麼說:「I went to see the movie this Friday./ I watched a film at the cinema(=movie theater)。」如果第二句沒有特別說明地點,外國朋友也可能會錯意"是在家裡觀看"的喔!請同學多多注意用法和表達的時機點。
To my disbelief, that couple was French-kissing there. Please, GET A ROOM!
(這邊用到belief的異義字disbelief,甚至妳可以用"Over My Dead Body"『太扯了啦!要是我沒親眼看到我絕對不信) 。而如果你用到了"Get A Room"那可就是只對方在大庭廣眾之下實在親暱到有點有礙觀瞻,讓你非常地不舒服,只好低吼一聲:「可以去旅館開房間嗎?」,這很明顯帶有負面( negative)和挑釁( provocative)的語氣喔!所以,如果你膽敢當著別人前面說這句話,接著就是"腳底抹油",瘋狂揮起手刀逃命吧! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! 』
Is Starbucks Coffee of Better Quality?星巴克咖啡較為優質?
When Starbucks launched, there were not very many places in the US where you could get espresso-based coffee like Lattes or Cappuccinos. this was a big part of Starbucks' novelty.當星巴克咖啡推出時,在全美提供以濃縮咖啡基底的飲品(像是拿鐵或卡布奇諾)的商店其實並不多,這也是星巴克出奇制勝的一步。
Starbucks takes pride in their own roast, which is darker than most coffee shops - in between normal roast and French (espresso) roast which results of more of the oils coming out of the bean and caramelizing but also slightly more bitter taste. Just recently Starbucks started selling its blond roast, which offers a more traditional flavor.星巴克以自身的烘焙風格為榮,比市面上販售的咖啡更濃郁,介於一般烘焙和法式烘焙(濃縮咖啡),可以逼出更多的油脂和呈現焦糖化狀態,帶有略微苦口感。就在近期販售了黃金烘焙,可以在飲用時享受純粹香氣。
BLONDE ROAST黃金烘焙系列咖啡豆!共有兩種新口味-星巴克閑庭綜合(Veranda)和輕柳綜合(Willow)咖啡豆。
Coffee Experience is more Important than Actual Coffee Quality.
1.Coffee Buying Experience. Howard Shultz (Starbucks Founder) spent a lot of effort not only in the beverage itself but in the entire coffee buying experience.
This is why Starbucks locations around the world consistently have a good atmosphere, indirect lighting, relaxing music in the background, great aromas, and friendly 'baristas'.
This is also why their coffee has unique names. At Starbucks you don't order a simple black coffee, you order a Pike Place blend venti. Rites, names and processes are important part of customer experience.這也是他們提供的咖啡都有個特殊的名稱。在星巴克你不會用"黑咖啡"來點,而是用大杯派克調和。這樣儀式般的過程、點出咖啡名稱和整體過程都是消費經驗的重要環節。註明:星巴克位於西雅圖的創始店就在Pike Place Market ( 派克市場 ) 內,連圖騰商標都不同於目前所見的!
2. Personal Reward . Psychologists believe a big part of Starbucks' success comes from the desire to reward yourself. Before a long day of work, you deserve to treat yourself to a nice Grande Cappucino. It's a little daily splurge that most people can afford.
2.獎勵自我: 心理學者相信星巴克的成功源自於獎勵自我的慾望。一天辛勞工作前,你是該好好招待自己一份大杯卡布奇諾。這點每日振奮劑算是普羅大眾還能買得起的。
Behavioral psychologist Dan Ariely has proven how our brain tricks us into enjoying things more if we believe they are better. This means that even if the coffee at Starbucks is not actually scientifically better than the average coffee, the combination of the brand, the experience and your belief that it is probably better makes your brain actually taste it as better coffee and enjoy it more than an average coffee. This is why blind tests are important, because your taste buds will go with your brain bias.
In other words, perception is reality.行為心理學者丹已經證實我們的大腦會欺騙自己去更享受某些事物,只因為我們相信那是較好的抉擇。這也意味著即使從實質檢驗來看星巴克的咖啡並不超越其他品牌咖啡,但因為品牌、飲用感受,和你認為星巴克就是比較好喝的信念的種種原因結合後,你的大腦就會感受到嚐起來的味道就是比其他咖啡品牌更加美好。這也是盲飲很重要的原因,因為你的味蕾會跟著你的大腦偏見而有所改變。(此份報告指出在盲飲測試感受各牌咖啡飲品後,測試員表示麥當勞和多那滋的咖啡飲品部分評價高出他牌許多。)
3. Familiarity - When you are running to work, and you need your morning Joe, it is hard to think about multiple coffee shops, evaluate them and decide on one. The default answer to 'morning coffee' is 'Starbucks'. This is the power of branding and positioning.
When you are in a different city, going to Starbucks is lower risk: you know the coffee is OK (at least, or at least you think that), you know what to expect, you know they probably also have pastries and other items you may be looking for. It is a decision with lower risk than going to an unknown place that may or may not have good coffee.當你在不同城市,走進星巴克可以承擔比較小的風險:因為你知道那裡提供的咖啡是有一定水準的,你也可以預料買到的產品狀況,也不難想像那邊有著哪些餐點或其他選擇項目你可以先行決定。這樣一來,這個低風險的決定就會比去不知名的地方點咖啡來得安全,也不會去輕易踩到地雷。
So no, Starbucks does not have better coffee, but it will taste better for you if you believe it. I drive an extra 5 minutes to get to the best coffee I can find, but I am as susceptible to my brain driving and my emotions driving my buying decisions as anyone else.所以,星巴克的咖啡並非優於其他品牌,這是不用懷疑的。但如果它喝起來比較美味也是因為你如此深信著!當然我也可以多花個五分鐘開去我所知道較好的地方買咖啡,但我的大腦驅使著我的心情,進而也影響了我的購買意願,最後就像其他人一樣又走進了星巴克。
