
新聞英文解析 兵役延長至一年與大學3+1方案

作者: 麋鹿兒。

A conscription policies returning the mandatory service period to one year are announced by President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文)."The decision is a difficult one, but as the head of the military, it is an inevitable responsibility for the continued survival of Taiwan,"she said.



Starting in 2024 as part of an updated national defense plan, conscription is to be restored to one year for all men born after Jan.1,2005. The starting salary for conscripts would be increased to NT$26,307 from NT$6,510 to ensure they earn enough to cover their basic daily expense; however, with the army to provide NT$5,987 to cover meals and insurance, the disposable income portion of the salary would be NT$20,320 per month.

作為更新後的國防計劃的一部分,從 2024 年開始,所有 2005 年 1 月 1 日之後出生的男性的服役時間將恢復為一年。應徵入伍者的起薪將從新台幣 6,510 元提高至新台幣 26,307 元,以確保他們的收入足以支付基本的日常開支;不過,軍方提供新台幣 5,987 元用於伙食和保險,工資中可支配收入部分為每月新台幣 20,320 元。


Now that the government has extended the mandatory conscription from four months to one year , the Ministry of National Defense recently announced its "3+1" plan, which lets university students complete four years of study credits within three years so that they can use the remaining year for military service.



By the so-called "3+1" plan which will be rolled out this year in September, the students who do their military training can complete their studies faster and finish at the same time as their peers who don't do military training and will be able to gain a bachelor's degree after three years, rather than the standard four. Under the new system, they would avoid postponing plans to enter the job market owing to the longer military service requirement.


*roll out:(v.)推出(新產品、服務等);實行(新制度);開展
*bachelor's degree:(n.)學士學位
☆bachelor有單身漢的意思,但是在學位上指的是大學畢業拿到的學士學位,而碩士學位是bachelor's degree,碩士學位是Master's degree,而博士學位是doctor's degree。

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education is in talks with local universities and colleges to develop ways to make the higher-education curriculum more flexible and has also loosened regulations relating to undergraduate studies; therefore, the conscripts can complete their required one year of service while studying.


*now that:(adv.)既然
☆英文稱大學生為undergrad student 或undergraduate student,而碩士生為gradstudent 或 master's student,博士生則為PhD student。

The related policies including relaxing rules, such as raising maximum amount of study credits allowed per semester, loosening application requirements for summer school, and increasing the maximum amountsof credits allowed to be taken at partner universities will take effect in September for new freshmen.

*partner university:(n.)姐妹校
*take effect:(v.)生效

The Education Ministry will subsidizeeach public tertiary institution NT$60,000 per student who choose to take on special projects relating to their military service and each private one NT$120,000 for reducing teaching costs ; universities and the colleges assisting future conscripts to create summer courseswith any resulting funding gapswould be subsidized as well.


*take on:(v.)接受;承擔
