
International Master of Public Art Created Masterpieces for Kinmen

作者: 譯者:Walker;校正:Patti。


There are also public art(1) works created by a well-known artist, Idea Chu(朱魯青) in Kinmen! If you have ever visited Kinmen Cultural Park, you must have been impressed by public display of art works. These three masterpieces in the Park which are named "Kinmen Fly Up," "There are Fishes in Kinmen"(May Kinmen has more than it wishes for.) and "Kinmen Fly Across (to the future)" were created by Idea Chu, an international master of public art. If you want to take a walk during Chinese New Year, maybe you can visit Kinmen Cultural Park and have an extraordinary art experience.

Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County mentioned that Idea Chu attempts to combine five episodes(2) which included "Historic Kinmen," "War in Kinmen," "Peace in Kinmen," and "Culture in Kinmen", with his ambitions-"Traditional Kinmen," "Kinmen, The Cultural and Creative Development Base," "Developing the County Based on the Culture," and "Innovative(3) Tourism." With the combination of the above elements, Idea Chu integrates the traditional image of Kinmen Cultural Park with the allegory(4) of culture and originality,(5) to create a cultural symbol of the fusion of modern and traditional. Idea Chu has designed almost every famous amusement park in Taiwan, including Ya-ge Garden, Dragon Valley Paradise, Da-le Park, Lamay Island Park; Maolin National Park, and Kaohsiung 228 Peace Memorial Park, etc. All these parks carry the same theme, that is, "Men are great for the dreams they have."

■1. public art-(n)公共藝術。即陳列、置放在公共空間的藝術作品。
■2. episode-(n)整部作品中的某個插曲。
■3. innovative-(adj.)創新的。
■4. allegory-(n)象徵;寓意。
■5. originality-(n)創意;新穎、奇特;創新。


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