
Editorials Seeking For Aura Of Kinmen

作者: 譯者:黃怡真;校正:Patti。


Over the years, one begins to wonder if the mood reversed or the feeling of the New Year really became insipid.(1) Regarding the New Year Festival in Kinmen, there appears to be no profound memories in mind.

Some say it is not that the aura(2) of the New Year became insipid, but rather the impression of Kinmen has become blurred.

Then, what is the real aura of Kinmen? What is the real unique landscape of Kinmen? To think thoroughly, the battlefield relics scattered around Kinmen Island possibly might be the key that makes the difference among Kinmen, Taiwan and China. Actually, they truly are the main reason for many tourists to come here.

When we strive to develop tourism and regard it as the main lifeline(2) of Kinmen, ignoring the lost and damage of battlefield and historic relics is just like digging up our own roots of tourism. Do we need outside help to develop tourism in Kinmen? No, not at all! In fact, the best strategy for tourism development begins with seeking for Kinmen's real aura, and with preserving Kinmen battlefield relics. Doing so helps to preserve not only the blood of this mother island, but also a unique life memory for all islanders.

■1. insipid-(adj.)平淡無味的;無趣的。
■2. aura-(n)氛圍;氣氛。
■3. lifeline-(n)生命線;救生索。


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