
Kinmen's Average Household Income Ranks 11th of all Taiwan

作者: 譯者:Ginger Jernigan;校正:Patti。


Results for the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure (1), 2009, have been released. It shows that the average household (2) income of Kinmen county ranks 11th out of the 25 counties of Taiwan, and Kinmen's average savings of each household jumped to second place in Taiwan for two consecutive (3) years. Since 2007, in which Kinmen's household income reached 10th place, its total income has steadily maintained this level.

According to the results, the amount of household disposable (4) income in Kinmen County reached $845,481 NTD in 2009, $54, 344 NTD lower than that in 2008, a drop of 6.04% which brought the county's place down from 10th in the country to 11th. In 2009, the total average consumption expenditures in Kinmen reached $513,017 NTD. This placed Kinmen County 23rd in the nation (in other words, living costs were lower in Kinmen). Kinmen's household savings ranked 2nd in the nation, thus maintaining 3rd or 2nd place nationwide in the past five years.

As for the gap between the rich and the poor, when all households in Kinmen County were divided into 5 groupings according to their average incomes, the disposable income in the top 20% earnings was 6.69 times the lowest 20% in 2009. Compared with the result of 2008, the gap increased only slightly, by 0.09, from 6.60 into 6.69.

●1. expenditure-(n)支出;支出額;消費。
●2. household-(adj.)家庭的。亦可當名詞,指家庭;戶;一家人。
●3. consecutive-(adj.)連續不斷的;連貫的。
●4. disposable-(adj.)可支配、自由處理、自由使用的。


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