
President Ma: Construction of Kinmen Bridge Signifies Kinmenese Hope

作者: 譯者:Wilson Chou;校正:Patti Jernigan。


The "Kinmen Bridge" that local Kinmenese have been anticipating for the last 20 years finally initiated construction with President Ma, Ying-Jiu and Premier Wu, Dun-Yi serving as witnesses. Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi could hardly hide his exuberance (1) and thanked all parties on behalf of all overseas and local Kimenese. Magistrate Li also stated that, while cross-strait relations advancing toward the phase of a new milestone, not only did he desire to see Taiwan manage to initiate a golden 10-year period, but he also anticipated Kinmen having another 10-year golden period under the continual support of the central government.

  President Ma, Ying-Jiu arrived in Kinmen to host the groundbreaking ceremony for the Kinmen Bridge construction on January 9th. During the ceremony, President Ma stated that the construction of the "Kinmen Bridge" signifies the hope of Kinmenese, and feedback of Taiwanese to Kinmen, giving Kinmenese the treatment they deserve.

When giving his speech, President Ma indicated that he supported the bridge construction not because he wanted to be re-elected in the future presidential campaign, but because he felt the Kinmenese deserved a fair treatment. Since Kinmen had previously been under numerous restrictions concerning its frontline (2) status under the ruling of the Martial Law, Kinmense should receive compensation for their enormous (3) sacrifice in the cross-strait standoff (4) in the past. President Ma stressed that after he took office, he had been pursuing cross-strait peace. Because of the implementation of Mini-Three-Links, Kinmen's role has expanded from a frontline protection for Taiwan's security to serving as a key and vanguard (5) in cross-strait interaction.

President Ma explained the reason for building a bridge linking Kinmen and Lieyu (Little Kinmen) as follows: With the resident population of Lieyu Township being only between 2000-3000, transportation is not the primary reason. With what the central government most concerned is Kinmen's status in the overall cross-strait relation and its competition with Xiamen. He believed that with the completion of the construction, Kinmen Bridge will become a marvelous tourist landmark in Kinmem.

Besides attending the groundbreaking ceremony of the Kinmen Bridge construction, President Ma also inspected the Mini-Three-Links facilities in Shuitou Pier. He stated that the central government will help Kinmen exploit the potential of the Mini-Three-Links in order to facilitate its ongoing operation to attract more tourists to Kinmen.

●1. exuberance-(n)豐富、充溢。此處指充滿喜悅之情。
●2. frontline-(n)前線。
●3. enormous-(adj.)巨大、龐大的。
●4. standoff-(n)僵持、僵局。
●5. vanguard-(n)前鋒;先鋒部隊。


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