
Sports Day at Jinning

作者: By: Elizabeth Matthews。

Fireworks boomed between periods at school, reminding students of their imminent competition and teachers to hastily complete their tasks. Our school became a county fair. Instead of food booths arranged like a night market, Jinning became a day market plotted by healthy young bodies from the elementary schools of Jinning Township. Students participated insprints, long jump, shot-put, and high jump, and the winners received medals. Sports Day 2014 at Jinning Elementary was a party.
Classes paused for Thursday afternoon and all of Friday, so competitors could focus on their events. Approximately one third of the students in grades 3 through 6 competed, while the rest of the student body sat in the concrete stands to bang on drums and spastically wave a variety of colored pom poms. They made it known that they were the most dedicated supporters in town. "Add oil!Add oil!" they exclaimed in Chinese. Jinning students out-performed students from Guning, Hupu, and Jinding in most events, running laps not only on the track, but also on the podium to receivemedals.
As a foreign teacher at the school, I was impressed by the fierce energy of my students and the whole event. The school cultivated an excited environment that, to the students, was probably on par with the Olympics. The students clearly cared about their performance, and the cheering squad offered genuine encouragement. I enjoyed yelling their English names as they waited for their events. I kept thinking about the reverse-if I were a kid and my Chinese teachers came to cheer for me with my Chinese name. I suspect it would have increased the pressure.
The whole scene ignited a hint of nostalgia from my own days as a young athlete. Although the event may have seemed merely 'fun and games' to adult onlookers, my competitive swimming history tells me that the students really did have anxious rumbles running through their bellies and brains. I used to channel those flutters into "swim meet delirium" which meant goofily interacting with my teammates until the last moment before I stepped up to the block.
Workers at Jinning only expressed positive thoughts about the event. From the school soldier: "I think [Sports Day] really brings the kids together and has them go their hardest at the things they love. I'm extremely proud of their performance at this event. I got to see many sides of them that I did not know." My co-teacher had similar thoughts, "Even though they [the non participants] can't participate in the games, but they can show their athletic spirits to cheer for their classmates."
Sometimes it's necessary to take a few days off for a sports extravaganza. It gives the entire school a chance to remember its multifaceted purpose.

『本專刊由<金門日報>編輯部與學術交流基金會(傅爾布萊特交換計畫/Fulbright Taiwan)共同策畫製作』

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