
英文原來這樣說 (English is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

旅館英文第二篇到囉!當旅行計畫在腦海醞釀時,很自然都會想到「住宿」問題和早就盼望已久必逛景點或美食,但如果沒有選擇適合的住處可是會讓這趟精心策劃的假期大打折扣了。有鑒於此,我也開始從沙發客網站接待許多國外的朋友和各地的老朋友到家裡體驗台灣生活,你只要準備convertible sofa就可以在不佔空間又可以和老友暢快的聊到深夜了! A convertible sofa has a mattress underneath that can be pulled out at night to sleep on. 所謂的convertible sofa就是伸縮沙發(床),平時是在客廳看電視的軟鬆座椅,晚上客人就可以睡在這裡很寬敞也不影響主人的作息或去擠主臥房(master room),記得復活節(Easter)時到朋友家過節就是睡在convertible sofa上一夜到天明,到現在都還很感謝他們如此體貼又好客的招待;而常攜帶收納方便的摺疊傘就是convertible umbrella(=reflective umbrella)喔,但是好像無法承受(withstand 103年指考單字)太大風雨的襲擊呢!!
老師也非常喜歡到生活風格店去採購許多讓家裡空間更溫馨和舒適的小物,像是cushion,原指緩衝外力的物體,後來也有沙發上的靠墊意思,每次都會選購很可愛的動物造型或上頭有調皮水果表情,讓回家變成非常安心又充滿創意的園地喔!那能夠舉一反三的同學應該立刻會舉手問老師:「那車輛上的安全氣囊可以緩衝車禍的撞擊,也可以這樣使用嗎?」這樣的聯想受到老師的高度肯定而且很必要的,學習語言如果無法觸類旁通是會很混亂所以溫故知新是很重要的。好!那老師就來解答同學的疑惑:所謂的安全氣囊是airbag,千萬不要跟拿來放食物保鮮的真空袋airtight bag搞混了,在醫院如果聽到醫生說" Bag the patient now!"就是快點擠壓氧氣補給立即供應患者大腦氧氣,這些都是非常實用的表達喔!!另外分享一個生活小常識:當緊急情況公共場所有人需要用自動體外心臟去顫器(AED:Automated External Defibrillator) 是一種可以攜帶的醫療設備,它可以診斷特定的心律不正,並且給予去顫電擊,專門為急救瀕臨猝死病患的儀器。
EX:The airbags serve as the cushion against the impact caused by the car collision so as to significantly reduce the degree of the injury and the casualties. (安全氣囊可以在車輛相撞時緩衝外力,有效降低傷亡程度。)
The name for the large pillows on a sofa is a cushion.
很多同學讀完上期的飯店住宿英文才發現學問很多吧?也了解原來surname=family name=last name都是指華人的「姓」,這可是在機場櫃台報到、護照查驗台和飯店入住的基本英文,萬一行李轉盤裡看不到自己的luggage就要立刻通知在場的櫃檯人員,而你的資料也需要last name來做快速的搜尋;也知道千萬不要悶著頭不理Housekeeping,到時後就別怪飯店人員以為房客離開而闖進來清潔了。當然,到了各國都有付小費(Tip)的國際禮儀,老師建議可以準備一塊美金放在床頭櫃上給辛苦的房務員,在澳洲打工度假的學生還在飯店裡收到客人留下的精美甜點犒賞她的付出,這真是非常大的鼓勵呢!最近泰國的國際飯店也推出eco-friendly policy(環保政策)在毛巾上放上標語" I will still use the towel as the first step of protecting our earth"(我會繼續使用同條毛巾,這是保護我們地球的第一步。),可以有效率地減少用水量和洗潔劑使用,讓整體環境都可以有機會修復和永續發展,掛上一個充滿環保意識(environment-aware)的牌子讓這趟住宿更有意義。想必上次的內容同學感到非常喜愛想要多學一點,那就讓老師分享更多實用的飯店旅遊英文吧!
3.早餐篇:Bonjour, Time for Breakfast!
A: Morning sir, this is your wake-up call at 7 a.m.. And our housekeeping service will start from 8 to 11 a.m.. and our breakfast will be available from 7-9.
B:Thanks for your calling and does the accommodate rate include the breakfast? And I don't need any housekeeping with all my stuff scattered all over the floor, could you inform them of that?
A:First, the complimentary breakfast is included in your payment and we can certainly save you some sandwiches and bread if you miss it. Second, if the housekeeping is not needed, please hang the sign " No Disturbance" on the door knob.
B:Got it! That's very kind of you

EX.:The sky is scattered with stars bright and so far-fetched.
由流行鄉村歌手Lady Antebellum(懷舊女郎)所演唱的" Need You Now"
"Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor. Reaching for the phone call, I can't fight it anymore, and I wonder if I ever cross your mind."
是不是非常美的歌詞,也表達在感情中的折騰和心情起伏呢!當你想念一個人你會用怎樣的文字去表達呢?I can't live with you just like I cannot live without oxygen.

●Got it! 我懂了!/拿到了!= I understand.=I get your point.= The message is clear.
●Got you! 我逮到你了= You are screwed!= You are a dead meat!
●That beats me! 真考倒我了!=I am so clueless.= It's beyond my knowledge.
●Please keep me posted!有任何隨時通知我
●I'd like to make a long-distance call.我想撥打長途電話
●I'll take it as a compliment!我當你在誇獎我囉!
→compliment (v.)(n.)誇獎恭維;complimentary=free of charge免費
●Socks on the doorknob襪子在門把?通常美國大學生活中很常見的表達語,代表事先通知宿舍室友自己有訪客前來,可能會有些打擾了,也會體貼在對方桌上放著旅館費用,讓室友委屈一晚了。
●The room smells moldy and reeks of cigarettes. You need to spray some air freshener.這房間有霉味還充斥著菸臭味,真該噴點空氣清香劑。
4. 詢問篇:Where to go?
A. How far is it from the hotel to downtown?
B. Are there any brochures available about your city?
C. Should I sign up for the Stonehenge tour here?
D.The local travel agency can arrange one-day cruise for tourists?
E. Do you take traveler's check?
5. 退房篇:Check-out / Getting to the airport
Concierge: A;Guest:B(櫃臺接待人員:A;房客:B)
A:Did you enjoy your stay with us?
B:Actually, PASSABLE. But, I now need to get to the airport. I have a flight that leaves in about three hours, so what is the quickest way to get there?
A:We do have a free airport shuttle service/courtesy bus service.
B:That sounds great, but will it get me to the airport on time?
A:Yes, it should be. The next shuttle leaves in 15 minutes, and it takes almost 40 minutes to get to the airport.
B:That's a great relief. I'll just wait in the lounge area. Will you please let me know when it will be leaving?
A:Of course, sir. Before you depart would you be able to settle the mini-bar bill?
B:Sure thing. How much will that be?
A:Let's see. The bill comes to $80 with tips included. How would you like to pay for that?
B:I'll pay by my Master Card, thanks. But I'll need a receipt as the proof my expenses so that it will be fully reimbursed in the accounting department.
A:Absolutely. Here we are sir. If you like you can leave your luggage with the porter and he can load them onto the shuttle for you when it arrives.
B:That would be great thank you.
A:Would you like to have some feedback on the hotel guestbook too while you wait?
B:Sure, I had a really good stay here and I'll recommend your hotel to others to come here.『特別提醒:住院可別用live in the hospital(居住或生活在醫院)→stay at the hospital(短期停留在醫院)才對』
A:That's good to hear. Thank you again for staying at Paradise Resort Hotel.


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