
Englishadventures英文冒險趣 On April 12th ,People Watch People 四月十二﹐人看人

作者: 愛麗思工作室。

If you have chance to talk to foreigners , you surely have to introduce the most important celebration in Kinmen ,the City God Reception Parade.

Do you know how to say something about the City God Reception Parade in English since it's the most popular activity that everyone loves? Come on. Follow me. Let's learn together.

那迎城隍要怎麼說呢? The City God Reception Parade
農曆4月12日 April 12th of the lunar calendar
民俗活動 folk activity
宗教 religion
儀式 ritual
蜈蚣陣 centipede seats
藝閣 festival car
妝人Zenglan( in local language)
遊行 parade
乩童 psychic
七爺八爺 the Seventh Lord and the Eighth Lord
電音三太子 Techno Prince Nezha
打花草 Seven ring or chest slapping dance
陣頭 Parade Formation
廟宇 temple
旗 flag 鼓 drum 鈸 cymbal 鑼gong
神輦 God's palanquin
民俗技藝 folk art
公揹婆 husband carrying wife dance
十二婆姐藝陣 twelve pochie folk art performance
鑼鼓陣 cymbal and drum parade
跑旱船land boat dance
舞蛤精clam water sprite dance
神將 a holy general (or leader), the immortal or the big body
布馬陣 Buh-maajenn

Do you know how to introduce the most attractive folk activity to the foreign friends? Maybe telling stories is an amazing way to start.

The most important part I assume is the role of the City God or Chenghuang Ye (城隍爺) . In ancient China , the Chinese character 城 Cheng means city walls and the Chinese character 隍huang , means moats.
最重要的部份我想應是主角-那就是城隍爺囉。城隍爺用英文說一種是國語的音直接翻過去Chenghuang Ye 直接唸城隍爺,另一個也很簡單啦,就是City God 城市的神。話說在遠古時候中國字 (城 )意思是城市的高牆。而 (隍 )這個字是護城河。

High walls and moats surroundeda city , so they could protect one under attack . Emperors worshipped them as nature gods. Later nature gods gradually became anthropomorphic gods.

There are five levels of City gods ,according to their districts. The deities own their authority ,just like government officers. And the City God has the highest authority.

The city god in Kinmen is like the magistrate of Kinmen county. The city god in every city is the deity of justice in the underworld. They can guard the peace and safety of people. So city god is a traditional belief for locals.?

The city god in Jincheng was from the City God temple of Jinmencheng in 1682 .Chenglon , the commander of Kinmen at that time ,moved from Jinmencheng to Houpu (Jincheng township )on April 12th of the lunar calendar.

Jincheng has become the center of military and politics . People in Jincheng celebrate on April 12th every year .

This year is 335 times. The city god parade is the biggest temple fair and a hustle and bustle in Kinmen. The City God and his gods inspect and bless the town and villages when they pass through.

On April 12th of the lunar calendar , people in Kinmen especially in Jincheng will start a busy and exciting day.

The market is full of people who are busy shopping for the feast in the evening . People in Jincheng always invite their friends and relatives for a big dinner by asking the home delivery of the restaurants or caterings.

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