

作者: 王軒。

上期老師特地整理了多益閱讀考題,讓各位同學習慣出題的模式和抓重點的訣竅,想必大家都如獲至寶吧!要多多複習和接觸不同英文的題材,讓自己對語言更敏銳接受度更高,久了你也會用英文來思考問題和句型結構了。說到這裡很多同學可能都要腦子過熱燒起來了,英文中的My brain is fried就是累到焦頭爛額的狀態,完全虛脫。好的,暑假能不開冷氣的同學就是跟超馬林義傑拼個高下,在家不沖個無限次冷水澡也很難了;而步出家門或公司,就是要口罩(mouth mask)、陽傘(parasol)、袖套(arm sleeve;咖啡杯的杯套是:cup sleeve很可愛吧!)上身,一秒變開喜婆婆的姿態了;請注意,要是帶小朋友到泳池千萬不要忘記擦上防曬乳(sunscreen/sun-proof lotion),燙傷(sunburn)和曬成古銅色(suntan)可是天差地別的,要是leave your children unattended(讓孩子沒人看顧)也是相當危險的事情,在機場如果看到沒人看顧的行李(unattended luggage/possessions)可就是大事了,萬一是爆裂物(explosives)就會釀成一場大混亂(turmoil/chaos)了。
出門就需要來杯涼快的礦泉水才能消暑是嗎?其實除了大家常見的霜淇淋或台灣特產剉冰(shaved ice),也可以多多嘗試台灣好吃又有文化底蘊的小吃。讓你的國外友人也可以好好享受在夏天時期也可以飽餐一頓呢!給我冷氣其餘免談!天氣炎熱而且外國朋友都紛紛到台灣這個美食寶島來大快朵頤了,除了用英文介紹美食來做國民外交也可以讓辛苦的老闆們輕鬆介紹用心美味的商品喔。那麼台灣小吃的英文拼法,大家知道哪幾個呢?讓Brian老師來小小分享一下:
1.仙草冰 Grass Jelly黑糖剉冰Brown Sugar Shaved Ice
2.滷味 Heated Braised Snacks→滷肉飯Braised Pork Rice(braise滷製)
3.大腸蚵仔麵線 Oyster and Pork intestine vermicelli(vermicelli義大利細麵)
4.大腸包小腸 Taiwanese sausage with sticky rice→Chinese sausage臘腸
5.鹽酥雞 Taiwanese Fried Chicken→炸雞排:Fried Chicken Fillet( fillet片;塊)
6.筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding(沒錯:pudding不見得是甜點而是用口感棉密而得名)→英國餐廳赫赫有名的black pudding=豬血腸,韓國小吃糯米血腸雷同。
7.草仔粿herbal cake with sliced radish(sliced radish蘿蔔絲)→享譽國際挑戰性極高的「豬血糕」:pig blood cake with peanut powder(花生粉)
8.水餃 dumpling(dumpling只要皮包餡的食材都可以這樣稱呼。台灣水餃通常有韭菜"leek"或泡菜"kimchi",外國友人可能會怕怕!要先說明。)
9.蒸餃 steamed dumpling→煎餃Pan-fried sticker(sticker就是包黏起來的食材,可別翻成"貼紙"囉。)
10.肉包 steamed bun with pork(飛機上的小餐包就是bun,注意尾音別閉起嘴說bum,這會變成炸彈啦!英文世界很常開玩笑說別在飛機上跟別人打招呼,特別是名字為傑克的朋友,因為"Hi +Jack=hijack(v.)劫機",這可是有理說不清的窘境。
Red pill makes you fluent in every spoken language. Blue pill makes you a master of every musical instrument in the world. Which do you swallow?
Red pill, travel the world. Listen to music played by people that swallowed the blue pill. It's a win-win situation for me
You take one, have a friend take the other, travel together.
&還記得有明確兩者的文法嗎?one….and the other……
Chinese people can articulate 'l' and 'r' as separate sounds because their language also has these two sounds. You're thinking of Japanese people when you make this joke, as Japanese people have only one sound for both 'l' and 'r' and have trouble differentiating the two.
The language pill, obviously. Imagine all the opportunities. You apply for a job at some place where you know they speak different languages. You claim to speak ALL languages fluently. They took you in for an interview just to test and tease you a little.
請同學仔細閱讀故事並且讀完!請在最後回答這個問題:What do you think that town could be?
We've never seen Alex for ten years.
Alex, Nate, Helen, Jack and I were best friends in high school. Alex was like the leader or the center of us. I mean, he was that kind of guy born to be a CEO, you know. He was too mature to be a high school student like us. His behaviors, his remarks…, everything he did was more like a father. And also, he was mysterious and…weird. He'd never mentioned about himself, his family or his past. He seemed to know nothing about baseball games, TV series, even news.
And, he had no cell phone! He said that'd be not convenient. I remember we were all puzzled when hearing that. How could a cell phone be not convenient? Most strange thing was that he never explained to us how he could find those places and how he knew the "rules". Even until now, I still don't know how he could do that. Anyway, he was a nice guy, we respected him and trusted him, without knowing him too much.
I doubt if anyone has the same experience as we do. When we were in high school, out of some silly blind bravery, we loved adventures. And Alex was the one who took us to different places for adventures.
On a very early Saturday morning, we met up and headed to an unfamiliar direction to a town for, you know, an adventure. Alex said that town was over a tunnel. That reminded me of Silent Hill, a film just released at that time.
Less an hour driving in woods, the tunnel was in our sight, Alex asked Jack to stop in front of it. We guessed he was going to tell us the rules. He always told us before really arriving those places.
Normally there were just two. But this time, there was one more. Rule no.1: Keep yourself in team. Rule no.2: Don't mess up with those people and anything there. (That means no eye contact, no touching and no answering/talking back, etc.) Rule no.3, which, is the most important one: Don't think of ghosts! NEVER, EVER!
This was definitely hard to Nate. We all knew that and Nate, himself, knew that too. He loved ghost stories, but weird thing was, he was actually not that brave. (sorry to say that.)
As cars driving in the tunnel, I found it was actually shorter than I expected because the end of it was not very far from us. There were already many cars in the tunnel, and they were oddly all still and empty, their taillights were dimmed, like abandoned for a while. Alex opened the door, got out of the car and said, "Don't worry. The town's just outside. Let's walk there." Nate and Helen got out of the car to join us.
It only took us about fifteen minutes to walk out. It was cooler and humid. The town was in old style. I mean, the restaurants, the shops, the houses. People there were in that kind of old fashioned clothes like what your granny or grandpa would wear. It was amazing. "So… you took us back to the past? I mean, is all this time travel thing?" Helen asked. "No." Alex answered.
Residents there were like those we'd met in other adventures before, they couldn't see us, hear us or feel us. So we had to be really careful anytime, those men, stray dogs or even cars might bump into us. And that would violate rule no.2.
There was a nice house, two children were playing on the front porch, and Jack entered the house successfully without making any noise and we followed him carefully. None of them noticed us.
There were a man and a woman chatting happily in the kitchen. I guessed they were the parents of kids outside. Jack went downstairs from second floor and looked bored. When we were in the living room, watching a TV show we'd never seen before, the wife suddenly bumped into Helen. She took few steps backward, intrigued while Helen was stunned with mouth opening. "We need to leave now." Alex said.
We quickly ran out of the house ,but we didn't learn a lesson from it. Later, Nate led us to a restaurant very close to the tunnel, and we thought that would be fun. At first, we walked around, putting hands in front of people, yelling at them, and doing something foolish. But there was something wrong, again. This time, it was Jack. A waiter bumped into Jack, and the soup was spoiled everywhere. Grumpy as Jack always was, he pushed the waiter hard. "You idiot!" We all grasped, he just violated the rule. Then the waiter became horrible right away. Sneered, his eyes became red with skin peeling. "oh…a boy…" Helen started screaming. All the others in the restaurant turned their heads and stared at her. "Beautiful." The waiter continued. It seemed that Jack and Helen were no longer invisible to them. The restaurant was crowded immediately, those people or whatever they were just suddenly appeared, the couple and their children we'd just seen were there too. They looked horrible, some of their faces or bodies are twisted in an impossible angle, some of them were even bleeding. They were all speechless and motionless. That was the first time I found Alex looked nervous. And that was the last time too. "Go!" he urged us. We ran to the tunnel as fast we could. Thos residents, the way they chased after us was different, they didn't run nor walk, they just popped up and disappeared again. But no matter how fast we ran, every time they appeared, they would be closer to us. We successfully ran into the tunnel and thought we'd be safe, but we were wrong. "Keep running!Don't stop until the other end of the tunnel," Alex yelled. "And stop thinking, just run! You hear me?" I didn't know why he said that, at that time, my mind already went blank.
Jack and Nate were trying to find their own cars but there were too many cars and it was a bit dark inside the tunnel. "I said 'keep running!' Drop your cars! Now!" Jack and I gave up and followed after Alex but Nate and Helen didn't. We kept calling them as running. "Here it is!" Then Jack and I heard a laughter echoing. We got goosebumps right away because it was low and so creepy, not from one of us. Terrified, Helen cried out loud, starting running to us, leaving Nate alone. When we finally got close to the end of tunnel, we heard the car and thought Nate might drive out just right after us. We turned around when we got out from tunnel, only to find rows of cars were quickly disappearing from distance. Nate must have seen that too because he was backing his car and screaming. Just in second, his car vanished too. It was hard to take this. We'd never been in this kind of situation before. I was stunned just as Jack, hearing Helen sobbing. Everything was so unreal. Alex cursed and walked toward the tunnel. "You guys just go home. Just go along the road." "No, no, no, what the fuck are you doing?" Jack said. He followed up trying to stop him. "I'm gonna get Nate back." Alex just stepped into the tunnel. That was the last time I saw him."What are we supposed to do now?" Not until Helen asked did we find the sky was a bit dark. Our phones told it was about five.
Nate was found unconscious and fortunately, unharmed in school next Monday morning. He didn't remember anything on that weekend. His mom was very angry with us. Despite believing what we explained, she thought we bullied her baby son and tried to make some stupid excuses!
There was one thing upsetting us more than being grounded and considered nuts, Alex was gone. I wished I knew more about him so that I could report to polices and they wouldn't think he was just our imaginary friend.

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