



The "2008 Battleground Kinmen Paintball Challenge" ended successfully after the final round held at Jiacun Barrack on December 7 came to a close. Ten teams (in total almost 100 contestants) took part in the challenge and National Kinmen Institute of Technology Freemen Team (Sports and Recreation Department) emerged as the champion, with Wireless KINMEN BEST NETWORK and KMIT Island Recreation Resource Development Institute becoming the 1st and 2nd runner-up respectively.

「2008戰地金門漆彈挑戰賽」於十二月七日假賈村營區展開決賽後落幕,共有十隊近百人參賽,戰績由金大自由人隊(運動與休閒系)封王、中華金廈聯網獲得亞軍、金大島嶼休閒資源發展研究所獲得季軍 。

The event was organized by Kinmen County Government, hosted by the Paintball Sports Committee of Kinmen Sports Association and assisted by the KMIT and Kinmen County Stadium. The opening ceremony was jointly hosted by Kinmen Sports Association Paintball Sports Committee Chairman Hsu Yu-chao and KMIT President Lee Chin-chen. Several guests of honor including Kinmen County Stadium Director Hsu Huan-sheng and Kinmen County Sports Association Secretary Hsin Lei-ta cheered for contestants and the event ended when KMIT Dean of Student Affairs Tung Shen and Staff of Chief Lin Pen-yuan presented the awards to the winning teams in the afternoon.


Kinmen Sports Association Paintball Sports Committee Chairman Hsu Yu-chao (who is concurrently also the deputy speaker of Kinmen County Council) pointed out that the 2008 Battleground Kinmen Paintball Challenge not only has incorporated the standardized tournament format that has been widely popular abroad, but also features Kinmen's unique battleground culture so as to achieve the perfect combination of paintball sports in an old military barracks setting. In order to enter the site, contestants had to cover a meandering path under the shade of densely populated trees. As they came upon the gates of the barracks, the sentry box of the barracks greeted the visitors. Once the teams make it into the barracks, they were treated to the sight of dozens of tanks parked to their left. Not only that, the barrack's living quarters, pillboxes and command center were still intact. To create the most authentic battleground for paintball tournament in such a realistic setting, Kinmen is undoubtedly the most suitable location.


As the tournament went on, we were surprised to learn from the competing players that the schedule, format and equipment/peripherals provided by the organizers were simply way beyond what they have anticipated. For players who have taken part in paintball tournaments elsewhere, they were expecting the organizer to choose the living quarters in the barracks as the battleground in order to provide sufficient cover. They were pleasantly surprised to find out that the preparation of the game venue not only offered authentic battleground touches and excitement but also took safety and challenge into consideration. The organizers have gone at great lengths to make sure that contestants could experience professional venue planning and tournament arrangements that are on par with major paintball events organized abroad. In the preliminary round-robin, every team will have the opportunity to compete against four other teams. Not only that, the organizer has provided 120 rounds of ammunition for every contestant to ensure that everyone gets sufficient firepower. Should contestants require more rounds, the tournament also allows players to purchase additional rounds so that competing teams can truly indulge in the excitement of paintball sport while flexibly adjust their tactics when facing different teams. The planning and arrangement of 2008 Battleground Kinmen Paintball Challenge not only offers adrenaline-pumping excitement and safety but also made sure that the tournament would be easy on the contestants' pockets.


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