新聞英文解析 敘利亞內戰結束
The Syrian, government 50-year-ruled by the Bashar al-Assad family, fell early Sunday (Dec. 08) in a stunning end after a sudden rebel offensive sprinted across government-held territory and entered the capital in 10 days. 叛軍在10 天內衝過政府控制區並進入首都後,週日(十二月八日)突然發動攻勢,巴沙爾·阿薩德家族統治50年的敘利亞政府令人震驚地結束。 stunning:(a.)令人震驚的 rebel:(n.)背叛者;造反者 rebel尤其是指試圖武裝推翻國家政治制度的反抗者或對抗權威或社會的叛逆者,通常是武裝叛軍 offensive:(n.)軍事進攻;攻勢 sprint:(v.)短距離衝刺 territory:(n.)領土 capital:(n.)首都 補充說明:敘利亞內戰敘利亞總統巴沙爾·阿薩德支持者與敘利亞革命反對派等多股勢力之間的武裝衝突,該內戰始自於2011年至今。 ────────────────── The rapid advance of the rebel has caught much of the world off guard. Syrian rebels have declared the tyrant Bashar al-Assad has been overthrown and the capital Damascus “liberated” after entering the city. The oppressed prisoners have been released from the notorious Saydnaya prison, where rights groups say thousands were tortured and killed. 叛亂分子進攻的速度之快讓世界上許多人措手不及,敘利亞叛軍在進入首都大馬士革後宣布暴君巴沙爾·阿薩德下台及首都大馬士革「解放」,叛亂分子表示,關押在臭名昭著的賽德納亞監獄的人被釋放,人權組織稱有數千人在該監獄遭受酷刑和殺害。 advance:(n.)前進 declare:(v.)宣稱 tyrant:(n.)暴君 overthrown:(v.-pp.)被(武力)推翻 liberated:(v.)被解放 oppressed:(a.)被壓迫的 notorious:(a.)惡名昭彰的 torture:(v.)拷打;折磨 Syrian had been buffeted and fractured by more than a decade of civil war. The removal of Assad would bring not only an end to his family's autocratic rule of the nation of about 23 million more than half of the century but also about a stunning reordering of power in a Middle Eastern nation that has long been at the crossroads of a regional power struggle. Both Iran and Russia were supporters of the Assad regime and helped keep him in power during a grueling civil war that sparked one of the world's largest recent refugee crises. 十多年來,敘利亞一直受到內戰的衝擊和分裂。阿薩德的下台不僅將結束其家族對這個擁有約2300萬人口的國家50多年的獨裁統治並且為這個長期處於區域權力鬥爭交叉點的中東國家帶來了令人震驚的權力重組。伊朗和俄羅斯都是阿薩德政權的支持者,並幫助他在一場殘酷的內戰中繼續掌權,這場內戰引發了近期世界上最大的難民危機之一。 buffet:(v.)風、雨等連續猛擊或打擊 fracture:(v.)使(組織或社團)分裂;解體 decade:(n.)十年 removal:(n.)去除;免職 autocratic:(a.)專制的;獨裁的 reordering:(n.)重新安排 crossroad:(n.)十字路口;交叉點 struggle:(n.)奮鬥;(面對困難而需要的)努力 regime:(n.)政體 grueling:(a.)使人筋疲力盡的;艱辛的;讓人受不了的 spark:(v.)導致;觸發(尤指鬥爭與打鬥) refugee:(n.)難民 ────────────────── Since Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Islamist group that led the offensive to topple Assad, is still designated as a terrorist organization by the U.N., U.S. and others, efforts by the U.N. and others to build a successful transitional government will be complicated, despite the group's leader, Abu Mohammed al-Golani, has sought to present a far more moderate face in recent months. The government was ready to “extend its hand” to the opposition and turn its functions over to a transitional government, said Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Ghazi Jalali. 因為領導推翻阿薩德攻勢的伊斯蘭沙姆解放組織(Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) 仍被聯合國、美國和其他組織認定為恐怖組織,這將使聯合國和其他組織建立成功過渡政府的努力變得更加複雜。儘管該組織的領導人阿布·穆罕默德·戈拉尼 (Abu Mohammed al-Golani) 最近幾個月一直試圖表現出更溫和的一面。敘利亞總理穆罕默德·加齊·賈拉利表示,政府已準備好向反對派「伸出援手」,並將其職能移交給過渡政府。 Hayat Tahrir al-Sham:(n.)伊斯蘭沙姆解放組織 補充說明:沙姆解放組織於2017年1月28日由征服沙姆陣線與其它一些反政府武裝團體合併而成,活躍於敘利亞內戰,也是現時敘利亞境內單一最大的反巴沙爾政府的武裝團體。 topple:(v.)推翻(首領)或使(政府)倒下 designated:(v.-p.p.)被視為 terrorist:(n.)恐怖份子 transitional:(a.)過渡性的;變遷的 moderate:(a.)溫和的;不偏激 opposition:(n.)反對者
新聞英文解析 台灣棒球首獲世界冠軍慶祝遊行
Taiwan topped Japan 4-0 on Sunday (Nov. 24) in Tokyo under the name “Chinese Taipei to win the WBSC's Premier 12 Championship for the first time, achieving their best-ever performance. Jubilation across Taiwan was sparked and various ways to celebrate the victory are called. A grand parade to celebrate Taiwan's first victory in the senior international baseball tournament officially would be held on Ketagalan Boulevard on Tuesday afternoon, and at the end of the parade, President Lai Ching-te and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim will greet the players and hold a reception for them at the Presidential Office, the GACC said in a statement issued Monday. 台灣隊週日(11月24日)以「中華台北」的名義比賽並在東京以4比0擊敗日本隊,首次奪得世界棒球壘球聯盟(WBSC)Premer12 錦標賽冠軍,取得有史以來最佳表現。此舉引發全台歡呼,並呼籲以各種方式慶祝勝利。中華文化總會週一發表聲明稱,慶祝台灣在高級國際棒球錦標賽中首次獲勝的遊行將於週二在凱達格蘭大道舉行,在遊行結束後,賴清德總統和蕭美琴副總統將在總統府迎接球員並舉行招待會。 top:(v.)超越 WBSC:(n.)世界棒壘球總會World Baseball Softball Confederation的頭字語縮寫。 補充說明:2013年4月14日由原國際棒球總會(IBAF)和國際壘球總會(ISF)合併成立WBSC,是管理各國棒球、壘球及五人制棒球代表隊間賽事的組織,目前共有143個國家或地區加入。 premier:(a.)首要的 WBSC Premier 12:(n.)世界棒球十二強錦標賽 jubilation:(n.)歡欣,喜氣洋洋,尤其是指因成功而感到的歡欣鼓舞 tournament:(n.)錦標賽 reception:(n.)接待 GACC:(n.)「中華文化總會」the General Association of Chinese Culture的頭字語縮寫。 補充說明:GACC前身為「中華文化復興運動推行委員會」,於1967年成立,是台灣文化連結的非政府組織。 ────────────────── A ticker-tape parade was held in Taipei on Tuesday to honor the Taiwan baseball team. Eight tents were set up along the route to distribute exclusive limited-edition "Team Taiwan" banners and small national flags, and several "support stations" for cheerleaders and fans lined the route to cheer the players on. The Army deployed more than 30 military vehicles for the players to ride on with each vehicle carrying two players. Head coach Tseng Hao-ju led the parade and would speak on behalf of the players during their visit to the presidential office. The team wore black hoodies emblazoned with “Taiwan” as they stood in the back of military jeeps and trucks, waving flags and smiled broadly, gold medals hanging around their necks. Thousands of fans filled the streets to cheer for the champions. 週二在台北為台灣棒球隊舉行閱兵式的盛大車隊彩帶遊行。沿途搭建了八個帳篷,分發專屬的限定版「台灣隊」橫幅和小國旗,並設置數個啦啦隊和球迷「應援站」,為選手們加油助威。陸軍調動了30多輛軍車供球員乘坐,每輛車載有兩名隊員。遊行隊伍由總教練曾豪駒帶隊,並將代表球員前往總統府發言。球隊成員穿著印有「台灣」字樣的黑色連帽衫身,揮舞旗幟,笑容滿面,脖子上掛著金牌,站在軍用吉普車和卡車的後座。上千名粉絲們夾道為冠軍歡呼。 ticker-tape:(n.)彩帶 ticker-tape parade:(n.)彩帶遊行。 補充說明:ticker-tape parade是人們從街邊兩側高樓向外拋撒紙屑,以此向遊行隊伍中取得成就的某人表達敬意的一種歡慶形式。 distribute:(v.)分發 exclusive :(a.)獨家的;專有的 limited-edition:(n.)限定版 banner:(n.)橫幅 route:(n.)路徑 deploy:(v.)部署;調動 hoody:(n.)連帽衫 emblazon:(v.)醒目地「印製」 on behalf of:(ph.)代表~;作為~的代理 ────────────────── The parade ended at the Presidential Office Building, where the team passed through a saber arch formed by the honor guard and were greeted by President William Lai and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim wearing the same hoodies as the players. Lai described the players as “the glory of Taiwan.” He said, “Thank you for showing Taiwan to the world.” Lai told them that their achievement let the world know “Taiwan is not just about semiconductors; Taiwan also has baseball.” Meanwhile, in the legislature, a bill to make Nov. 24 National Baseball Day was proposed by DPP Legislator Hsu Chih-chieh and cosponsored by 26 of his DPP colleagues. 遊行隊伍在總統府大樓結束,身穿與隊員同款連帽衫的總統賴清德和副總統蕭美琴迎接穿過儀仗隊形成的軍刀拱門隊伍。賴將球員們描述為「台灣之光」。賴對他們表示「感謝你們向世界展示了台灣。」,並告訴球員們,他們的成就讓世界知道「台灣不只有半導體,還有棒球。」同時,在立法院,民進黨立委許智傑提出了一項將11月24日定為全國棒球日的法案,並得到了26名民進黨同僚的共同提案。 saber:(n.)佩劍;軍刀 saber arch:(n.)佩劍拱門 honor guard:(n.)儀仗隊 補充說明:the glory of Taiwan:(ph.)「台灣之光」,是台灣的榮耀,與「台灣的驕傲」the pride of Taiwan意思相同。故不建議使用“light”來表示。 semiconductor:(n.)半導體 legislature:(n.)立法院 propose:(n.)提案 DPP:(n.)Democratic Progressive Party 民進黨的頭字語縮寫 cosponsor:(n.)共同發起人
新聞英文解析 桃園市觀音區垃圾處理廠發生橘色氣體雲洩漏
A gas leak from a waste management plant on Huanke Road in Taoyuan's Guanyin District releasing an unidentified orange gas cloud prompt an emergency response on Wednesday (Nov. 13). Firefighters identified the leak as nitric acid gas from a waste liquid tank during the unloading process and successfully contained it. Authorities said that the emission posed no immediate harm. 週三(11 月 13 日)桃園觀音區環科路一家廢棄物處理工廠發生瓦斯外洩事故,釋出不明橘色氣體雲,引發緊急應變。消防隊員確定洩漏是卸載過程中廢液罐中的硝酸氣體,並已成功控制,當局表示該洩漏氣體不會造成立即危害。 leak:(n.)洩漏 prompt:(v.)引起;導致 nitric acid:(n.)硝酸 unloading:(adj.)卸載 contain:(v.)控制 pose:(v.)造成 emission:(n.)排放(氣體、熱量、光線等);散發 ────────────────── At around 7 a.m., witnesses heard a loud bang before a bright orange smoke with a sour smell began to emit from a waste tank. The smoke continued to billow from the plant but no injuries were reported. Soon 18 firefighters, 7 fire trucks, and 2 ambulances are dispatched to the scene, but when they arrived, the leak had already been under control, said the Fire Department. 上午 7 點左右,目擊者聽到一聲巨響,然後廢物箱開始冒出帶有酸味的橘色煙霧。消防局部門表示,很快地,18名消防員、7輛消防車和2輛救護車出動趕赴現場,但在抵達時,洩漏已經得到控制。 witness:(n.)目擊證人;目擊者 emit:(v.)(氣體、熱量、光線等)排出 billow:(v.)波浪般起伏;洶湧向前 補充說明:billow特別用來形容像是巨浪或波濤般的東西,比如大火、煙、霧等所呈現出來的狀態。 dispatch:(v.)派遣 ────────────────── Firefighters discovered a cloud of unidentified orange gas leaking from a waste tank when they arrived on the site, the department said, adding that they put on Level A chemical protection clothing before entering the building. After finding there was no continuous leak, the department worked with the city’s Department of Environment Protection and the Northern Environmental Hazard Team to confirm there were no other hazards on site. 消防隊員到達現場時發現一團不明橙色氣體從廢物罐中洩漏,並補充說,他們在進入建築物之前採取了 A 級化學防護措施。通報稱,在發現沒有持續洩漏後,該部門會與市環保署和北部環境危害小組確認現場沒有其他危害。 hazard:(n.)危險;危險物;為害物 補充說明:「危險」在英文中可以用danger、peril和 hazard這三個名詞來表達,都能用來談論能給人帶來危險或者傷害的事物。danger當作不可數名詞時,指的是 「切身的、可致傷或致死的危險」。常和介係詞 in和out搭配,用來描述人們「處於危險當中」in danger或者「脫離危險」out of danger。而danger也可作可數名詞使用,指某事導致的 「各種危險」。而hazard多用來指危險物或危害物,只能作可數名詞使用,而且指的並不是立刻就會發生的危險,而是可能會帶來危險的 「隱患」。至於peril的用法和 danger類似,也有可數和不可數名詞兩種,所表達的危險程度 比danger和hazard都要高,所帶來的危害也最嚴重。我們要表示 「後果(風險)自負」,可以用do something at one’s peril這個片語。 ────────────────── The Taoyuan Department of Environmental Protection arrived on-site to conduct monitoring with a technical team from the Ministry of Environment and said the leak occurred at a waste liquid processing facility during the unloading of nitric acid waste, which reacted with metals to produce nitric acid gas and the gas dispersed over the ocean by 8 a.m. Residents with respiratory issues in affected areas, including two neighborhoods, Datan and Baosheng boroughs, should exercise caution and wear a mask outside, as the wind was coming from the north-northeast, sending the gas through the areas, it added. 桃園市環保署同環境部技術團隊一起抵達現場進行監測,並表示洩漏發生在廢液處理設施卸載硝酸廢棄物時,硝酸廢棄物與金屬反應產生硝酸氣體,且氣體於上午 8 點擴散到海洋上。該單位補充說道,受影響地區,包括鄰近的大潭和保生兩個區,有呼吸系統問題的居民應謹慎行事,並在外出時戴口罩,因為風從北北東方向吹來,將毒氣吹過這些地區。 conduct:(v.)進行 facility:(n.)設備 disperse:(v.)分散;擴散 respiratory:(n.)呼吸道 borough:(n.)行政區 caution:(n.)小心;謹慎 ────────────────── The plant contravened Article 33 of the Air Pollution Control Act for its failure of reporting the incident within an hour of its occurrence, thus the company could face a fine of NT$100,000 to NT$20 million (US$3,082 to US$616,333) in accordance with the act. The plant was ordered to stop processing waste and submit a full inspection to the Taoyuan City Government for approval before resuming normal operations, said the environmental department. 因事故發生後一小時內未報告,該廠違反《空氣污染防制法》第三十三條規定,因此,根據該法案,該公司可能面臨新台幣 10 萬至 2,000 萬新台幣(3,082 美元至 616,333 美元)的罰款。環境部門表示,該廠已被命令停止處理廢棄物,並提交給桃園市政府全面檢查批准後才能恢復正常運作。 contravene:(v.)與…相抵觸;違反(法律或規則等) occurrence:(n.)發生 accordance:(n.)依據 submit:(v.)提交 inspection:(n.)檢查 approval:(n.)允許;批准 resume:(v.)中斷後繼續;重新開始;恢復 ────────────────── Inhaling strong acid into the lungs causes irritation, acute pulmonary edema, respiratory tract swelling, and tracheal constriction similar to asthma, said Su Yi-fong (蘇一峰), a Taipei City Hospital Yangming Branch pulmonologist. He also warned that nitric acid gas is highly irritating and cannot be filtered by surgical masks, adding that the best response is to keep doors and windows tightly closed, limit outdoor activities, and seek medical attention if respiratory symptoms develop. 台北市立醫院陽明分院肺科醫師蘇一峰表示,吸入強酸進入肺部會引起刺激,出現急性肺水腫、呼吸道腫脹、氣管收縮,類似氣喘。蘇還警告說,硝酸氣體具有很強的刺激性,外科口罩無法過濾。並補充最好的應對措施是保持門窗緊閉,限制戶外活動,如果出現呼吸道症狀,請就醫。 inhale:(v.)吸入 irritation:(n.)刺激 acute pulmonary edema:(n.)急性肺水腫 respiratory tract swelling:(n.)呼吸道腫脹 tracheal constriction:(n.)氣管收縮 asthma:(n.)氣喘 pulmonologist:(n.)肺科醫生 filter:(v.)過濾 symptom:(n.)症狀
新聞英文解析 俄羅斯大規模空襲烏克蘭電網
Russia yesterday unleashed its largest wave of airstrikes on Ukraine in almost three months, launching around 120 missiles and 90 drones in a sweeping attack that killed at least seven people and caused “severe damage” to the power system, officials said. "These attacks again highlight Ukraine's need for additional air defense systems from our allies," said Maxim Timchenko, CEO of DTEK, Ukraine's largest private power company. 官員稱,俄羅斯昨對烏克蘭發動了近三個月來最大規模的空襲,發射了約120 枚飛彈和 90 架無人機,造成至少 7 人死亡,並對電力系統造成「嚴重破壞」。烏克蘭最大的私營電力公司DTEK 執行長 Maxim Timchenko 表示:「這些攻擊再次凸顯烏克蘭需要我們的盟友提供額外的防空系統。 unleash:(v.) 突然釋放;使爆發 airstrike:(n.) 空襲 sweeping:(a.) 影響廣泛的 highlight:(v.) 凸顯;強調 ally:(n.) 盟友 ────────────────── The strikes, which prompted numerous emergency power cuts, came at a time when the impending U.S. presidential election victory of former US president Donald Trump, who has pledged to end the war without saying how, has raised the prospect of a looming push for negotiations. Russia making gains across the frontlines and Donald Trump retaking the White House, which could mean the end to vital US support. 這些導致多次停電的襲擊發生在美國前總統唐納德·川普贏得總統大選即將就任美國總統之際,他承諾結束戰爭,但沒有透露如何結束戰爭,這增加了推動談判的可能性。這場戰爭現在接近第三個年頭,對烏克蘭來說已經到了關鍵時刻,俄羅斯在前線取得進展,唐納德·川普重新入主白宮,這可能意味著美國重要支持的結束。 prompt:(v.) 導致;引起 impending:(a.) (通常指不愉快或不受歡迎的事件)即將發生的;逼近的 pledge:(v.) 保證;承諾 prospect:(n.) 可能性;前景 looming:(a.) (不希望或不愉快的事情)迫近的,逼近的 用法解析:looming用來形容即將發生的壞事,有「隱約可見」的意思,所以也用來形容(不好的)事情逐漸成形,而impending形容壞事將發生,有步步逼近的含義。 frontline:(n.) 前線 gain:(n.) 獲得 retake:(v.) 重新取得 vital:(a.) 重要的;攸關生死的 ────────────────── President Volodymyr Zelensky said that a “massive” Russian missile and drone attack has targeted power infrastructure across Ukraine, adding that some areas remain without power, which authorities are working to restore. DTEK said its energy thermal power plants were attacked and equipment was “severely damaged”, resulting in blackouts. Besides, the extent of the damage was hard to assess because the officials reveal little detailed information about the outcome of strikes and the state of the network after repeated Russian attacks on the power grid. The country's state-owned energy operator, Ukrenergo, said that it will enforce "restriction measures" for the whole of Ukraine on Monday. 烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基表示,俄羅斯「大規模」飛彈和無人機攻擊的目標是烏克蘭各地的電力基礎設施,並補充,一些地區仍然斷電,當局正在努力恢復。DTEK公司表示,其火力發電廠遭到攻擊,設備「嚴重受損」,導致停電。此外,因為在俄羅斯多次襲擊電網後,官員幾乎沒有透露有關襲擊結果和網路狀況的詳細資訊,所以損壞的程度很難評估。該國的國有能源營運商Ukrenergo表示將於週一對整個烏克蘭實施「限制措施」。 massive:(a.) 大量的;厚重的 infrastructure:(n.) 基礎設施;公共建設(如鐵路、公路、下水道等) restore:(v.) 恢復使用;修復 thermal:(a.) 熱的 blackout:(n.) 停電;斷電期間 用法解析:表示A事件導致B結果,可以使用A result in B或B result from A 來表示。 assess:(v.) 評估;估價 grid:(n.) 電力網;網格結構 restriction:(n.) 限制(尤指官方) ────────────────── "Peaceful cities, sleeping civilians" and "critical infrastructure" were targeted, said Andrii Sybiha, Ukraine's foreign minister. Energy supplies in Ukraine have been repeatedly targeted by Russian attacks since its full-scale invasion in February 2022, causing rolling blackouts. Bombardments have intensified in recent months, leaving the country in a precarious position as the war grinds into its third winter. The Ukrainian fear that crippling damage would cause long winter blackouts and the psychological pressure keeps mounting at the critical moment almost 1,000 days after the attack stated. 烏克蘭外交部長安德里·西比哈表示,「和平的城市、沉睡的平民」和「關鍵基礎設施」成為攻擊目標。自2022年2月俄羅斯全面入侵以來,烏克蘭的能源供應已多次成為俄羅斯攻擊的目標,導致輪流停電。近幾個月來,轟炸愈演愈烈,隨著戰爭進入第三個冬天,該國陷入了岌岌可危的境地。烏克蘭人擔心冬季到來會造成嚴重破壞,導致長時間停電,在戰爭開始近一千天後的這個關鍵時刻,心理壓力不斷加大。 critical:(a.) 重要的;關鍵的 用法解析: vital 跟critical 都有重要的意思,但前者有「致命的;攸關生死存亡」的含義,後者則表示「具關鍵性的」。 invasion:(n.) 入侵 bombardment:(n.) 連續砲擊;連續轟炸 intensify:(v.) 增強;使變劇烈 precarious:(a.) (情勢)不穩定的;危險的 grind:(v.) 碾;磨光 crippling:(a.) 造成嚴重後果的 psychological:(n.) 心理的 mount:(v.) 增加;上升
新聞英文解析 墮胎罪修正惹議急撤
The MOJ on Tuesday has withdrawn its proposal ofdraft amendments seeking to raise the financial penalties for offenses relating to illegal abortions following a fierce backlash from women's rights groups. 在婦女權利團體的強烈反對下,法務部周二撤回了提高對非法墮胎相關犯罪的經濟處罰的修正草案提議。 The MOJ:(n.)法務部Taiwan's Ministry of Justice的頭字語縮寫 draft:(n.)草案 amendment:(n.)修正案 penalty:(n.)罰金、罰款。 常見用於表示「罰款」的字有penalty跟fine兩個,差別在於 penalty除可指金錢上的懲罰,亦可指其它任何形式的處罰。而fine只能指金錢上的處罰。 offense:(n.)犯法(行為);罪刑。 abortion:(n.)墮胎 backlash:(n.)社會或政治方面的強烈反應;強烈反對;反彈。 ────────────────── Under current legislation, Article 288 of the Criminal Code, "a pregnant woman who by taking drugs or by other means causes her abortion" --referring to a woman who aborts a fetus herself --shall be sentenced to jail for no more than six months or be fined up to NT$3,000 (US$94), although the punishment can be remitted if the abortion is done because of sickness or for averting danger to life.However, last week, the MOJ proposed raising the maximum fine for this offense to NT$80,000 --a more than 26-fold increase. 據現行立法,《刑法》第 288 條規定,「孕婦以藥物或其他方法導致墮胎」--指的是婦女自行墮胎-,處六個月以下有期徒刑或科新台幣 3,000 元(94 美元)以下罰金,但處罰可如果因疾病或為了避免生命危險而進行墮胎,則可免除。然而,上週,司法部提議將此類違法行為的最高罰款提高至新台幣 8 萬元,增幅超過 26 倍。 Criminal Code:(n.)刑法 remit:(v.)減刑;赦免 avert:(v.)避免;防止 maximum:(a.)最大量的 fold:(n.)倍數 ────────────────── Article 290 states that carrying out an abortion of a woman's fetus "for purpose of gain" merits imprisonment from six months to five years, and a fine of up to NT$15,000. If it results in aggravated injury, then the sentence ranges from one to seven years, and the prison sentence increases to 3 to 10 years when causing the death of the woman. The MOJ also proposed that the financial penalty in Article 290 would be raised from NT$15,000 to NT$500,000(nearly US$15,650). As for the offense of causing an abortion that results in "aggravated injury," the MOJ sought to raise the currently-stipulated penalty of NT$15,000 to NT$1,000,000, and the fine for causing an abortion that results in a woman's death to increase 133-fold from the current NT$15,000 to NT$2,000,000. Only the penalties are increased, the possible prison sentences are unchanged. 第290條規定,「以營利為目的」墮胎者,處六個月以上五年以下有期徒刑,並科新台幣一萬五千元以下罰金。如果導致嚴重傷害,則刑期從1年至7年不等;如果導致婦女死亡,則刑期增至3年至10年。法務部也建議違反該法條,罰款由新台幣 15,000 元提高至新台幣 50 萬(將近美金15,650元),至於墮胎致「嚴重傷害」罪,法務部力求將目前規定的新台幣一萬五千元提高至一百萬元,墮胎導致婦女死亡的罰款增加133倍,從目前的新台幣15,000元增加到新台幣2,000,000元。僅罰款增加,入獄刑罰規定不變。 fetus:(n.)(三個月後的)胎兒 merit:(v.)根據事實 aggravated:(a.)家中的 stipulated:(a.)規定的 ────────────────── Additionally, the MOJ also suggested completely removing Article 292, which stipulates the crime of a person who "publicly advertises a method or thing to be used for abortion or who offers the services of himself or another for abortion, " from the statute books, citing the fact that no one has been indicted for this crime in the past ten years. However, some women's rights groups, including Taiwan Women's Link and the Awakening Foundation, separately expressed their concerns that the MOJ's proposed changes to Articles 288, 290 and 292 of the penal code represented a "setback" for women's rights and accused the MOJ of failing to consider abolishing the crime of abortion in the criminal code, but instead only seeking to increase the fines. 此外,法務部也建議從法典中徹底刪除第292條,該條規定「公開宣傳用於墮胎的方法或物品,或為自己或他人提供墮胎服務」的人構成犯罪,因過去十年來沒有人因為這一罪行被起訴。然而,包括台灣婦女連線和覺醒基金會在內的女權組織分別表達了他們的擔憂,認為法務部提議修改刑法第288條、第290條和第292條代表著婦女權利的「倒退」,並指責法務部沒有考慮廢除刑法中的墮胎罪,只是尋求增加罰款。 statute:(n.)成文法;法令 setback:(n.)挫折;障礙;倒退 abolish:(v.)廢止;廢除 ────────────────── The MOJ had been touting its proposal as being aimed at "protecting the bodily autonomy of pregnant women and the right to life of fetuses" and stressing that it was in line with the requirements of the CEDAW. However, Taiwan Women's Link said on Friday that "the MOJ actually misinterpreted and violated the spirit of CEDAW" since the 2022 CEDAW National Report published in 2022 recommended decriminalizing abortion for pregnant girls and women. Owing to the debate around whether to retain, increase or abolish the penalties altogether, the MOJ said it decided to withdraw the proposals pending further deliberation. 法務部一直宣揚其提案旨在「保護孕婦的身體自主權和胎兒的生命權」,並強調其符合《聯合國消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》的要求。然而,台灣婦女聯盟週五表示,自2022年發布的《2022年消除對婦女歧視公約國家報告》建議將懷孕女孩和婦女的墮胎合法化以來,「法務部實際上曲解並違反了《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》的精神」由於圍繞是否保留、增加或完全廢除處罰存在爭議,法務部表示決定撤回這些提議,等待進一步審議。 tout:(v.)宣傳;做廣告 autonomy:(n.)自主權 CEDAW:(n.)《聯合國消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women misinterpret:(v.)誤解;曲解 violate:(v.)違反 decriminalize:(v.)(使原本不合法的事物)合法化 withdraw:(v.)撤回 pend:(v.)懸而未決;待定 deliberation:(n.)審慎考慮;深思熟慮
新聞英文解析 衛福部成立三AI中心助實現電子醫療
The MOHW has announced the establishment of three artificial intelligence (AI) centers which focus on responsible implementation, forensic verification, and impact research to help achieve its smart medicine (e-health) goals, adding that 16 “indicator hospitals” have been selected to test and demonstrate the technology. The AI canters cloud not only help educate doctors about AI, aid in the certification of AI products and help formulate NHI pricing standards but also lead to more advanced medical services. 衛生福利部昨天宣布成立三個專注於負責任的實施、法醫驗證和影響研究的人工智慧(AI)中心,以幫助實現其智慧醫療(電子醫療)目標,並補充說已選擇16家「指標醫院」來測試和示範該技術。這些人工智慧中心不僅可幫助醫生進行人工智慧教育,協助人工智慧產品的認證,並協助制定國民健康保險定價標準,也能帶來更先進的醫療服務。 MOHW:(n.)衛生福利部the Ministry of Health and Welfare的頭自語縮寫,是中華民國有關公共衛生、醫療與社會福利事務的最高主管機關,同時監督各縣市地方政府衛生局與社會局。 forensic :(a.)法醫的 verification:(n.)驗證程序 補充:法醫的「鑑識科學」forensic science是一種利用科學手段處理、解決與司法體系利益相關問題的科學。其主要針對刑事及民事案件。數位證據鑑識工作digital evidence forensic有時又被稱作數位鑑識科學或數位取證,是鑑識科學的其中一個分支,主要在針對數位裝置中的內容進行調查與復原,常與電腦犯罪有關。 indicator:(n.)指標 demonstrate:(v.)示範 certification:(n.)認證 NHI:(n.)國民健康保險National health insurance,是一種法定健康保險statutory health insurance,SHI,提供給民眾,用來支付醫療衛生的成本。 ────────────────── The health ministry first announced the subsidy plan in July and the applications from 30 medical institutions were received by 1 August. Among them, 16 hospitals, including National Taiwan University Hospital and Taipei Veterans General Hospital, were approved. They are set to be granted subsidies to establish three types of AI centers -those being responsible AI implementation centers, clinical AI verification centers, and AI impact research centers. The initiation of these centers will effectively solve concerns regarding the use of AI in clinical practice, and the move will help solve issues including medical manpower shortages, the optimizing of long-term medical care policies, and sustaining the national health insurance system, said the Health Minister Chiu Tai-Yuan. 衛福部於7月首次公佈了補貼計畫,截至8月1日,已收到30家醫療機構的申請。其中包括台大醫院、台北榮總醫院在內的16家醫院的申請已獲批准。衛福部擬發放補貼建立三類A-I中心-負責A-I的實施中心、臨床 A-I 驗證中心和 A-I 影響研究中心。衛福部長邱泰源表示,此舉將有助於解決包括醫療人力短缺,長期醫療優化政策,維持國民健康保險體系。 subsidy:(n.)補助金 veteran:(n.)退伍軍人;榮民 clinical:(a.)臨床的 concern:(n.)憂慮;關切 manpower:(n.)人力 optimize:(v.)使優化;完善 ────────────────── AI can be an assistive tool in generating electronic medical records, analyzing images, researching genetic data and monitoring the condition of patients. AI can also help doctors and nurses assess potential issues beforehand. Ranging from electronic medical records to specific applications at different specialties, the goal smart healthcare is to help hospitals use AI and big data collection to introduce technological applications to medical care. In the future, the AI imaging research center could be added into the health insurance system if it clears clinical assessments. 人工智慧可以成為產生電子病歷、分析影像、研究遺傳資料和監測病患狀況的輔助工具,也可以幫助醫生和護士提前評估潛在問題。涵蓋電子病歷到不同專業的特定應用,智慧醫療的目標是幫助醫院利用人工智慧和大數據收集將技術應用引入醫療保健。未來,AI影像研究中心如果通過臨床評估,可望納入健保體系。 assistive:(a.)輔助的 genetic:(a.)基因的 assess:(v.)估計 常見表示評估或估計的單字有estimate、assess 和 evaluate,estimate含有推測或猜測出一個大概數值的含義,比如推估成本或數量,而assess 和 evaluate則是指對於事物的數量、價值及重要性作出評價或評定。在大多數情況下,assess 和 evaluate 非常相似,可以互換,但如果談及稅務或稅款的話,通常會用assess,而不是 evaluate。 beforehand:(adv.)事先;預先 ────────────────── Chiu firmly believes that AI medical applications can help achieve the goal of net-zero emissions. Otherwise, he emphasized that the launching of the centers is not only an important milestone in smart medical development in Taiwan but also reflects the government's goal of advancing e-health and ensuring the international competitiveness in the global medical field. He also stressed that AI could assist in environmental impact, resources and manpower allocation, development of new drugs and technologies, and sustainable development of the national health insurance system, echoing President Lai Ching-De's vision of a healthy Taiwan. 邱堅信 A-I 醫療應用可以協助實現淨零排放目標。此外,他強調這些中心的啟動不僅是台灣智慧醫療發展的一個重要里程碑也反映了政府推進電子醫療並確保全球醫療領域國際競爭力的目標。他還強調,人工智慧可以協助環境影響、資源和人力配置、新藥和新技術的開發以及國民健康保險體系的可持續發展,並呼應賴清德總統的健康台灣願景。 net-zero emission:(n.)淨零排放 淨零排放簡稱為淨零,是減緩全球暖化的行動之一,指在一段特定時間內,全球人為排放的溫室氣體量和人為移除的量相抵銷後,其結果為零。全球已有130多國提出「2050淨零排放」的宣示與行動,台灣國發會於2022提出包含四大轉型、兩大治理及十二項關鍵戰略在內的臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策略來逐步落實全球氣候目標。 echo:(v.)呼應
新聞英文解析 審查會拍板一般碳費率每公噸新台幣300元
The MOENV convened its sixth carbon fee rate review council on Monday (Oct. 7), setting the standard rate at NT$300 (US$9.34) per metric ton of carbon emissions. Besides the basic rate, the council also established preferential rates for industries meeting specific reduction criteria: NT$50 per metric ton for Category A and NT$100 per metric ton for Category B. The fees, applied initially only to companies emitting more than 25,000 tones per year, are expected to be collected starting in 2026, based on actual emissions next year. 環境部週一(10月7日)召開第六次碳費率審議會,將標準碳排費率定為每公噸新台幣300元(美金9.34元)。除了基本費率,委員會亦對符合具體削減標準的行業制定了優惠稅率:A類每公噸新台幣50元,B類每公噸新台幣100元。這些費用最初僅適用於年排放量超過25,000噸的公司,預計將於2026年開始根據明年的實際排放量收取。 the MOENV :(n.)the Ministry of Environment環境部 convene :(v.)召開(會議) review council:(n.)審議會 metric :(n.)公制 preferential :(a.)優惠的 meet :(v.)符合 specific:(a.)特定的 reduction:(n.)減量 criteria :(n.)作出評判、決定或處理的標準或準則 initially:(adv.)起初;最初 emit:(v.)散發(光、雜訊、氣味或氣體) ────────────────── The council has met six times, examining global carbon pricing practices and assessing impacts on the CPI since its inception in March 2024. Estimates showed a carbon fee of NT$300 per metric ton would lead to a 0.12 percentage point drop in GDP. Based on the GDP last year, every 0.1 percentage point drop in GDP is equivalent to about NT$23.5 billion, the MOEA said, adding that some local companies are bracing for a negative impact from the upcoming charges on carbon emissions as they are facing higher preferential rates than their rivals, who are paying NT$64.7 per ton imposed in Japan and NT$5.7 per ton in South Korea. The ministry would continue to urge the carbon fee review committee to lower the bar, it added. 自2024年3月成立以來,該委員會已召開六次會議,審查全球碳定價實踐並檢視其對消費者物價指數的影響。評估結果顯示每噸300元新台幣的碳排放費將導致GDP下降0.12個百分點。經濟部聲稱,以去年GDP計算,GDP每下降0.1個百分點,相當於新台幣約235億元,並補充說明部分本地企業正準備迎接即將到來的碳排放收費的負面影響,因其所面臨的優惠費率比競爭對手更高,日本每噸徵收新台幣64.7元,韓國每噸徵收新台幣5.7元。經濟部並表示將繼續敦促碳費審查委員會降低標準。 inception:(n.)成立;創立 CPI:(n.)消費者物價指數the Consumer Price Index的縮寫,在經濟學上,是反映與居民生活有關的產品及勞務價格統計出來的物價變動指標,以百分比變化為表達形式,是衡量通貨膨脹的主要指標之一。 GDP:(n.)國內生產毛額Gross Domestic Product,又稱國內生產總值,是一定時期內一個區域的經濟活動中所生產出之全部最終成果的市場價值。國內生產毛額在衡量一國或地區經濟狀況和發展水準具有相當重要性,是國民經濟核算的核心指標。 equivalent:(a.)等值的;相等的 the MOEA :(n.)經濟部the Ministry of Economic Affairs的頭字語縮寫 brace:(n.)之稱;做好準備 rival:(n.)敵手 impose:(v.)強制實行 ────────────────── The MOENV initially targets entities with annual emissions exceeding 25,000 metric tons threshold, inclusive of the power, gas supply, and manufacturing sectors, affecting approximately 500 emitters. To incentivize carbon reduction, the ministry offers a "voluntary reduction program" that allows entities to apply for preferential rates upon approval. It reflects Taiwan's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and aligning with international climate goals. 環境部首先針對年排放量超過25,000噸的實體,包括電力、天然氣供應和製造業,影響約500家工廠。為了激勵碳減排,環保部推出了「溫室氣體自願減量專案計劃」,允許企業經批准後申請優惠費率。反映了台灣致力於減少碳足跡並與國際氣候目標保持一致。 exceed:(v.)超過 threshold:(n.)門檻 emitter:(n.)排放者 incentivize:(v.)刺激;激勵 voluntary reduction program:(n.)溫室氣體自願減量專案。 溫室氣體Greenhouse Gas(GHG),依管理辦法第3條,應盤查之溫室氣體種類包含二氧化碳(CO2)、 甲烷(CH4)、氧化亞氮(N2O)、氫氟碳化物(HFCs)、全氟碳化物(PFCs)、六氟化硫(SF6)、三氟化氮(NF3)及其他經中央主管 機關公告之物質。易吸收太陽輻射的氣體,將太陽熱能保留在地球中,若大幅增加則會形成地球暖化現象。 溫室氣體減量額度在總量管制實施前,減量額度可運用於碳中和、環境影響評估承諾需求;總量管制實施後,減量額度可用於扣減抵銷其超額量,或可於碳交易市場進行交易。 approval:(n.)許可 commitment:(n.)保證;致力 carbon footprint:(n.)碳足跡,指的是一項活動或產品的整個生命週期中,直接與間接產生的溫室氣體排放量,盤查的標準依據是ISO14067。 align to:校準;與…一致。
新聞英文解析 桃園一銀行員涉貪629萬
An employee at a Taiwan First Bank branch in Taoyuan's Bade District is under investigation for allegedly embezzling NT$6.29 million (US$194,574) in cash, the bank and local police said. 台灣第一銀行桃園八德區分行及當地警方稱該行一名員工因涉嫌挪用新台幣629萬元(194,574美元)現金而受到調查。 allegedly:(adv.)涉嫌地 embezzle:(v.)貪汙;侵吞;盜用;挪用錢款 ────────────────── A person with knowledge of the matter who wished to remain anonymous said that bank employees noticed that each bundle of cash was missing NT$2,000 to NT$3,000 while conducting an inventory on the cash in its vault on Friday. An audit had been requested after discovering a shortage of cash in reserves of Danan ranch, said Taiwan First Bank in a statement issued Saturday. 一位不願透露姓名的知情人士稱,銀行工作人員在週五清點金庫現金時發現每捆現金短少新台幣2,000元至3,000元。台灣第一銀行在周六發布的聲明中表示,其大南分行在發現其儲備現金短缺後已要求進行查帳。 anonymous:(a.)匿名的 bundle:(n.)捆;束 conduct:(v.)執行;實施 常見於表示「執行」的單字有 do、perform、conduct以及execute,do是最普通用於表示具體完成某個工作或任務的單字,也用於完成某個動作。perform用於表示完成困難度較大且複雜的任務,是較為正式的字。conduct與perform相似,也是正式的用字,差別在於perform含有領導、指導或監督的意思在內。conduct強調組織和管理,而execute則強調正式和有權威的執行。 inventory:(n.)盤點 vault:(n.)銀行的金庫;保險庫 audit:(n.)查帳;審計 reserve:(n.)儲藏量 ────────────────── A bank teller supervisor surnamed Lee at the branch has reportedly admitted to taking a few NT$1,000 bills from the bundles each time he conducted an inventory, accumulating NT$6.291 million in illicit gains. 據報導,分行一名李姓行員主管承認每次清點時,都會從捆紮中取出數張千元大鈔,累計違法所得629.1萬元。 teller:(n.)銀行出納員 supervisor:(n.)管理者;督導 a few:為數不多的;有一些 此篇新聞中的bill「紙鈔」是可數名詞,所以,一、兩張紙鈔,就是a few bills。英文中表示「一點點」的用法有:few、a few、little及a little,前兩者用來形容可數名詞,而後面兩個,則用於形容不可數名詞。另外這四者最大的差別在於,a few 和a little皆表示雖然少,但是還有「一些」,與some 相似,帶有肯定語氣。而few 和 little 皆表示「很少」,帶有否定語氣。比如說,我們想要表示,雖然少,但「他還有些朋友」用的是He has a few friends. 如果說想要表示,「他的朋友為數不多,寥寥無幾」。那就是He has few friends. accumulate:(v.)累積 illicit:(a.)非法的;違禁的;社會不容的 illicit和illegal 或 unlawful 很大程度上是一樣的,都表示「違法」,但是illicit這個字也用於表示沒那麼嚴重的違法行為或者是僅為違反道德的行為。比如說,What is considered illicit today is commonplace tomorrow.「今天我們認為是違法的,明天可能就司空見慣了」。在這個句子中的「違法」就只能用illicit,而不能用illegal,因為illegal單純就是指違反法律本身。 gain:(n.)獲利;尤指經過一段時間逐漸取得的收益 ────────────────── Saturday, Liang Chung-ming, deputy chief of the Taoyuan Police Department's Bade Precinct said his precinct opened an investigation after the bank branch reported the alleged financial crime on Friday(Oct. 4). Police have summoned the suspect Lee for questioning, and once all the missing funds are located, he would be turned over to prosecutors to be investigated on suspicion of embezzlement, Liang said. 桃園市警察局八德分局副局長梁仲銘週六表示,週五(10月4日)銀行分行通報涉嫌金融犯罪後,該分局已展開調查。梁說,警方已傳喚李姓犯罪嫌疑人進行訊問,一旦找到所有失蹤資金,犯罪嫌疑人將以涉嫌挪用公款罪移送檢察機關審查。 deputy:(n.) 代理人;副手 precinct:(n.) 管轄區;尤指警區 summon:(v.) 法院的傳喚 suspect:(n.) 嫌疑犯 fund:(n.) 資金 locate:(v.) 確定…的位置;發現…的位置 suspicion:(n.) 懷疑;猜疑 embezzlement:(n.) 貪污;盜用公款 ────────────────── The interests of its customer would not be affected by the theft, added Taiwan First Bank. It is looking at ways to tighten its internal procedures to ensure that such incidents do not happen again in the future. 台灣第一銀行補充道,其客戶的利益不會因盜竊事件而受到影響,並且該行正在研究如何加強內部程序,以確保此類事件不再發生。 interest:(n.)利益 internal:(a.)內部的 internal的反義字為的同義字為inside,反義字為external(外部的)或outside procedure:(n.)程序 表示「發生」的英文字有 happen 、occur 以及take place,這三者都沒有被動語態。基本上 happen 常指偶發事件,發生的事情對人事物會產生影響。occur是比較正式的字,而take place一般指「非」偶然事件的發生,通常是預先安排好、計劃過的事情。
新聞英文解析 颱風屏東大火9人身亡
Another individual has been confirmed dead following a fire at An tai Tian-Sheng Memorial Hospital in Pingtung County as the island was being battered by Typhoon Krathon, bringing the death toll to nine, eight patients and one employee. According to authority, a total of 324 patients who were staying in Block D of the hospital where the fire happened were rescued and 113 among them were transferred to other hospitals. 山陀兒颱風侵台期間,屏東縣安泰醫院大火又增一名死者,累計死亡人數達九人,包括一名員工及八名病人。據當局表示起火醫院D棟住院的324名患者已獲救,其中113名轉移至其他醫院。 batter:(v.)連續猛擊;搗毀 evacuate:(v.)撤退 ────────────────── Reportedly the blaze started in an electricity distribution room on the second floor after an air compressor caught fire while the cause is still unknown. The firefighters, police and other emergency response units arrived at about 7:40 a.m. to assist medical personnel to evacuate wheelchair-bound and bedridden patients from the hospital complex, with the rain and strong winds brought by Typhoon Krathon which just made landfall in nearby Kaohsiung, adding to the difficulty of the operation. The blaze was extinguished around 1:08 p.m. with the help by the soldiers from a nearby military base. 起火原因尚未查明,據報導起火點是二樓配電室的一台空氣壓縮機起火。警消和其他緊急應變單位於上午7時40分左右趕到,協助醫護人員從醫院大樓內疏散坐輪椅和臥床不起的病人,而山陀兒颱風登陸鄰近高雄帶來的降雨和強風增加了行動的難度。下午1點08分左右,在附近軍事基地士兵的協助下撲滅火勢。 compressor:(n.)壓縮機 complex:(n.)由許多相關的不同部分所組成構造複雜的建築群;綜合大樓 landfall:(n.)登陸;著陸 extinguish:(v.)撲滅 ────────────────── Pingtung County Government later announcing eight had died and two were still missing. At around 2 p.m., one of the missing staff member, identified by his last name Wang, had fallen into cardiac arrest when firefighters pulled him from staircase between the first and second-floor in the hospital building, later pronounced dead after efforts to resuscitate him failed, authorities said, adding that the other missing one, a patient, had escaped the blaze and returned home on his own. 屏東縣政府後來宣布八人死亡,兩人仍失蹤。下午2點左右,王姓員工被消防隊員從醫院大樓一樓和二樓樓梯之間拉出來,心臟驟停。當局稱表示由於搶救無效,宣布該員死亡,並補充另一名失蹤者病患已獨自逃離了火災返回家中。 resuscitate:(v.)使甦醒;使恢復知覺 blaze :(n.)大火;火災 當我們要用英文表示火災發生,可以使用“a fire broke out”,一般來說“fire”是用來表示「火」最普遍的字,如果用來表示火花,火星,使用的是spark,如果冒起了火焰或火舌,就是flame,而瞬間竄起的火焰或火光,用的是flare,強調迅猛與突然,如果是熊熊大火,那就是blaze,這個字較為正式,尤其常用於新聞報導,而像是金門常發生的「火燒埔」,那就是野火wildfire。 ────────────────── Pingtung County Fire Department chief Lee Pin-cheng said that as the room housed many electrical appliances and high-voltage power lines, the fire quickly spread to the third and fourth floors where a large amount of medical equipment was stored, making the rescue mission more difficult. 324 patients had been evacuated safely, many of whom were treated for smoke inhalation and other minor injuries, and 113 people were transferred to other hospitals in Pingtung and Kaohsiung, Lee said. Su Ching-chyuan, the president of Antai Hospital, said Stack effect caused smoke and sparks to reach the upper floors, resulting in the deaths, and the eight deceased patients who were found on the building's 5th, 10th and 11th floors were bedridden elderly people staying in the hospital who were cared for by caregivers. He would provide assistances and financial compensation to the families of them and those who were injured, Su added. 屏東縣消防局長李彬正表示,由於房間內有大量電器和高壓電線,火勢很快就蔓延到存放大量醫療設備的三樓和四樓,使救援任務變得更加困難。目前已有324名病患安全疏散,其中許多人因吸入煙霧和其他輕傷而接受治療,並有113人被轉移到屏東和高雄的其他醫院。安泰醫院院長蘇清泉表示,蘇說,煙囪效應導致煙霧和火花到達高層,導致人員死亡;因吸入煙霧死亡的八名死者在大樓的五樓、十樓和十一樓被發現,皆是由護理人員照顧的臥床不起留院老人。蘇院長補充將對死者及火災傷者提供幫助與經濟賠償。 voltage:(n.)電壓;福特數 inhalation:(n.)吸入;吸氣 Stack effect:(n.)煙囪效應,是指戶內空氣沿著有垂直坡度的空間向上昇或下降,造成空氣加強對流的現象,因為熱空氣散溢而造成的氣流,將戶外的空氣抽入填補,令火爐的火更猛烈。 deceased:(a.)死的;去世的 bedridden:(a.)因病或受傷而臥床不起的 caregiver:(n.)看護者;護理員 compensation:(n.)賠償金;補償金 ────────────────── To determine the cause of blaze, including whether it was deliberately lit or due to negligence, and to verify legal liability and compensation, Pingtung prosecutors launched an investigation into the fire which was one of the worst in Taiwan in recent decades. Su said he suspected the fire could be linked to the typhoon currently affecting Taiwan, making the hospital's electricity supply on Wednesday night unstable. However, if the hospital were later found to be at fault, it would assume full responsibility, Su indicated. 屏東檢方對這起台灣近幾十年來最嚴重的火災之一展開調查,以確定起火原因,包括確定火災是故意點燃還是疏忽造成,並核實法律責任和賠償。蘇院長表示,鑑於週三晚上醫院的電力供應不穩定,他懷疑火災可能與目前影響台灣的颱風有關。然而,若事後發現醫院有過失,將負起全部責任。 deliberately:(adv.)故意地 verify:(v.)核實 liability:(n.)法律上對某事物的責任 decade:(n.)十年 fault:(n.)過錯 assume:(v.)承擔
新聞英文解析 疫後廈門首發團經小三通抵金
The first post-COVID-19 pandemic tour group from China's Xiamen City arrived in Taiwan's outlying island county of Kinmen on Sunday for a two-day trip. The 22-member group reached Shui-Tou Pier around 10 a.m. via the “mini-three links” by a direct ferry connecting Kinmen County and Matsu Islands with China's Fujian Province and was greeted by a lion dance performance organized by the Kinmen County Government. COVID-19疫情後,來自中國廈門的首發旅遊團於週日抵達台灣離島金門縣,展開為期兩天的旅行。上午10點左右,一行22人透過「小三通」搭乘金門、馬祖與中國福建省的直達渡輪抵達水頭碼頭,金門縣政府組織了醒獅表演以表歡迎。 the “mini-three links”:(n.)小三通 小三通為海峽兩岸實施「通郵」、「通商」、「通航」的簡稱,通航部分自2001年1月2日起由金門開始逐步實施,2008年擴大小三通全面實施,由金門馬祖直航大陸,此前受疫情影響,暫停團體旅行。 ────────────────── Independent travel to Taiwan was halted by China on Aug. 1, 2019, which citing the poor state of cross-strait relations. Ferry services between Taiwan and China had been suspended since February 2020 for the COVID-19 epidemic, with cross-strait ferry travel partially re-opened for one month in January 2023. The tour group's arrival came after the China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced on Aug. 30 that Beijing would soon lift restrictions on group and independent travel for residents in Fujian Province to Kinmen. 中國以兩岸關係狀況不佳為由,於 2019 年 8 月 1 日停止赴台自由行。由於新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情,台灣與中國大陸之間的渡輪服務自 2020 年 2 月起暫停,兩岸渡輪旅行於 2023 年 1 月部分重啟一個月。該團在中國文旅部8月30日宣布北京將很快取消福建省居民前往金門的團體旅遊和自由行限制之後抵金。 halt:(v.)停止;終止 cite:(v.)引……為證 suspend:(v.)暫停 partially:(adv.)部分地 一般來說,跟團旅行稱為escorted tour,全程有導遊領隊帶,而自由行則為independent travel,在自由行方面,很多旅行社都有推出自由行的機加酒 (Flight & Hotel Packages),這種套裝行程 package tour除了包含機票、住宿費用,還有可能涵蓋活動門票、機場接送等等。也有很多人採取半自助或半自由行semi-independent tour,在自己安排多數的行程下,同時享有套裝行程內的住宿、交通、短途旅行和部分餐點,保有一定的彈性、自由和隱私。背包客旅行為backpack,往往過於克難,所以現在有一種介於自由行與背包客中間的若預算較高的背包客旅flashpacking因應而生。 ────────────────── The first stop where the group arrived was the Shui Tou settlement in Jincheng township, famous for its traditional Southern Fukienese-style architecture. They also went to visit sites such as Chen Jing-Lan Western-style House and Southern Stone Tidal Weir Park later. The group is set to visit Ming Yi Old Street and the historic Mo Fan Street on the next day before returning to Xiamen via the direct ferry route that afternoon. 首發團的第一站是金城鎮以傳統的閩南風格建築聞名的水頭聚落,稍後又參觀了陳景蘭洋樓和南石潮堰公園等景點。隔日首發團遊覽明遺老街和歷史悠久的模範街,下午乘坐直達渡輪返回廈門。 settlement:(n.)聚落 閩南風格建築Southern Fukienese-style architecture通常指福建建築Hokkien architecture,亦被稱為河洛建築Hoklo architecture或閩南建築Minnan architecture。 stone tidal weir:(n.)石滬 『漁滬』可以定義為:一種設置於河流、河口或海濱地區的固定式捕魚陷阱,其材料可能是木頭、石材或人工材料所建構,其功能主要在於攔截水流、限制魚類行 動,進而加以捕捉,此類功能的結構稱為滬或堰(weirs),因材料差異也有魚陷阱(fish traps)、潮間帶陷阱(tidal traps)、柵欄(kraals、fish fences)以及壩(impoundments)等稱呼,但還是以fish weirs為多,本文之stone tidal weir即為潮間帶有捕魚公用的「石滬」。南石滬公園Southern Stone Tidal Weir Park素有「迷你張家界」之稱,位在金門東南角料羅村外海岸,過去是開挖地下花崗岩石的礦場,時至今日,洗石之窪地已積水成湖,故稱之。 ────────────────── The visit came days after a so-called three-day“familiarization tour”which was taken by a group of seven travel industry representatives from Xiamen to the outlying island last Wednesday. The two groups visiting Kinmen marked the results of joint efforts from multiple sectors, the county government said on Sunday, adding that it held several meetings with the local travel industry to enhance the quality of tourism services. According to the Kinmen County government, the applications of 27 independent Chinese travelers to visit the county on Wednesday for a two-day tour has also been approved. 此次訪問是在上週三來自廈門的七名旅遊業代表抵達離島進行為期三天所謂的「熟悉之旅」後成行。縣政府於周日表示,兩團金門之旅是多部門共同努力的結果,並補充縣政府與當地旅遊業召開了多次會議,以提高旅遊服務品質。據金門縣政府表示,已准許許27名中國自由行遊客週三赴金門進行兩日遊的申請 representative:(n.)代表 joint:(a.)連合的 multiple:(a.)複合的 sector:(n.)領域;行業部門
新聞英文解析 陸籍男駕橡皮艇赴台投奔自由
A Chinese man was discovered on a rubber boat near the coast of Linkou District on Saturday (Sept. 14) and has been transported to the hospital for treating his severe dehydration. The man, surnamed Wang (王), was quoted by the CGA as saying that he had set sail from Niuweitang Beach in Ningbo, China, to flee from debt and “defected to freedom”. The CGA is handling the case and Wang has been transferred to judicial authorities for further investigation, it added. 一名中國公民在林口區海岸附近的一艘充氣船上被發現,已被送往醫院接受脫水治療。CGA引述這名王姓男子的話說,他從中國寧波牛尾塘海灘起航,前往台灣躲債且「為自由而叛逃」。海關總署正在處理此案,補充說明,王某已移送司法機關進一步調查。 CGA:(n.)Coast Guard Administration海洋委員會海巡署,亦做Ocean Affairs Council,簡稱為OAC dehydration:(a.)脫水 quote:(v.)引述 flee:(v.)因危險或恐懼而逃跑 defect:(v.)叛逃 judicial:(a.)司法的 ────────────────── According to reports,Wang,a 31-year-old man, was spotted on a rubber boat by anglers when he was about to set foot on the Houkeng Creek estuary, which around 100 meters offshore in Linkou District, New Taipei City, at around 6:30 am. Coast guard officers from Zhuwei Fishing Port and firefighters from the New Taipei City Fire Department responded to reports, and assisted the man onto shore at 7:04 a.m. Wang was wearing a surgical mask, long pants, and a long-sleeve jacket, and was badly sunburned. Paramedics from the New Taipei City Fire Department took Wang to Chang Gung General Hospital to be treated for severe dehydration.Wang claimed to have spent 5 days crossing the Taiwan Strait from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China, saying that he was heavily in debt, and wanted to start a new life in Taiwan. The case has been referred to prosecutors for further investigation. 據報導,這名31歲王姓男子,於早上6時30分左右在新北市林口區離岸約100公尺處的後坑溪出海口附近準備登陸台灣時,在橡皮艇上被釣魚者發現。竹圍漁港海巡人員和新北市消防局消防人員接報後,於上午7點04分將男子救上岸。王戴著外科口罩,穿著長褲和長袖夾克,嚴重曬傷。新北市消防局急救人員將嚴重脫水的王某送往長庚醫院治療。王某自稱花了5天時間從中國浙江省寧波市穿越台灣海峽,表示自己負債累累,想在台灣開始新的生活。目前,該案已移送檢察機關進一步調查。 spot:(v.)認出;發現 angler:(n.)垂釣者 estuary:(n.)江河入海的河口 sunburn:(v.)曬傷 paramedic:(n.)非醫生或護士的護理人員,醫務輔助人員 prosecutor:(n.)檢察官 investigation:(n.)對犯罪問題等的調查 ────────────────── New Taipei City Mayor Hou You-yi urged the central government to beware of illegal entries like yesterday's incident and determine whether these are a new type of threat since the case was the second such incident in three months. People who admire Taiwan's freedom and democracy are welcome to enter the nation via legal routes, he added. Authorities would improve border control to prevent unlawful entry into Taiwan's waters and safeguard national security, the MAC also said. Chinese nationals may not enter Taiwan without permission from Taiwanese authorities as stipulated in Article 10 of the Act Governing Relations Between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. Those who enter or exit Taiwan without permission may face imprisonment for up to five years or a fine of up to NT$500,000, as required by Article 74 of the Immigration Act. It emphasized that the government does not encourage illegal entry into the country. 新北市長侯友宜敦促中央政府警惕如昨日事件般的非法入境,並確定這是否是一種新型威脅,因這是三個月內第二起此類事件,同時補充,歡迎欽佩台灣自由民主的人們透過合法途徑進入台灣。陸委會表示,當局將加強邊境管制,以防止非法進入台灣水域,維護國家安全。根據《台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例》第十條規定,中國公民未經台灣當局許可,不得進入台灣。根據入出國及移民法第七十四條規定,未經許可入出境者,處五年以下有期徒刑或新台幣五十萬元以下罰金。這強調了政府不鼓勵非法入境。 beware:(v.)小心 route:(n.)路徑 unlawful:(a.)非法的 the MAC:(n.)The Mainland Affairs Council陸委會 the Act Governing Relations Between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area:(n.)臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例 imprisonment:(n.)監禁;囚禁 Immigration Act:(n.)入出國及移民法 ────────────────── The CGA said human error was not responsible for yesterday's incident, as its radar system was not capable of detecting such small rubber boat —3.6m in length — and was made of rubber and drifting at low speed on the sea. It was undetectable without infrared thermographic cameras; even after reviewing radar data, no suspicious tracks were found. After the incident, the CGA highlighted ongoing efforts to strengthen their surveillance capabilities. It would obtain the UAV and advanced vessels to boost its detection capacity by installing more monitoring devices such as the TIC, it said. 海巡署表示,昨天的事件與人為錯誤無關,除非有紅外線熱像儀,其雷達系統無法偵測到如此小,長3.6m,由橡膠製成,在海上慢速漂流的橡皮艇。若沒有紅外線熱像儀,便無法探測到它。即使在檢查了雷達資料後,也未發現可疑的蹤跡。事件發生後,海岸防衛隊管理局強調會持續努力加強其監視能力,並表示將取得無人駕駛飛行器和先進船隻,安裝更多熱像儀等監控設備,以提高其偵測能力。 infrared thermographic cameras紅外線熱影像儀又稱為熱像儀等,是一種對物體散發出紅外線進行感光成像的裝置infrared thermal imaging equipment,這種裝置廣泛運用在軍事、消防、醫療、工業生產、海關檢查等領域。 surveillance:(n.)盯哨(尤指員警或軍隊的監視) the UAV:(n.)無人飛行載具Unmanned Aerial Vehicle的縮寫。 無人飛行載具俗稱drone,即無人飛機、無人機、蜂型機,最初於1970年代由美國國防部發展使用於軍事用途,簡單定義為沒有搭載飛行員的航空器,用途上分為軍用和民用。 boost:(v.)提高;改善;增強 the TIC:(n.)紅外顯像測溫儀Thermal Image Camera的簡稱。
新聞英文解析 韓國telegram數位性犯罪事件爆發
The Korean National Police, which last week announced a crackdown on sexually abusive deepfakes, said Monday that they had launched an investigation into Telegram over potential charges of aiding and abetting the spread of sexually explicit deepfakes on its platform. Local media and crowdsourced efforts recently uncovered large numbers of chat rooms on the messaging app Telegram that distribute fake sexual images and videos made with artificial intelligence. An overwhelming majority of deepfake victims in South Korea are women and teenage girls, according to journalists and activists who have monitored some of the chat rooms. Last Tuesday, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol had instructed authorities to "thoroughly investigate and address these digital sex crimes to eradicate them". 韓國國家警察上周宣布打擊性虐待「深度偽造」,週一表示,已開始對 Telegram 展開調查,因為該公司可能被指控協助和教唆在其平台上傳播露骨的深度偽造。當地媒體和眾包最近在訊息應用程式 Telegram 上發現了大量聊天室,這些聊天室散佈人工智慧製作的虛假性圖片和視頻,據監控聊天室的記者和活動人士稱,韓國絕大多數深度偽造受害者是婦女和少女。上週二,韓國總統尹錫烈指示當局「徹底調查和解決這些數位性犯罪,以根除它們」。 crackdown:(n.)鎮壓;制裁 abusive:(a.)虐待的 deepfake:(n.)深度偽造,簡稱「深偽」 deepfake是英文「deep learning」(深度學習)和「fake」(偽造)的混成詞,專指基於人工智慧的人體圖像合成技術的應用,合成某個不一定存在的人的圖像或影片、甚至聲音。常用來偽造名人性愛影片和復仇式色情等等媒體。 launch:(v.)積極投入;猛力展開 abet:(v.)教唆 crowdsourced:(a.)群眾外包的 crowdsourcing群眾外包是個數位時代的新名詞,是由群眾(crowd)加上外包(outsourcing)合成的,於2006年首次被Jeff Howe提出,是一種特定的取得資源的模式。在該模式下,個人或組織可以利用大量的網路使用者來取得需要的服務和想法。簡單的說就是將以往外包給企業的行為,轉而透過特定平台外包給大眾。 overwhelming:(a.)巨大的;極大的 eradicate:(v.)消除;根除 ────────────────── More and more ordinary South Korean women including students of all ages, teachers, soldiers and now journalists are finding out they are targets of a fast-growing form of digital sex abuse: deepfakes. Deepfakes are generated using artificial intelligence, and the majority of which often combine the face of a real person with a fake sexually explicit body. The recent deepfake crisis has been met with outrage in South Korea, after journalists discovered police were investigating deepfake porn rings at two of the country's major universities. 越來越多的普通韓國女性,包括各個年齡層的學生、教師、士兵,現在還有記者等發現她們成為了一種快速增長的數位性虐待形式的目標:深度偽造。深度偽造是使用人工智慧生成的,其中大部分將真人的臉部與露骨的假身體結合。最近的深度造假危機在韓國引起了憤怒,因為記者發現警方正在調查該國兩所主要大學的深度造假色情團夥。 generate:(v.)產生 explicit:(a.)明確的;詳盡的 crisis:(n.)危機 outrage:(n.)憤慨;義憤 porn:(n.)色情刊物、照片或影片 ring:(n.)(尤指與性或毒品有關的)犯罪團夥 ────────────────── Two days earlier, South Korean journalist Ko Narin had published what would turn into the biggest scoop of her career in the Hankyoreh newspaper has shocked South Korea. Ms. Ko was convinced there must be more than the two deepfake porn rings of the country's major universities so that she started searching social media and uncovered dozens of chat groups on the messaging app Telegram where users were sharing photos of women they knew and using AI software to convert them into fake pornographic images within seconds. What's more, these groups were not just targeting university student; there were rooms for specific high schools and even middle schools as well. If a lot of content was created using images of a particular student, she might even be given her own room. Broadly labelled “humiliation rooms” or “friend of friend rooms”, they often come with strict entry terms. 兩天前,韓國記者 Ko Narin 在《韓民族日報》上發表了一篇後來成為她職業生涯中最大的獨家新聞,同時震驚了韓國。因高女士確信一定有比該國兩所主要大學的深度偽造色情團夥外更多的犯罪團夥,故開始搜尋社交媒體,並在訊息應用程式 Telegram 上發現了數十個聊天群組,其中用戶正在分享他們認識的女性的照片,並使用人工智慧軟體在幾秒鐘內將它們轉換成假色情圖片,而且這些團體不僅僅是針對大學生也有特定的高中房甚至國中房。如果很多內容是使用特定學生的圖像創建的,甚至會有自己專屬的房間。這些房間被廣泛地貼上「羞辱室」或「朋友的朋友室」的標籤,通常有嚴格的准入條件。 scoop:(n.)獨家新聞 convince:(v.)說服 convince用於表示用邏輯、數據、證據...等使某人在心理上相信、信服某事 uncover:(v.)發現;揭露 convert:(v.)使轉變 pornographic:(a.)相片的 dedicate:(v.)奉獻出時間或精力;獻給 humiliation:(n.)羞辱;丟臉 ────────────────── In the first seven months of this year, 297 cases of crimes involving sexually explicit deepfakes have been reported, up from 180 in all of 2023, said the police. Perpetrators grab victims' images from social media without their knowledge or consent or secretly take pictures of women around them at home or in school, then altering the pictures using artificial intelligence and share the results on Telegram with strangers or users who know the victim. Those found guilty of creating sexually explicit deepfakes in South Korea, can be jailed for up to five years and fined up to 50 million won ($37,500; NT 1,196,500). 據警方稱,今年前 7 個月,共接報了 297 起涉及色情深度造假的犯罪案件,而 2023 年全年為 180 起。犯罪者在受害者不知情或未同意的情況下從社群媒體上獲取受害者的照片,或他們在家裡或學校偷偷拍攝周圍女性的照片。然後,他們使用人工智慧更改圖片,並在 Telegram 上與陌生人或認識受害者的用戶分享結果。在韓國,那些被判犯有露骨色情深度偽造罪的人最高可被判處五年監禁,並處以最高 5000 萬韓元(37,500 美元;119.65萬台幣)的罰款。 perpetrator:(n.)肇事者;犯罪者;行兇者 consent:(n.)同意;許可 won:(n.)韓元