新聞英文解析 萬名日托工作者上凱道抗議
Daycare workers holding placards and bannersyesterday protested in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei, demandingbetter working conditions and urging the government to play a larger role in the industry. The alliance said that 10,000 people attended the protest on Ketagalan Boulevard and the advocates said that childcare is a societal right best left in the public's control. 日托工作者昨日在台北總統府前舉標語牌和橫幅進行抗議,要求提供更好的工作條件,並敦促政府在該行業發揮更大的作用。該聯盟稱有1萬人參加了凱達格蘭大道上的抗議活動。支持者表示,托兒服務是一項社會權利,最好由公眾控制。 *placards:(n.)標語牌 *banner:(n.)橫幅 ☆protest:抗議。本段落中,出現兩個protest,第一個是動詞,有抗議、反對與控訴之意,第二個是名詞,則是指抗議活動或遊行。 *demand:(v.)要求 *alliance:(n.)聯盟 ☆the Childcare Policy Alliance:托育政策催生聯盟,是由台灣家長教育聯盟、台灣勞工陣線、全國教保產業工會、台灣女人連線、婦女新知基金會、彭婉如文教基金會、台灣公共托育協會所共同組成的團體,主張政府應提供平價、優質、近便之公共空間與資源,推動保母托育(0~2歲)、幼兒園(2~6歲)與國小課後照顧(6~12歲)等公共托育服務,以滿足勞動家庭的需要。 *attend:(v.)參加、出席 *advocate:(n.)支持者 Private daycare centers outnumber public ones by a ratio of seven to three. Accepting more than the maximum number of children allowed by the law, hiring those who lack professional credentials and phony teacher-to-child ratios are endemic problems as commercial operators try cut corners for profit.Otherwise, the pressure of commercial competition contributes to poor working conditions, with low pay and long work hours the norm, the alliance said. 該聯盟表示,私人日托中心與公立日托中心的數量為七比三,當商業經營者試圖為了利潤而走捷徑,接收超過法律允許的最大數量的兒童、僱用缺乏專業資格的人員以及虛假的師生比例成為問題。此外,商業競爭壓力導致工作條件惡劣,低薪、工作時間長已成為常態。 *outnumber:(v.)在數量上超過;多於 *ones:(n.)此為不定代名詞,指的是日托中心 *ratio:(n.)比率 *maximum:(adj.)最大的 *credential:(n.)資格;任何證明某人有資格或能力的證書 ☆credential在使用上常使用複數形式credentials來表示「資格證明」,通常是指某人適合某項工作或職位。 *phony:(adj.)假貨;冒名頂替的人 *severe:(adj.)嚴重的 *to cut corners:(v.)走捷徑;超短線 ☆我們在走路時,比起走直角,沿著兩點之間最短的距離走更加省時。英語表達"to cut corners 切斷角落"的實際含義就是「為了省時間或金錢貪便宜、走捷徑」,在表示駕駛時,常用來表示拐小彎而不拐大彎;若用來形容做事,則是表示捷徑或者圖省事。經常帶有忽視規則或粗心大意等含義在內。 *contribute:(v.)導致 *norm:(n.)normal的縮寫,表示普遍;常態的 For giving professional women thesupportsthey need to raise a family and ensuring women in childcare are not exploited, expansion of the government's rolein daycare is necessary.Public daycare centers with prices fixed by government regulations, staffed with state-selected personnel and established in locations according to need can deliver good services at an affordable price to all families, the alliance said. 為職業女性提供養育家庭所需的支持,並確保兒童保育中的婦女不被剝削,擴大政府在日托方面的作用是必要的。該聯盟表示,公共日托中心的價格由政府規定確定,配備國家選定的人員,並根據需要設點,能以實惠的價格為所有家庭提供良好的服務。 *exploit:(v.)出於私利利用;剝削 *expansion:(n.)擴張 *affordable:(adj.)負擔得起的 After presenting a petition to the Presidential Office, an alliance spokesperson said that the government has expressed willingness to explore the feasibility of the policy and making financial changes to help meet its demands. 聯盟發言人在向總統府提交請願書後表示,政府已表示願意探討該政策的可行性並進行財務改革,以協助滿足其要求。 *petition:(n.)請願書 *express:(v.)表達 *willingness:(n.)意願 *feasibility:(n.)可行性
新聞英文解析 以色列要求加薩一百萬人24小時內撤離
Aweek after Hamas' bloody, wide-ranging attack into Israel, the Israeli military yesterday ordered nearly half the population to evacuate south and carried out limited ground forays ahead of an expected land offensive. Palestinians on Friday scrambled to flee northern Gaza following the warning. 在哈馬斯對以色列發動大規模血腥襲擊一周後,以色列軍方昨天下令近一半人口撤離南部,並在預計發動陸地攻勢之前進行了有限的地面進攻。巴勒斯坦人接獲警告後在昨天爭先恐後地逃離加薩北部。 *bloody:(a.)血腥的 *wide-ranging:(a.)大範圍的 *population:(n.)人口 *evacuate:(v.)撤出,疏散,轉移;尤其指把人從危險的地方撤離。 *carry out:(v-phr.)執行;實施;貫徹 ☆通常用於表示「執行」的英文單字有execute、implement以及carry out,通常,如果牽扯到跟跟政府或官方機構有關的決定、計畫或者是系統的執行,絕大多數都使用implement這個字。而implement強調的是「開始執行或實施」,而 execute則是著重在「執行並完成」,比較強調整個過程。carry out 是慣用片語,意思跟execute較為接近,但更著重在「執行某個命令或某件別人要求你做的事」,所以後面常接 plan或 order當受詞,在進行研究或實驗的時候,也常使用這個片語。 *foray:(n.)突襲,尤其指為了糧食、武器對城鎮所進行的襲擊。 *offensive:(n.)進攻 *scramble:(v.)快速移動;爭相 *flee:(v.)逃離 More than 1,300 people on the Israeli side was killed by the Hamas assault, most of which are civilians, and about 1,500 Hamas militants were killed during the fighting, said the Israeli government. 以色列政府表示,哈馬斯的攻擊造成以色列方面1,300多人死亡,其中大多數是平民,約1,500名哈馬斯武裝分子在戰鬥中喪生。 *assault:(n.)突襲;猛攻;尤其指單純企圖傷害的行為 *civilian:(n.)平民;百姓 *militant:(n.)激進好戰者 Israel dropped leaflets from the air and redoubled warnings on social media for more than 1 million Gaza residents to move south while workers at an Israeli military base kept going on their efforts through the Jewish Sabbath to identify the more than 1,300 people killed in the Oct. 7 assault.Palestinians could travel within Gaza without being harmed along two main routes from 10am to 4pm, said Israel. 儘管以色列軍事基地的工作人員在猶太安息日繼續努力識別在1,300 多名在 10 月 7 日襲擊中喪生者的身份,但以色列從空中散發傳單,並在社交媒體上再次警告超過 100 萬加薩居民向南遷移。以色列表示,從上午 10 點到下午 4 點,巴勒斯坦人可以沿著兩條主要路線在加薩內行動而不會受到傷害。 *leaflet:(n.)傳單 *redouble:(v.)加倍;增強;重複 ☆the Jewish Sabbath猶太教安息日:各個宗教的安息日有所不同,基督教的安息日在星期天,穆斯林的安息日在星期五,而猶太教在星期六,按照猶太曆,安息日是從星期五日落起到星期六日落為止,是一週當中的休息日。 *route:(n.)路線,尤其指固定路線;航線;航道 Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians had already headed south, but roads demolished by airstrikes and a fuel shortage hindered the journeys ofthose who live up to 20km away.Thousands of people crammed into a UN-run school-turned-shelter in Deir al-Balah, a farming town south of the evacuation zone. The UN and aid groups have said that such a rapid exodus causes hospital patients and others unable to relocate. 數十萬名巴勒斯坦人已經向南進發,部分居住於二十公里之外人們,被空襲摧毀的道路和燃料短缺阻礙了的行程。數千人擠在疏散區以南的農業小鎮代爾巴拉赫 (Deir al-Balah) 的一所聯合國開辦的學校改建的避難所裡。聯合國和援助組織表示,如此迅速的撤離將導致醫院病人和其他人無法重新安置。 *demolish:(v.)毀壞;破壞;拆除 *airstrike:(n.)空襲 *hinder:(v.)阻礙;妨礙 *cram:(v.)填滿;塞進;擠入 *shelter:(n.)必念所 *evacuation:(n.)疏散區 *exodus:(n.)出走,尤其指大批人的退出 *relocate:(v.)重新安置
新聞英文解析 杭州亞運台灣獲19金
Following half a month of sporting action, the curtain came down on the Hangzhou Asian Games last Sunday with a grand closing ceremony. Taiwan's flag-bearer was karate star Gu Shiau-shuang, who won the nation's final gold medal in the games and brought Taiwan's total medal count to 67. 為期半個月的杭州亞運周日舉行盛大的閉幕典禮,台灣隊的掌旗官,由奪下第19面金牌讓台灣得牌數高達67的空手道選手谷筱霜擔任。 Asian Games:(n.)亞洲運動會 亞洲運動會前身是遠東運動會和西亞運動會。目前為國際奧委會承認的地區性大型綜合運動會,由亞洲奧林匹克理事會主辦,每4年一屆,目前共舉辦19屆,本屆主辦方為中國,地點在杭州。 closing ceremony:(n.)閉幕典禮 flag-bearer:(n.)掌旗官 karate:(n.)空手道 Taiwan won 19 gold medals in all, matching the record set during the 1998 Asian Games in Bangkok where they won 77 medals, including 17 silvers and 41 bronzes. 這屆比賽台灣代表隊拿下了19金,追平1998年曼谷亞運的最多金紀錄,金牌數也與1998年曼谷奧運會上台灣隊的表現相當,當時台灣隊贏得了77枚獎牌,其中包括17枚銀牌和41枚銅牌。 match:(v.)匹配,此為旗鼓相當,金牌數相等。 silver:(n.)銀牌 bronze:(n.)銅牌 The 19 gold medals Taiwan won at the Games smashed the 10-gold goal set by the Sports Administration for the competition. Taiwan also won an all-time high of 20 silvers and 28 bronzes, to rank sixth on the medal table. 台灣隊在本屆奧運會上獲得的19枚金牌,打破了體育署原定於去年舉行的比賽所訂下的10枚金牌的目標。台灣獲20面銀牌也締造史上最多紀錄,另外還有28面銅牌,獎牌榜排名第6。 smash:(v.)刷新 the Sports Administration:(n.)體育署 competition:(n.)競爭 all-time high:(n.)歷史新高 rank:(v.)排名 table:(n.)表格 A large portion of the gold-medal haul was won by Taiwanese roller skaters. Theywon seven golds along with two silvers and four bronzes.At this year's Games, Taiwan took first place for the first time in judo, canoe slalom, 3x3 basketball and go. 大部分金牌都由台灣輪滑選手奪得,他們獲得了七枚金牌、兩枚銀牌和四枚銅牌。本屆運動會,台灣隊在柔道、獨木舟激流迴旋、三人籃球、圍棋等多個項目上首次奪冠。 portion:(n.)比例 bag:(v.) first place:(n.)第一名 Based on Taiwanese athletes' achievements at this year's Asian Games,a total of NT$335.3 million in awards is to be issued, said the Sports Administration. Taiwan's roller skating team and their coaches have also accumulated the highest amount of the nation's athletics awards, totaling NT$45.6 million. 體育局表示,根據台灣運動員在今年亞運的成績,共頒發新台幣3.353億元的獎金。台灣輪滑隊及其教練也獲得了全國最高的田徑獎項,總計4,560萬新台幣。 athlete:(n.)運動員 achievement:(n.)成就 award:(n.)獎金 issue:(v.)核發 accumulate:(v.)累積
新聞英文解析 屏東工廠火災爆炸
Two bodies of the missing people were found Sundaymorning, more than 24 hours after a factory fire and subsequent explosions at an industrial park in southern Taiwan's Pingtung County, raising the death toll from the incident to nine, local authorities said. 當局指稱,台灣南部屏東縣一工業園區發生工廠火災及隨後爆炸事件,24小時後,週日上午又發現兩具失蹤者屍體,事故死亡人數增至9人。 *subsequent:(a.)隨後的;作為結果而接著發生的;隨之而來的 *explosion:(n.)爆炸 *toll:(n.)傷亡;損失 ☆toll當作名詞來使用時,常用於表示:收取費用;道路、橋梁等的通行費以及長途電話費等。 As of 8 a.m. Sunday, the blaze and subsequent explosions at a golf ball manufacturer Launch Technologies Co.'s factory at Pingtung Technology Industrial Park killed at least nine people, including four firefighters, and injured another 98 , according to the local government.Search teams are still looking for one missing person. 據當地政府表示,截至週日上午8點,高爾夫球製造商元徵科技位於屏東科技工業園區的工廠發生火災並隨後發生爆炸,造成至少9人死亡,其中包括4名消防員,另有98人受傷。搜索小組仍在尋找一名失蹤人員。 *as of截至(as of= from or until a given time ) ☆as of通常後面會接上明確的時間點,有「自」或「至」的意思,取決於上下文的意思,在新聞英文中常常用於表示「截至」某時間點。 例句:As of June 30, 2023, the amount of his assets was $50million. 截至民國2023年06月30日,他的資產總計為$5千萬元。 *blaze:(n.)火焰;火災;光輝 Hsu Mei-hsueh (許美雪) , the head of the county's Bureau of Fire and Emergency Services, said the bureau received a call about the fire at 5:31 p.m. on Friday, and firefighters arrived at the location 12 minutes later. At 6:09 p.m., an explosion occurred after several firefighters had entered the premises, causing part of the structure to collapse and trapping several firefighters and workers beneath the rubble.A few minutes later, at 6:28 p.m., a second explosion occurred.With more than 28 hours of firefighting efforts, the fire started at the factory on Friday evening was extinguished at 9:56 p.m. on Saturday. 該縣消防局局長許美雪表示,該局於下午 5 點 31 分接到有關火災的電話。週五,消防隊員12分鐘後到達現場。下午6點09分,幾名消防員進入大樓後發生爆炸,導致部分建築倒塌,幾名消防員和工人被困在廢墟下。幾分鐘後,下午 6 點 28 分,發生了第二次爆炸。經過消防員超過 28 小時的努力,週五晚上起火的工廠火災於週六晚上 9 點 56 分被撲滅。 *premise:(n.)房屋連基地 ☆premise通常用於表示:假定…為先決條件,作為…的前提,在這篇文章中,the premise是指前述事項所稱的土地或者建築物等。 *trap:(v.)困住;陷入 ☆trap本身當作名詞的時候表示「陷阱、圈套或者是捕獸器的夾子」,當作動詞便是「設陷阱捕捉」,也有「使陷入或困於陷阱中」的意思。 *beneath:(prep.)在……之下,強調處於較低的位置 *rubble:(n.)房屋倒塌或被毀後留下的瓦礫堆或碎磚爛瓦 *extinguish:(v.)撲滅 The four firefighters who died in the fire were all in their 30s. They were Lai Chun-ju (賴俊儒), 33; Chen Po-han (陳柏翰), 32; Chung Chi-yuan (鍾吉垣), 38, and Shih Pao-hsiang (施寶翔), 37, according to the bureau. 火災中喪生的四名消防員均為30多歲。他們是賴俊儒,33 歲;陳柏翰,32歲;據該局稱,鍾吉垣,38歲,施寶翔,37歲。 *in their 30s:三十多歲。 ☆「in one's+ 數字的複數」表示「…多歲」,如果要更近一步表示某人為「…出頭」,就可以用「in one's early + 數字的複數」例如30 出頭為 in one's early thirties,若想表示35 歲上下的英文就會寫成 in one's mid-thirties,而快 40 歲則用 in one's late thirties來表示。 Launch Technologies president Liu An-hao yesterday led executive officials in a bow of apology andexpressed sorrow over the deaths of firefighters and company staff and they also offered condolences to the families of victimsin an online news conference.The company would not avoid responsibility and would set up a trust fund to care for victims and their families, saidLaunch Technologies general manager Lu Ying-cheng (呂英誠). 元徵科技總裁劉安浩昨天在網路記者會上帶領高階主管鞠躬致歉並對消防隊員和公司工作人員的死亡表示哀悼,同時也向罹難者家屬表示慰問。元徵科技總經理呂英誠表示,公司不會逃避責任,並會成立信託基金,照顧罹難者及其家屬。 *executive:(n.)執行長,尤指商業機構中的行政主管或經理位階者 *bow:(n.)鞠躬 *sorrow:(n.)沈痛悲傷 *condolence:(n.)弔唁;哀悼 *victim:(n.)犧牲者;罹難者 *set up:(v.)設置
新聞英文解析 流感疫苗接種意願書誤植去年版本導致百萬家長須重簽
6,986,000government-funded flu vaccinesare ready for the needs and will be rolled out on Oct. 2 in schools nationwide.However, the inoculation plan is off to a bumpy start.More than 1 million parents have signed up their children for flu shots using the wrong online versionprovided by Taiwan CDC and must resubmit flu shot form. 698.6萬劑公費疫苗已準備將於10月2日在全國各校開打,然而接種計畫一開始就遇到卡關。已有超過百萬的家長使用疾管署寄給家長的錯誤接種表格版本填寫上傳,因而必須要重新提交資料。 *flu vaccines:(n.)流感疫苗 *inoculation:(n.)預防接種 *the needs:(n.)有需求的人 *roll out:(v.-ph.)推出;展開 *be off to:(v.-ph.)出發去……地方;開創……局面 *[例句]:He is off to a flying start in his new job. 他的新工作剛開展就扶搖直上。 *bumpy:(a.)凹凸不平的;顛簸的 ☆文章中is off to a bumpy start指一開始就不順的意思 *version:(n.)版本 *Taiwan CDC:(n.)衛福部疾病管制署The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare。CDC簡稱疾病管制署或疾管署,是中華民國衛生福利部Ministry of Health and Welfare的下轄機關,主要負責國家現代化防疫檢疫體系。 *resubmit:(v.)重新提交 Theversion of the signup form was the one last year. It showed the wrong administration times and flu strains targeted. Medigen which is set to debut this yearas a vaccine brand on offer didn't been featured. 家長簽署的電子系統意願書誤植為去年版本,不只接種時間和病毒株不同,而所提供的接種疫苗品牌也漏了今年才新增的高端。 *the signup form:(n.)登記表 *administration:(n.)給予;投藥;施用 *strain:(n.)品系;株系;品種 *targeted:(a.)目標的;標靶的 *Medigen:(n.)高端疫苗 *debut:(v.)首次登臺;首次亮相 *feature:(v.)起重要作用;作為主要角色 Taiwan CDC has apologized for the mistakeand has requested the company in charge of the electronic platform for update. Parents who submitted the form of intent before 6 p.m. on Sept. 13 will have to fill in the form again. Failing to do so might result in their children not receiving a vaccination. 對此疾管署表示歉意,並已經請廠商完成更新,提醒已於9月13日晚上6點前完成線上簽署意願書的家長,需要再次填寫表單(登入連結,閱讀更新版接種意願書,重新完成簽署),否則將有可能影響到孩子無法接受疫苗施打。 *request:(v.)要求 *request某人for某事:要求某人做某事 *update:(n.)更新 *in charge of:(v.)(某人)負責、掌管(某事) ☆in charge 是「負責,掌管」的意思,而後面加上介系詞, in charge of指「掌管」某範疇,當然就是相關負責的人,所以,person in charge of company就是公司負責人,如果想向別人表達自己是做什麼樣的工作內容,就可以使用in charge of這個片語。比如說,I'll be in charge of the whole department next week when the manager is away.下周經理不在的時候我將負責整個部門。一般我們常看到的「負責」"be responsible for",則是強調責任歸屬由誰承擔,而in charge of強調「誰管的」。如果在餐廳想找負責人出來處理糾紛,想問:「這裡是誰負責的?」就可以說:Who's in charge here? *the form of intent:(n.)意向書 *intent:(n.)意圖 ☆在英文中,常用於表示「意圖」的單字有intention以及intent,多數的時候都可以混用,但其實兩者稍有差異,intention是可數名詞,通常表示心裡有所意圖,但是未必付諸實踐,如果聽到說話的人一開口就是"I had every intention of……",那麼無論後面接的是什麼內容,對方想表達的都是心中想要完成卻尚未實現的某件事。而intent恰好相反,是不可數名詞,通常intent用來進一步表示某項預期已經實現或將要被執行的行動。所以,在態度上intention表示有達成某件事情的野心,而intent除了有野心,還有付諸實踐的行動力。 *fill in:(v.-ph.)填寫正式表格 *vaccination:(n.)疫苗接種 ☆通常會在一篇文章中讀到三個不同的「接種」,看似交換使用,但並不是單純的單字置換,三者之間還是存在著重要區別。基本上,「接種」"inoculation"是將病原體或微生物植入人體或其他受體;「疫苗接種」"vaccination"是為某人植入或提供疫苗;「免疫接種」"immunization"是免疫系統應對疫苗或自然感染所導致的抗病性發展。
新聞英文解析 基泰建設設置一億元信託安置受災戶
Kee Tai Property Company has been engulfed in scandal ever since a disaster in which 7 buildings adjacent to the construction site in Taipei's suburb of Dazhi were structurally damaged and some were tilting, including one that partially sank into the ground on Thursday night. 基泰建設建案,週四晚間因為施工問題,導致台北市大直7間連棟建物的建築物結構受損,部分建築物傾斜,其中一棟地層下陷。 *engulf:(v.)吞沒;捲入 *scandal:(n.)醜聞 *disaster:(n.)災難 *adjacent:(a.)毗連的;鄰接的;前後相接的 *suburb:(n.)城市周圍的近郊住宅區或村、鎮 *tilting:(a.)傾斜 No one was injured in the incident, but 442 people from 201 households have had to be evacuated pending safety inspections, including 25 who will likely need to be temporarily resettled after their homes suffered severe structural damage. 儘管該事件沒有人員受傷,但201戶家庭共442人必須撤離,等待安全檢查,其中25人可能因房屋遭受嚴重結構損壞而需要暫時安置。 *Incident:(n.)事件 ☆incident 是可數名詞,常出現於新聞報導中,屬於較正式、書面的用字,可用來泛指任何發生的事情或單一事件,類似something happened的意思,不過較常用於不尋常或令人不悅的事件,例如打架鬥毆或槍擊等事件。另一個易混淆的字是accident,中文意思為「意外、事故」,也是可數名詞,但較狹義,強調的是在偶然、意料之外或沒有意圖之下所發生的事情,通常會造成人身或事物的損失,包括像常見的交通事故,還有從打翻飲料這種輕微意外到像是無預警的爆炸、墜機、天上掉下冷氣等嚴重的意外都屬於accident。 *evacuate:(v.)把人從危險的地方撤離、疏散或轉移。 *pending:(a.)即將發生的;待定的;待辦的 *inspection:(n.)檢查 *likely:(adv.)可能地 *temporarily:(adv.)暫時地 *resettle:(v.)被幫助或被迫重新定居;重新安置 Taipei Deputy Mayor Lee Shu-chuan said that Kee Tai Properties has agreed to set aside NT$100 million(US$3.12 million)for disaster relief and the resettlement of residents of damaged homes near a Kee Tai construction site, and the company's chairman has offered to resign. 台北市副市長李四川表示,基泰建設已同意撥出1億新台幣(312萬美元)用於救災和安置基泰建築工地附近受損房屋的居民,同時該公司董事長已辭職。 *set aside:(ph.)撥出金錢或時間 *disaster relief:(n.)賑災救濟金 *resettlement:(n.)安置 *resident:(n.)居民 *construction site:(n.)建築工地 *resign:(n.)辭職;下台 Apart from putting NT$100 million in a trust and paying for rent for the affected residents for three years, Kee Tai Properties would fully cooperate with the city government on the reconstruction of the affected homes. 除了將新台幣1億元存入信託,為受影響居民支付三年的租金外,基泰建設將全力配合市政府重建受影響房屋。 *apart from:除了,與in addition to意思相同 *cooperate:(v.)合作 *reconstruction:(n.)對被毀的事物進行重建或改造 The residents would be allowed to move into public housing units in Nangang District(南港) and those whose homes are severely damaged can decide whether they wish to move to a Kee Tai building or a government-led urban renewal project. If they choose not to accept Kee Tai's resettlement plans and wish to rent an apartment on their own, Kee Tai would cover their rent for three years. The maximum cost for the reconstruction to accommodate the 25 households is an estimated NT$247.5 million. 居民將被允許搬入南港區的公共住房,房屋嚴重受損的居民可以決定是否搬到基泰大廈或政府主導的都更項目。如果他們選擇不接受基泰的安置計劃並希望自己租一套公寓,基泰將支付他們三年的租金。重建容納25戶家庭的最高成本估計為新台幣2.475億元。 *urban:(n.)都市 *renewal:(a.)更新的 *maximum:(a.)最大限度的 *accommodate:(v.)提供住宿 *household:(n.)家庭 *estimate:(v.)估計;估算 Besides resettlement costs of about NT$60 million, Kee Tai is likely to face losses of about NT$300 million, not the NT$1 billion speculated by local media. The company said that its finances were sound so the incident would not cause the company financial difficulties or result in layoffs. Kee Tai Properties promised to take a responsible approach until the end. 除了約6000萬新台幣的安置費用外,基泰公司可能面臨約3億新台幣的損失,而不是當地媒體猜測的新台幣10億。該公司表示財務健全,所以不會導致公司財務困難或裁員。基泰建設承諾將負責到底。 *speculate:(v.)推測 *responsible:(a.)有責任的 *approach:(n.)方法 *sound:(a.)健全的 *layoff:(n.)裁員
新聞英文解析 日本福島核廢水開始入海
Japan started discharging treated and diluted radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on Aug.24. Totally About 1.3 million tons of water will be released over decades. 本月24號日本福島核電廠正式開始排放經稀釋處理過的廠內貯存核廢水入太平洋,總計超過130萬噸的核廢水,耗費數十年才能全部排放入海。 *discharge:(v.)排放 *diluted:(adj.)經稀釋的 *radioactive:(adj.)具有放射性的;有輻射性的 *release:(v.)釋放 *decade:(n.)十年 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has accumulated more than 1.3 million tons of water since it was damaged by a tsunami in 2011. Discharge of the water was greenlit by the IAEA. The process will take place over a period of 30 years. Although the water has been filtered and diluted, it will still contain tritium, which emits low levels of radiation. That's raised concerns from Japan and nearby countries. Despite safety assurances from Japan and the IAEA, China has issued a furious response and its allies in the Pacific have backed that criticism. 2011年的日本311大地震所引發的海嘯導致福島核電廠發生核災事故,而目前廠區內貯存的核處理水,累積已經超過130萬噸,在國際原能署IAEA准許下,開始將稀釋處理後的核廢水排入大海,預估整個排放作業將耗時至少30年之久。雖然經過稀釋,但放射性元素"氚"流入大海,日本及鄰近國家相當關切。儘管日本和原子能機構做出了安全保證,但中國大陸對此做出憤怒的回應,且其在太平洋的盟友也支援此一批評。 *accumulate:(v.)累積 *greenlit:(v.)開綠燈;准許某事發生 *the IAEA:(n.)國際原子能總署International Atomic Energy Agency的頭字語縮寫。 ☆國際原子能機構又稱為國際原子能總署,成立於1957年7月29日,是致力於和平發展原子能的獨立政府間國際組織,隸屬於聯合國系統。總部位於中立國奧地利首都維也納,在2005年10月6日因「防止核能被用於軍事目的,並確保最安全的和平利用核能」而獲得諾貝爾和平獎。 *filtered:(adj.)經過濾的 *tritium:(n.)氚 ☆Tritium氚ㄔㄨㄢ,亦稱超重氫,或三重氫,是氫的同位素之一,元素符號為T。其原子核由一顆質子和兩顆中子所組成,具有放射性,會發生β衰變,放出電子變成氦-3,其半衰期為12.43年。 *emit:(v.)散發(光、雜訊、氣味或氣體) *assurance:(n.)保證 *ally:(n.)盟國 Strongly and repeatedly, China has criticized the release plan, banned Japanese seafood imports and cast doubt on the expert assessments that concluded the operation poses no harm to the environment. Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has delayed elections and issued a "strong statement against Japan's decision."People marched and held banners during a protest in Suva against Japan's decision to release treated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. 中國大陸一再強烈批評釋放計劃,禁止日本海鮮進口,並對專家提出日本排放廢水的操作不會對環境造成損害的評估表示懷疑。所羅門群島總理馬納西·索加瓦雷(Manasseh Sogavare)推遲了選舉並宣佈了一份「強烈反對日本決定的宣告」。在蘇瓦舉行的抗議活動中,人們遊行並舉起橫幅抗議日本決定釋放癱瘓的福島第一核電站經過處理的廢水。 *criticize:(v.)批評 *ban:(v.)禁止 *cast:(v.)投擲;表達 *assessment:(n.)評估 *pose:(v.)造成 *protest:(n.)抗議 *crippled:(adj.)癱瘓的 The discharge operation is remotely controlled from a centralized monitoring room inside the power plant. The wastewater is diluted with seawater, directed to the drainage area and piped through a 1-kilometer-long underwater tunnel to be released into the ocean. "The released water contains negligible amounts of radioactive tritium. Since the Pacific Ocean contains 8,400 grams of pure tritium, the minuscule amount of extra radiation about the 0.06 grams of tritium from the released water of Japan every year won't make the tiniest jot of difference", said Nigel Marks, a physics professor at Australia's Curtin University. 該排放作業於廠內的集中監控室遠端操作,以海水稀釋核廢水之後,再將其導流至排水豎井內,經過長約1公里的海底隧道排入大海。澳大利亞科廷大學物理學教授奈傑爾·馬克斯表示,釋放的水含有的放射性氚含量可以忽略不計。因為太平洋含有8400克純氚,日本每年所釋放的0.06克氚極少量額外輻射不會帶來絲毫區別。 *centralized:(adj.)集中的 *drainage:(n.)排水;引流 *negligible:(adj.)微不足道的;可忽略的 *minuscule:(adj.)微小的;極小的(比tiny更小) *tiny:(adj.)些微的 *jot:(n.)少量 Both Japan authorities and the IAEA say the treated water is safe but those in the seafood sector in eastern Japan have concerns so as the Taiwanese fishers. They think the discharge could have an impact on their livelihoods. 即使日本官方與國際原能署IAEA皆強調核處理水安全無虞,但東日本各地的水產業者及台灣漁民依舊憂心,他們認為此舉將對生計造成負面影響與衝擊。 *sector:(n.)行業;經濟領域 *impact:(n.)影響;衝擊
新聞英文解析 涉嫌以詐騙華人為主的犯罪嫌疑人在花蓮被拘留
The police on Thursday raided a location in Hualien County'sShoufong Township, and 30 people suspected of being involved in an online scam operation in Hualienwere apprehendedby the police and judicial investigators.The suspects, including Hong Kong citizens and Hualien locals, were detained following questioning. 警方於週四突襲搜查花蓮縣壽豐鄉某處,30名在花蓮涉嫌參與網絡詐騙活動的人員被警方和司法調查人員逮捕。包括香港公民和花蓮當地人在內的犯罪嫌疑人經審問後被拘留。 *raid:(v.)突襲檢查 ☆raid這個單字通常是指由一小隊人所發起的突襲,通常指偷偷將東西拿走的行為,所以,可以用來指打劫與突擊,站在警方的立場就是突擊檢查或查抄。 *involve:(v.)涉及 *scam:(v.)詐欺;詐騙 ☆scam這個字當動詞是詐騙的意思,當名詞則指詐欺或騙局。重複字尾加上er就是詐欺者scammer。 *apprehend:(v.)抓住;逮捕 *judicial:(a.)司法的 *detain:(v.)扣留;拘留 Except for a man who was released on NT$100,000 bail, twenty-nine suspects allegedly running a scam operation targeting Chinese nationals by pretending to be Chinese public security officers were detainedin Hualien. 其中一名男子以新台幣10萬元保釋,29名涉嫌冒充中國公安人員實施針對中國公民的詐騙活動的犯罪嫌疑人,在花蓮被拘留。 *bail:(v.)保釋 *suspect:(n.)嫌疑犯 *allegedly:(adv.)據稱;涉嫌 *target:(v.)把……作為目標或對象 *pretend:(v.)假裝 Receiving tips, Prosecutor Wang Yi-jen from the Hualien District Prosecutors' Office started an investigation and surveillance work to track the alleged operation based at a guesthouse in Shoufong and led by a trio surnamed Tsai, Cheng and Lin. 花蓮地檢署檢察官王怡仁接獲舉報便展開偵查與監視工作,追蹤以蔡姓、鄭姓及林姓三人為首,並以壽豐鄉當地賓館為基地的涉嫌行動。 *tip:(n.)密報 *prosecutor:(n.)檢察官 *surveillance:(n.)監視 *track:(v.)追蹤 *allege:(v.)聲稱 *guesthouse:(n.)賓館;招待所;民宿 ☆guesthouse也可寫成guesthouse大致上都是民宿、家庭旅館的意思,由家庭整理出閒置的房間來招待旅客,房間數少且規模不大,主要提供bed and breakfast住宿和早餐,設備環境與旅館和飯店不同,多為團體寢室(共用房間)且共用衛浴設備,不提供生活上的備品等,早餐通常也是屋主自己準備,也被稱為青年旅館或B&B(Bed&Breakfast)。 Soon after an arrest warrant was issued, officers from the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau on Thursday raided the guesthouse. 39 mobile phones, nine computers, networking systems and telecom devices, along with 230 grams of ketamine were seized and a set of uniforms with a cap and identification badges, allegedly used to impersonate Chinese public security officers were found as well. 逮捕令發出後,司法部調查局人員於周四突擊搜查該賓館,共查獲39部手機、9台電腦、網絡系統和電信設備以及230克氯胺酮,並發現一套帶有帽子和識別徽章據稱用來冒充中國公安人員的的制服。 *warrant:(n.)逮捕令 *issue:(v.)核發 *along with:伴隨著;連同 *ketamine:(n.)氯胺酮 ☆Ketamine為一種非鴉片系的麻醉藥品,俗稱K仔、K粉、K他命、克他命、愷他命、卡門、小姐、Special K。這種藥品自1960年代後期開始使用,常用於小手術或全身麻醉之誘導劑,乃phencyclidine(天使塵)的衍生物。在台灣,Ketamine經常被稱為褲子(相對於衣,衣代表的是Ecstasy的第一個字母)、下面(相對於穿在上面的衣服),為第三級毒品。 ☆seize:(v.)查獲 *identification:(n.)身份識別 *badge:(n.)徽章 *impersonate:(v.)模仿;假冒 The trio allegedly turned the guesthouse into a scam base and set up computers, telecom equipment, desks and sleeping areas,and hired several people from Hong Kong as instructors, as they were experienced in money fraud targeting Chinese.They took advantage of summer months to recruit local young people with the promise of easy work and a high salary. 據稱三人將賓館變成了詐騙基地,設置了電腦、電信設備、辦公桌和睡眠區,並從香港聘請了幾名針對華人的金錢詐騙案經驗豐富的人作為教練。他們利用暑假期間招募當地年輕人,承諾工作輕鬆,工資高。 *trio:(n.)三人組 *instructor:(n.)指導者 *fraud:(n.)詐欺 *take advantage of:利用 *recruit:(v.)招募 Some suspects admitted they targeted Chinese. The victimsare told to provide a telephone number to callby first sending out textand notifying the targets of "being implicated in a crime investigation." Then, theyare demanded to transfer money into bank accounts to "enable monitoring of illegal transactions" as part of the investigation. 部分嫌疑人承認以中國人為目標,以發送短信,通知其「涉嫌犯罪調查」來要求受害者提供電話號碼。然後,以「監控非法交易」,作為調查的一部分,要求他們將錢轉入銀行帳戶。 *implicate:(v.)牽連;涉及 *demand:(v.)要求 *victim:(n.)受害者 *transaction:(n.)轉帳交易 *investigation:(n.)調查
新聞英文解析 淨零努力帶來新台幣4億元的投資
Achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 is a common goal shared by countries around the world, including Taiwan. More than NT$4 trillion (US$126.3 billion) in private investment would be stimulated by the nation's efforts to promote a transition to net zero carbon emissions and it would also generate a production value of NT$5.9 trillion and create 551,000 jobs by 2030, said President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) of the Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange. 總統蔡英文在台灣碳權交易所揭牌時表示,到2050年實現淨零碳排放是包括台灣在內的世界各國的共同目標。國家推動向淨零碳排放轉型的努力將在2030年刺激超過4萬億元新台幣(1,263億美元)的私人投資,且到2030年,還將產生新台幣5.9萬億的產值,並創造551,000個就業機會。 *stimulate:(v.)刺激 *transition:(n.)轉型 *net zero carbon emissions:淨零碳排放 ☆《巴黎氣候協定》生效後,上百個國家承諾要在2050年完成目標,淨零碳排將成為未來全體人類必須協力完成的關鍵任務。為了在2030年落實SDGs,多數國家與企業選擇在該年達到淨零或碳中和。 The National Development Council presented a road map for Taiwan to achieve net zero emissions in March last year. Enforcement rules of the Climate Change Adaptation Act are to be promulgated to complete the mechanisms of carbon pricing and carbon trading. 國家發展委員會去年三月提出了台灣實現淨零排放的路徑圖。氣候變遷因應法實施細則的頒布完善碳定價和碳交易機制。 *enforcement rules:(n.)施行細則 *the Climate Change Adaptation Ac:(n.)氣候變遷因應法 *promulgate:(v.)宣布;頒布 *mechanism:(n.)機制 ☆a road map for Taiwan to achieve net zero emissions:2022年3月國發會正式公布「臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策略總說明」,提供至2050年淨零之軌跡與行動路徑,以「能源轉型」、「產業轉型」、「生活轉型」、「社會轉型」等四大轉型,及「科技研發」、「氣候法制」兩大治理基礎,輔以「十二項關鍵戰略」,就能源、產業、生活轉型政策預期增長的重要領域制定行動計畫,落實淨零轉型目標。 Headquartered at the Kaohsiung Software Technology Park, the TCX is Jointly founded by the TWSE and the Executive Yuan's National Development Fund, it has capital of NT$1.5 billion. The exchange is to handle domestic carbon trading, including trading voluntarily reduced quota and offsetting high carbon emissions, and cross-border carbon trading. It provides carbon consultancy, education and training to businesses, and also participates in international events to share Taiwan's efforts in reducing carbon emissions as well. 總部位於高雄軟件科技園區的台灣碳權交易所由台灣證券交易所(TWSE)與行政院國家發展基金共同設立,資本金新台幣15億元。該交易所負責辦理國內碳交易,包括自願減少配額和抵消高碳排放的交易以及跨境碳交易。還將為企業提供碳諮詢、教育和培訓,以及參與國際活動,分享台灣在減少碳排放方面的努力。 *carbon pricing:(n.)碳定價 *pursuit:(n.)追求 *Jointly:(adv.)共同地 *TCX:(n.)台灣碳權交易所The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange的頭字縮寫 *TWSE :(n.)台灣證券交易所the Taiwan Stock Exchange的頭字縮寫 *capital:(n.)資本額 *handle:(v.)處理 *voluntarily:(adv.)自願地 *quota:(n.)定額;限額;配額 *offsetting:(n.)補償;抵銷 *cross-border:(a.)跨境的 *consultancy:(n.)諮詢 Carbon pricing has become a management tool widely adopted internationally in the pursuit of net zero emissions, said Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange Chairman Sherman Lin. With the help of the MOEA, large-scale traditional steel and shipbuilding industries in Kaohsiung would lead Taiwan's manufacturing industry into an era of carbon neutrality and promote industrial transformation. Launching the carbon exchange can help Taiwan keep up with the international trend and facilitate cooperation with other countries. Kaohsiung would continue to flourish as the nation pushes toward net zero emissions, she said. 台灣碳權交易所董事長林修銘表示,碳定價已成為國際上廣泛採用的追求淨零排放的管理工具。蔡同時表示,在經濟部的協助下,高雄鋼鐵和造船產業大型工業將引領台灣製造業進入碳中和時代,推動產業轉型。開展碳交易所可以幫助台灣跟上國際潮流,促進與其他國家的合作。高雄將隨著國家推動淨零排放而繼續蓬勃發展。 *the MOEA :(n.)中華民國經濟部the Ministry of Economic Affairs的頭字縮寫 *manufacturing industry:(n.)製造業 *era:(n.)時代 *carbon neutrality:(n.)碳中和 *碳中和指在努力使各種溫室氣體朝向淨零排放之餘,亦考慮區域或局部的地球物理效應,企業或組織致力於零環境衝擊,將有機會達到氣候中和的目標。 *launch:(v.)開展;積極投入 *flourish:(v.)蓬勃發展;繁榮
新聞英文解析 即日起「臺星互惠自動通關」完成啟動
At the closing ceremony that the NIA conferred diplomas to the participants of a program to boost exchanges among immigration officials, a good news was announced. The NIA said Thursday that Singaporean travelers will now be eligible for automated immigration clearance using e-gate. It makes Singapore the sixth country in the world with which Taiwan has a reciprocal immigration clearance agreement. 在「外國移民官標竿學習計畫」結訓典禮中,宣佈了一項好消息。內政部移民署週四表示即日起新加坡人民可使用我國e-gate自動查驗通關系統。這使得新加坡成為第六個與我國簽訂互惠使用自動通關的國家。 *confer:(v.)授予;頒給 ☆通常單音節短母音的字變成過去式的時候,會先重複字尾,再加上-ed,比如說,nod會寫成nodded,但是要特別注意還是有些不是單音節的字,過去是必須要重複字尾,就像confer雖然是兩個音節,但是過去式仍寫成conferred。 *diploma:(n.)文憑 *boost:(v.)促進;推進 ☆a program to boost exchanges among immigration officials:指移民署在7月所舉辦的「外國移民官標竿學習計畫」,擬建立交流平台。移民署希望藉此讓來自不同國家的移民官,實地了解台灣移民事務推動的情形。2017年只有來自4個國家、7人參與移民署所舉辦的第一屆交流活動,2023年,共有12國、20位移民官來台受訓。 *the NIA:(n.)the National Immigration Agency的頭字語縮寫。 *automated immigration clearance:(n.)自動查驗通關系統,又稱為e-gate。 *clearance:(n.)出入境許可 Since April, Singapore has added Taiwan to its own ACI which allowed Taiwanese go through automated clearance for free. Travelers from Taiwan at minimum age of 6 years with passport validity of at least 6 months and having filled in a landing card online within 72 hours before boarding the flight can use it. Singapore's Automated Clearance Initiative, meanwhile, is open to foreign visitors from 51 countries and jurisdictions. 新加坡已於今(112)年4月10日先開放國人使用星國自動查驗通關系統,4月新加坡先開放國人免費使用自動查驗通關系統,年滿6歲,持6個月以上效期護照,登機前72小時內上網填寫電子入境卡的台灣旅客即可使用。與此同時,新加坡的自動通關系統開放給來自51個國家和地區的外國遊客。 *ACI:(n.)星國自動查驗系統Automated Clearance Initiative的頭字語縮寫 *initiative:(n.)倡議;新措施 *validity:(n.)效期 *landing card:(n.)入國登記表【簡稱A卡】 Taiwan is now extending reciprocal access to Singaporeans. Singaporeans aged 12 and above who are at least 140cm tall, holding biometric passports with at least six months' validity and have no prior criminal convictions on the island will be allowed to use the e-gates. They must also have filled in an arrival card and have registered to use the system. 台灣現也對新加坡提供互惠管道,開放年滿12歲、身高140公分以上,持有有效期至少六個月以上的晶片護照,並且之前在島上沒有刑事定罪的新加坡旅客使用電子門。旅客必須在線上填寫入境登記表並註冊該系統。 *reciprocal:(a.)互惠的;對等的 *access:(n.)途徑;通道 *biometric:(a.)生物識別的 ☆biometric passport:(n.)生物特徵識別護照,也就是電子護照,雖名稱各有不同,但一般稱為晶片護照。 *prior:(a.)在先的;先前的 *conviction:(n.)罪刑;判罪 *arrival card:(n.)電子入境卡 The e-gates could be used only by Taiwan passport holders and foreigners holding residency status on the island before. Now, Singapore follows the U.S., South Korea, Australia, Italy and Germany to have reciprocal clearance agreements with Taiwan, which makes travelers from the six countries can enjoy the convenience of e-gates upon departing and arriving in Taiwan. 早先電子門僅供持台灣護照的本國人與擁有本島居留權的外國人使用,現在新加坡緊隨美國、韓國、澳洲、義大利和德國成為與我國簽訂互惠出入境通關協議國家,來自這六國的旅客皆能享受出入境台灣的便利。
新聞英文解析 花蓮富里生產補助12萬
Fuli Township (富里), a rural township in Hualien County,has attracted media attention for spending big to reverse a population decline of more than 25 percent since 2001. 花蓮縣的偏鄉富里因斥巨資扭轉2001年以來超過25%的人口下降而引起媒體關注。 *rural:(a.)鄉下的 *reverse:(v.)翻轉;徹底改變 *decline:(v.)逐漸減少;衰落;降低 Hualien County Government data showed that the township had 13,510 registered residents at the end of 2001.Thecounty population declined significantly in January 2021, when it fell to 9,983 from 10,004 a month earlier, the tallies showed. 花蓮縣政府數據顯示,2001年底,全鄉戶籍人口13510人。數據顯示,2021年1月人口大幅下降,從一個月前的10,004人降至9,983人。 *registered:(a.)已註冊的;經註冊批准的;經政府核准登記或註冊的 ☆registeredresident已註冊登記的居民當然指的是有戶籍的居民 *significantly:(adv.)顯著地 *tally:(n.)紀錄 The same statistics showed that thepopulation of Fuli Township has dropped to 9,627 by June 2023, compared with 9,714 in June 2022 and 9,840 in 2021, according to the Hualien County government. 花蓮縣政府統計數據顯示,與去年同期的9,714人以及2021年同期的9,840人,截自今年六月,富里人口已降至9,627人。 *statistics:(n.)統計 *compare:(v.)比較 ☆當compare作「相比」的意思使用時,後面可以接to或with,意思為「A與B相比」,用來強調兩者的「差異之處」,有較勁的意味。過去在美式英文中常用to,而英式英文則較喜歡用 with,現在則兩者都可以,但是要特別注意的是當compare用於「比喻」時,只能用to,所以,compare to也有「比喻為」或「比作是」的意思。比如,他把我的眼睛比喻成明亮的星星,就是He comparedmy eyes to brightstars.也就是說,這裡的compare A to B是在找兩者的「相似之處」。 The Fuli Township Office decided to increase subsidies for new children to NT$80,000 on July 1last year to pump up the birthrate and encourage people to move to the agricultural township for settlement. 為了提高出生率,鼓勵人們向農業鄉遷移,富里鄉公所於去年7月1日將新生兒補助金提高至新台幣8萬元。 *pump sth up:(v.)給……充滿氣……;大量增加 *agricultural:(a.)農業的 *settlement:(n.)定居 To qualify for the NT$80,000 subsidy, a new parent must be resident in Fuli for at least six months and live in the township for at least three years after receiving the subsidy, according to the township office. 據鄉鎮辦公室表示,新生兒父母必須在富里居住至少六個月,並在領取補貼後在該鄉鎮居住至少三年,才有資格獲得新台幣8萬元的補貼。 *qualify:(v.)具備資格 *resident:(v.)居住 *subsidy:(n.)補助 Coupled with a NT$20,000 nutritional supplement subsidy provided since January this year and another NT$20,000 childbirth subsidy offered by the Hualien County government, parents of each newborn in Fuli are now entitledtotally up to NT$120,000(US$3,861)childbirth incentives andsubsidies, which is the highest of any administrative area in the eastern Taiwan county and is also believed to be the highest in Taiwan. 今年一月開始提供的2萬元營養補助,以及花蓮縣政府另外提供的2萬元生育補助,目前富里鄉每名新生兒的父母可獲得總計高達新台幣12萬元(美金3,861元)的政府補助,為東部所有行政區中最高,相信也是全台最高的。 *couplewith:(v.)加上,外加;與……相結合 *nutritional supplement:(n.)營養的補充 *childbirth subsidy:(n.)生育補助 *newborn:(n.)新生兒 *entitle:(v.)給予權利 *up to:(phr.)高達 *incentive:(n.)激勵措施 ☆incentive的有激勵跟鼓勵的意思。尤其是指為了提高員工積極性或績效的激勵措施,包括獎金、紅利(bonus)或者是因為工作而享有的額外待遇(perk)、福利(benefit),以及相關規定。 *administrative(a.)行政的 A statement issued by the Fuli Township Office noted that 68 women have received the NT$80,000 payment for children born over the past year, while 42 have been given the NT$20,000 nutritional supplement subsidy. 富里鄉公所發表聲明稱,在過去一年已有68名女性獲得了新台幣8萬元的生育補助,而有42人已獲得了新台幣2萬元的營養補助。 *issue:(v.)發行;發布 *note:(v.)記載
新聞英文解析 新青安房貸八月上路
The Cabinet gave the go-ahead to a Ministry of Finance proposal for preferential interest rates for first-home purchases to support housing justice. It cuts the mortgage rate from an initial 2.025% to 1.775%, for a period of three years. The program is set to be implemented Aug.1. 為了支持住房正義,內閣批准了財政部關於首次購房優惠利率的提議,一段式利率從原先2.025%降到1.775%,補貼三年,預計8月上路。 *give the go-ahead:(ph.)批准 ☆go ahead這個片語是「去做吧!」的意思,所以,the go-ahead是個複合名詞,代表「叫別人去做」,也就是「批准」或「許可」的意思。 *proposal:(n.)提案;計畫 *preferential:(a.)優先的;優惠的;優待的 *interest rates:(n.)利率 *initial:(a.)最初的 *ahead of:(ph.)在……之前;先於…… *rally:(n.)群眾大會,尤其指為了表明支援某種主張的集會 *implement:(v.)實施 The Executive Yuan has passed a preferential mortgage program geared toward young adults.Those who have not previously owned a home and do not have children who are homeowners would be able to apply for the three-year preferential interest rate of 1.775 percent. It is the lowest borrowing cost available, as interest rates for standard mortgages are 2.03 percent. 行政院通過新青安房貸。名下無房屋且無子女的自住者,可申請三年期優惠利率1.775%,這是最低的借貸成本,因為標準抵押貸款的利率為2.03%。 *gear:(v.)使適合 *previously:(adv.)先前;原先 *mortgage:(n.)抵押貸款 ☆房貸的英文叫做home loan,而mortgage則是指抵押,通常是提供私人資產(不論是否為不動產)作為債務擔保的動作,通常發生在購房時。一般來說,home mortgage loan就是住房按揭貸款,又稱住房抵押貸款,是指購房者用所購的住房做為抵押並由其所購買住房的房地產企業提供階段性擔保的個人住房貸款。 In addition to the rate reduction, the program also raises the loan limit to NT$10 million(US$321,688),up from the previous NT$8 million. The maximum loan period will be extended from 30 to 40 years. The grace period for paymen twill go up from three to five years, in which borrowers don't have to pay for the principal but only for the interest. 除了降低利率,貸款年限從30年拉長到40年,寬限期從3年增加到5年,期間借款人只需支付利息而無需支付本金的。貸款額度上限由原來的8百萬元新台幣提高到1千萬元新台幣(321,688美元)。 *reduction:(n.)減少;下降 *grace period:(n.)欠債還款的延緩期或寬限期 ☆grace 表示優雅或恩典也有「通情達理」的意思,所以帳單上面看到的grace period 的 grace 就是取這個意思,grace period即「寬限期」 *principal:(n.)本金 The favorable lending terms aim to lower the thresholds for young people to buy their own home, but there is no upper age limit. Applicants must be at least 18 years old who have no properties under their name or those of their spouse or minor children. 雖然優惠的貸款條款旨在降低年輕人買房的門檻,但並無年齡上限。年滿18歲,配偶及未成年子女名下無自有住宅者均可申請。 *term:(n.)條款 *threshold:(n.)門檻 *applicant:(n.)申請者 *property:(n.)財產 *spouse:(n.)配偶 *minor:(a.)未成年的 The preferential interest rates would take effect on Aug. 1 and run through July 31, 2026. The preferential loans are expected to benefit 58,000 buyers. Housing unaffordability has been a top complaint. The package would help invigorate the property market ; however, buyers need to exercise careful financial planning, as the interest subsidy would only last for three years. 優惠利率將於8月1日起生效,有效期至2026年7月31日,優惠貸款預計將惠及58,000名購房者。住房負擔不起一直是人們抱怨最多的問題,該計畫將有助於振興房地產市場,然而,買家需要謹慎進行財務規劃,因為利息補貼只能持續三年。 *take effect on:(ph.)產生預期的或要求的結果;生效;實施 *benefit:(v.)產生利益 *unaffordability:(n.)負擔不起;無法負擔 *package:(n.)套裝方案 *invigorate:(v.)使活躍 *subsidy:(n.)政府發給的補助金或補貼,指政府組織用來幫助特定人士的金額補助。