新聞英文解析 金門選民返鄉投票軍機無預期被取消
At Taipei Songshan Airport Saturday (Jan.13) morning, dozens of travelers showed up expecting to board a C-130H military transport plane to take them across the Taiwan Strait to Kinmen but failed. About 100 voters waiting to board flights to the offshore island of Kinmen were unable to return home to vote on election day after a military flight previously planned for them was unexpectedly canceled and theyfound the militaryhad run out of planes to fly them home. 週六(Jan. 13)早上,數十名旅客出現在台北松山機場,原本希望搭乘C-130H軍用運輸機穿越台灣海峽飛往金門卻無法成行。大約100名等待登上飛往金門島的航班的選民無法在選舉日返回家鄉投票,因為先前計劃為他們安排的軍事飛行無預期取消,甚至軍方已經無飛機可送他們返家。 offshore:(a.)近海的;離岸的 offshore island:(n.)離島 previously:(adv.)先前 unexpectedly:(adv.)無預期地 run out of:(v-phr.)用完 There's nomail-in voting in Taiwan so that voters must return to the place where their household is registered and vote in person on election day, which causes much more difficulties for those who live in Taiwan but are registered in Taiwan's outlying islands including Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu, Orchid Island, and others. Especiallyfor voters who are residents of Taiwan's outlying Kinmen Islands, air transport is often the only possibility to reach the island in time from Taiwan's main island. 台灣沒有郵寄投票,選民必須在選舉日返回戶籍地親自投票,這對於那些包括在金門、馬祖、澎湖、蘭嶼等台灣離島的人來說造成了相當的困難。對金門離島居民投票者來說,航空運輸往往是從台灣主島及時到達該島的唯一途徑。 household:(n.)居住地 register:(v.)登記 outlying:(a.)遠離中心的;邊遠的 possibility:(n.)可能性 The hundred or so residents arrived at Songshan Airport in the morning on election daybut were unable to board the flight which was planned by the CAA and the MND. When inquiring about the flight, theywere told at noon that it had been canceled, which meant they would be unable to vote. 選舉日上午,百餘居民抵達松山機場,但未能登上由民航局(CAA)和國防部策劃的班機。待詢問航班狀況,在中午被告知航班已取消,這意味著他們無法投票。 the MND:(n.)the Ministry of National Defense 國防部 the CAA:(n.)the Civil Aviation Administration民航局 inquire:(v.)詢問 When inquiring about the flight, theywere told……是When they inquired about the flight and theywere……轉成的分詞構句。文中多有類似的句法。 The MND released a statement saying that it was unable to give a positive response to the snap request from the CAA for extra flights because the shift of manpower to focus on combat readiness began at 12:00 noon. For fulfilling the demands of military preparedness, and allowing military personnel to vote, it could not support the CAA by providing aircraft. 國防部發表聲明稱,因中午12:00開始將人力轉移到戰備上,因此無法對民航局(CAA)緊急增加航班的請求做出積極回應。為了滿足軍事準備的要求,並讓軍事人員投票,無法支持民航局計畫的額外航班。 release:(v.)釋出;發布 statement:(n.)聲明 snap:(adj.)倉促的;緊急的 request:(n.)要求 extra:(adj.)額外的 shift:(n.)轉移 manpower:(n.)兵力 to focus on :(v-phr.)聚焦在 combat:(n.)戰鬥 readiness:(n.)戒備狀態 fulfilling:(v.-ing)實現 demand:(n.)需求 preparedness:(n.)準備 personnel:(n.)全體人員
新聞英文解析 日本近八年最嚴重地震
Japan's death toll from Monday's earthquake reached 110 yesterday with more than 200 still missing while a search for survivors in the rubble of collapsed buildings was continuing.Weather forecasts warned of heavy rain in Ishikawa, leading to worries about landslides and further damage to half-crumbled homes. 日本週一地震造成的死亡人數昨天達到 110人,在倒塌建築物廢墟中搜尋倖存者的工作仍然持續進行,仍有200多人失蹤。天氣預報警告石川縣將有大雨,引發人們對山體滑坡和半倒塌房屋進一步損壞的擔憂。 toll:(n.)傷亡;損失;破壞 survivor:(n.)倖存者 rubble:(n.)碎磚爛瓦,尤其指房屋倒塌或被毀後留下的瓦礫堆或碎石 collapsed:(a.)崩塌的 landslide:(n.)山體滑坡;塌方 crumbled:(a.)碎裂的;崩塌的 The magnitude 7.5 earthquake, the deadliest onein nearly eight years, struck Japan's west coast, destroying the infrastructure and snapping power links to 22,000 homes in the Hokuriku region.The narrow Noto Peninsula has added to the challenges in reaching some communities. Water, power and cellphone service were still down in some areas.Rain hampered efforts to sift the rubble for survivors as nearly 33,000evacuees are staying at evacuation centers andawaitingaid.Temperatures were expected to drop to about 4°C overnight. 在這場近八年來最嚴重的地震中,日本西海岸發生7.5級地震,北陸地區的基礎設施遭到破壞,22,000戶家庭的供電中斷。狹窄的能登半島增加了抵達某些社區的挑戰性,部分地區的水、電和手機服務仍中斷。由於大雨阻礙了在廢墟中搜尋倖存者的工作,近33,000人正住在疏散中心等待救援。預計夜間氣溫將降至4℃左右。 magnitude:(n.)規模 magnitude 這個詞本身是「大小」的意思,被用來指稱地震的「規模」,也就是地震本身的強度,跟地區無關,這裡的規模,通常是指「芮氏規模(Richter Scale)」,表示到小數點,比如說7.5級地震,要特別注意的是,規模並不是等級。 deadly:(a.)非常危險的;致命的 infrastructure:(n.)公共建設(如鐵路、公路、下水道等);基礎建設 snap:(v.)突然折斷;哢嚓一聲折斷, Hokurikuregion:(n.)北陸地區 北陸地區一般指日本本州中部地區臨日本海沿岸的地方,包括福井縣、石川縣、富山縣及新潟縣。北陸地區的名稱來自日本古代五畿七道中的「北陸道」,由於經濟與文化的差異,有時北陸地方又不含新潟縣,所以有「含新潟縣的北陸地方」的「北陸4縣」以及「北陸3縣」的區分。 hamper:(v.)阻礙;牽制 sift:(v.)轉換 evacuee:(n.)被疏散者;尤其指戰爭中的被撤離者 evacuation:(n.)撤離;疏散 The number of confirmed dead stood at 110 by 4pm yesterday, up from 94 the previous day. Of the deaths, 32 were counted in Wajima city, while 22 people died in Suzu, Ishikawa prefectural authorities said. The other deaths were reported in five neighboring towns.Dozens of missing people are believed trapped under collapsed buildings, but the exact number is unclear.Japaneseprime minister called it a race against time.The rescue workersandcanine unitshas joined military personnel and firefighters tosearched urgently through rubble ahead of predicted bitter cold and heavy rain to findthose who are thought to be trapped. 截至昨天下午4點,確認死亡人數為110 人,高於前一天的94人。石川縣當局稱,輪島市有32人死亡,而珠洲市有22人死亡,根據報導,其他五個鄰近城鎮也有死亡案例。據信有數十人被困在倒塌的建築物下,但具體數字尚不清楚。該國首相稱其為一場與時間的賽跑,救援隊及搜救警犬已加入軍事人員和消防員一起迫切在預計的嚴寒與苦雨來臨前尋找被困人員。 confirmed:(a.)確認的 previous:(a.)先前的 prefectural:(a.)縣的;府的 canine units:(n.)警犬 personnel:(n.)公司、組織或軍隊的全體人員 urgently:(adv.)迫切地 predicted:(a.)預期的 bitter:(a.)令人痛苦的;天氣嚴寒的 trap:(v.)困住
新聞英文解析 六直轄市嚴防持刀傷人行為
In response to the death of a junior-high student in New Taipei City who was stabbed several times with a switchblade by a schoolmate on Monday, President Tsai Ing-wen said yesterday that a meeting between the six special municipalities is to be convened next week to discussways to improve campus safety,including measures for reintroducing juvenile offenders and counseling. 針對新北市國中生被刺數刀死亡事件,蔡英文總統昨表示六直轄市將於下週召開會議討論改善校園安全問題,包括重新引介少年犯和諮詢措施。 stab:(v.)用刀等銳器戳,捅,刺 switchblade:(n.)彈簧刀 municipality:(n.)直轄市 convene:(v.)召開,召集 reintroducing:(n.)重新導入;再介紹 juvenile:(n.)青少年 offender:(n.)罪犯 counseling:(n.)諮詢 A ninth-grade male student reportedly stabbed the victim in the neck and chest leaving him with no vital signsafter a female classmate complained to him about the way the other student had spoken to her.The injured student was rushed to Far Eastern Memorial Hospital. Although his heartbeat was initially restored after emergency treatment, the student died on Tuesday night for thefailed surgery. 據報導,一名九年級男學生在女同學對其抱怨受害者與之說話的方式後,持刀刺傷該名受害者的脖子與胸部,致使失去生命體徵。受傷學生被送往遠東紀念醫院,雖然經過緊急治療後初步恢復心跳,但因手術失敗,該名學生於週二晚間死亡。 victim:(n.)受害者 vital:(adj.)生命的 injured:(adj.受傷的 rush:(v.)極速做;趕緊 heartbeat:(n.)心跳 initially:(adv.)初步 restore:(v.)恢復 Ajuvenile court on Tuesday ruled that the assailant should be placed in custody and the female student be released into the custody of a legal guardian.Local media reported that the stabber had already had multiple run-ins with the law for crimes including causing bodily harmand had only recently been released from a juvenile detention center. 週二,少年法庭裁定攻擊者應被拘留,而女學生則應由法定監護人監護。據當地媒體報導,持刀行兇者已經多次因包括造成人身傷害在內等犯罪行為觸犯法律,最近才從少年看守所釋放。 assailant:(n.)襲擊者 custody:(n.)監護;監禁;拘留 release:(v.)釋放 guardian:(n.)監護人 multiple:(adj.)多種的;多個的 run-ins:(n.)激烈衝突 detention:(n.)偵查 juvenile detention center:(n.)少年觀護所,少年拘留中心;感化院 JUVIE是juvenile detention center的簡稱,根據《少年事件處理法》第52條及第53條規定,對於12歲以上不滿18歲的少年:對於少年之交付安置輔導及施以感化教育時,由少年法院依其行為性質、身心狀況、學業程度及其它必要事項,分類交付適當之福利、教養機構或感化教育機構執行之,受少年法院之指導。感化教育機構之組織及其教育之實施,以法律定之,執行期間均不得逾三年。現有誠正中學、敦品中學、勵志中學、明陽中學等取代原有少年監獄與少年感化院、少年輔育院。以學校的形式,轉型為教育方式導正少年受刑人的觀念與方向。 A national education action alliance urged the government to provide alternative education programs specifically tailored to meet the needs of these students becauseat-risk students often come from dysfunctional family backgrounds, have difficulty adapting to a school environment and in some cases pose a threat to school safety.The Ministry of Education in a statement on Wednesday expressed regret over the incident and promised to review the nation's alternative education system to address the educational needs of students that cannot be met in regular schools. 因為高風險學生往往來自功能失調的家庭背景,難以適應學校環境,在某些情況下對學校安全構成威脅,全國教育行動聯盟敦促政府提供專門滿足這些學生需求的替代教育計畫學生。教育部在周三的聲明中對此事件表示遺憾,並承諾審查國家的替代教育體系,以解決普通學校無法滿足的學生的教育需求。 alliance:(n.)聯盟 specifically:(adv.)專門地;明確地 tailor:(v.)使適應特定需要 at-risk:(adj.)處於危險之中的 dysfunctional:(adj.)功能失調的;機能障礙的 adapt:(v.)適應 alternative:(adj.)可供選擇的 address:(v.)解決
新聞英文解析 碳權交易子法草案出爐
The MOENV published the draft regulations for Taiwan's governing domestic carbon credit trading this Friday before the first batch of international carbon credits are to become available for purchase on the TCX platform from Dec. 22, with a 60-day public consultation period starting the day after publication. 環境部於本週五公佈了國內碳權交易子法草案,隨後第一批國際碳信用額將可於 12月12日起在台灣碳權交易所平台上供購買。自發布次日起有為期60天的公眾評審期。 *the MOENV:(n.)中華民國環境部Ministry of Environment的簡稱 *draft:(n.)草案 *regulation:(n.)法規 *batch:(n.)批次;一組 *available:(a.)可行的 *the TCX:(n.)台灣碳權交易所the Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange的簡稱 *consultation:(n.)諮詢 According to the MOENV, the regulationswould govern the units and what can be traded or auctioned, how exchanges take place, who is permitted to buy and sell, and how the authorities intend to manage the platform. 該部表示,這些法規將規定可以交易或拍賣的商品及單位、交易的方式、允許買賣的人和當局打算如何管理該平台。 *govern:(v.).統治;管理;決定,指導,影響 *auction:(n.)拍賣 *take place:(v-phr.)發生 ☆英文中常用於表示「發生」的英文單字有happen、occur以及take place,其中happen最為常見,用來籠統表示意外事件的發生,occur比happen的說法來得正式,且說話者所指的事件也較明顯,而take place則多用在「已經經過計畫、設定」的事件上,而非突發或偶然的事件。 *permit:(v.)允許 *permit雖非單音節短母音的單字,但是在過去式或過去分詞的寫法上,仍需要重複字尾加上ed,表示為permitted The platform facilitating the buying and selling of carbon credits was established in August, but trading is yet to commence.Exchanges can be made through set-price trading, auctioning and negotiated trading. The first two are available on the platform, while negotiated trading takes place independently, but the details would still have to be reported to the authorities, the draft regulations stated. 該促進碳信用額的買賣的平台於八月成立,但交易尚未開始。交換可以透過定價交易、拍賣、協商交易等方式進行。草案規定,前兩項可在平台上進行,而協商交易則是獨立進行,其細節仍需向當局報告。 *facilitate:(v.)促進;幫助 *commence:(v.)開始 ☆常見用於表示「開始」的字有start、begin以及commence,其中start在大多數情況中都可與 begin互換,但start比較「明確」,凡是有身體動作或者動作、程序或過程有起點,一般用start來表示;而commence是個正式用字,含意與begin完全相同,多用在正式書面文件、正式儀式或其他正式場合中,或用來表示某種正式行動的「開始」。 *negotiated:(adj.)協商的 *independently:(adv.)獨立地 Carbon credits that are traded and transferred cannot be re-traded or re-auctioned, and the ministry would have the right to cap or set a floor price "when necessary", according to the draft. The discretionary measure aims to grant the authorities the right to prevent drastic price fluctuations becauseof "price hype", explained the document explaining the draft articles provided by the ministry. 草案指出,交易和轉讓的碳信用額不能重新交易或重新拍賣,且該部有權「在必要時」限制或設定底價。該部所提供的解釋條款草案文件則稱此項酌情措施旨在賦予當局防止「價格炒作」導致價格劇烈波動的權利。 *cap:(v.)設限 ☆cap當名詞的時候為有帽舌的帽子,也可以作為「蓋子」來表示,若當作動詞的時候則有「覆蓋」或「設限」的意思,比較特別注意,這個字也可以表示「說謊」,to cap something這個俚語源自於美國的黑人文化,是to lie about something的意思,而no cap這個短語則用來表示「沒騙人、真實的」,通常用來強調某些令人難以置信的事情是真的。 *hype:(n.)炒作 *discretionary:(a.)酌情決定的 *grant:(v.)授予;准予 *drastic:(a.)激烈的 *fluctuation:(n.)波動
新聞英文解析 台電電纜導致苗栗連環車禍一死三傷
One person dead and three injured in a multi-vehicle pile-up resulting from a cable falling during electrical work carried out by state-owned Taiwan Power Co (Taipower) around 10amon the Tongsiao (通霄) section of Formosa Freeway No. 3 yesterday. The person who died was pronounced dead after being rushed to a hospital, the Miaoli County Fire Bureau said, adding that she had no vital signs at the scene of the accident. 國營台電昨日在進行電力作業時,因電纜掉落,導致連環車禍,造成國道三號通霄路段一死三傷。苗栗縣消防局表示,死者在被送往醫院後被宣告死亡,並補充其在事故現場時已無生命徵象。 *multi-vehicle pile-up:(n.)多車連環事故;連環車禍 ☆multi-這個字首是「複合」;「多元」的意思,multi-vehicle pile-up是指a crash involving many vehicles連環車禍,也可以說成multi-vehicle accident *pile-up:(n.)堆疊;多車追撞;連環車禍 *carry out:(v.-phr.)執行;施作 *vitalsign:(n.)生命跡象 ☆新聞報導中常看到醫護人員說OHCA,OHCA原稱「DOA」此為醫學術語,原本是「Dead on arrival」縮寫,意指到院前死亡。但由於救護員不具醫師資格,無法宣布患者死亡,只能用OHCA表示送醫前已經不治。 A preliminary investigation by the National Highway Police Bureau reported that seven vehicles, including a tour bus, a semi-trailer and five passenger cars, were involved in an accident after a cable fellonto the freewaydueto worker negligencein aTaipower electricity transmission project, causing one car to tip over and the subsequent pileup. 國道警察局初步調查稱,台電輸電工程因工人疏忽,一條長電纜掉落到高速公路上,導致七輛車,包括一輛旅遊巴士、一輛半拖車和五輛客車發生事故,造成一輛汽車翻倒,隨後連環相撞。 *preliminary:(a.)初步的 *investigation:(n.)調查 *subsequent:(a.)隨後的;接著而來的 ☆semi-這個字首代表「一半」,有「不完全」或者是「部分」的意思 *transmission:(n.)傳輸 *project:(n.)工程 *involve in:(v.-phr.)牽涉其中 The cable first crashed into a southbound car andmade ithita highway fence. A northbound semi-trailer was then struck by the cableand make the stricken car hooked up again, leading to the ensuing pileup, as the other five vehicles traveling behind were unable to avoid colliding with the car.Highway police said the traffic on the freeway become backed up for about 2km by the accident, but it soon was cleared in about one hour. 電纜首先撞上一輛向南行駛的汽車,導致該汽車撞上高速公路圍欄。隨後,一輛向北行駛的半拖車被纜索撞到,導致原本被纜索撞到的汽車又被鉤住,導致隨後的連環相撞,而後面行駛的其他五輛車也無法避免與該車相撞。高速公路警方表示,這起事故導致高速公路的交通堵塞了約2公里,但大約一小時後就恢復暢通了。 *crash:(v.)衝撞 ☆常用於表示「碰撞」的字有crash、crush和clash,其中crash運用最為廣泛,當作撞擊或衝撞的時候,通常指車子相撞或是交通工具彼此撞擊,比如,car crash 車禍、train crash 火車意外或plane crash 飛機失事,或者常造成巨大聲響或破壞的猛烈撞擊。crush跟crash一樣是受到外力衝擊,但crush屬於擠壓。clash常用來表示意見抵觸;是時間、顏色或者風格不協調、有衝突,或者是發出巨大聲響,常見的用法有:興趣不同a clash of interests;文化差異a clash of cultures、個性不合a clash of personalities以及意見分歧a clash of opinion。 *hook:(v.)勾住 *ensuing:(a.)接著發生的;接踵而至的 ☆ensuing這個單字只用在名詞前面 *collide:(v.)碰撞;相撞 *back up:(v.-phr.)擁堵;堵塞 *clear:(v.-phr.)清除 Those responsible for the accident would be subject to the full force of the law, saidthe Highway police.Taipower announced the project's suspension and had set up a task force to determine what had happened for reducing the risk of such an accident occurring again. 公路警方表示,事故責任人將受到法律的全面制裁。對此,台電宣布暫停該項目,並表示已成立專責小組,查明事故原因,以降低再次發生此類事故的風險。 *be subject to:(v.-phr.)受到 *suspension:(n.)暫停;中止 ☆happen及occur都有「發生」的意思,要特別注意主詞只能是「事情」而不能為人,常用句型為:事情happen to 人或者事情occur to 人。
新聞英文解析 機場「自願篩檢」將持續至農曆年
The international airport quarantine stationsin Taiwan hasbeen notified by the CDC last week to increase alertness and encouraged travelers from China, Hong Kong and Macau with flu-like symptoms to undergo voluntary pathogen testing, as cases of respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia, mostly among children, surge in China. 隨著中國包括肺炎在內的呼吸道疾病激增,其中大部分是兒童,疾病管制署上週通知國際機場檢疫站提高警惕,並鼓勵來自中國大陸、香港和澳門的出現類流感症狀的旅客接受自願病原體檢測。 *the CDC:(n.)衛生福利部疾病管制署Centers for Disease Control 的頭字語縮寫。 *quarantine:(n.)隔離;檢疫 *alertness:(n.)警覺 *flu-like symptoms:(n.)類流感 ☆類流感flu-like symptoms即類似流感的意思,是指任何病毒若造成與流感一樣的嚴重症狀,如果不能證明是由流感病毒所引起的,則可稱為類流感。 *undergo:(v.)經歷 *pathogen:(n.)病原體 *respiratory:(n.)呼吸系統 *pneumonia:(n.)肺炎 *surge:(v.)急遽上升, 湧現 17 types of viruses and four types of bacteria in the respiratory tractcan be detected by taking the pathogen testing, including influenza viruses, COVID-19 strains, rhinoviruses, Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria, adenoviruses and human metapneumovirus. 進行病原檢測將可檢測出呼吸道內17種病毒及4種細菌,包括流感病毒、COVID-19株、鼻病毒、肺炎支原體細菌、腺病毒及人類偏肺病毒。 *influenza:(n.)流行性感冒,簡稱為流感。 *strain:(n.)病毒支系;毒株 *strain亦有一個常見的用法為:(肌肉等軟組織的)損傷,拉傷 *rhinovirus:(n.)鼻病毒 ☆rhinovirus鼻病毒是最常造成一般感冒的病毒,因為會感染鼻子並引起發炎而命名,由字根為rhino-,是希臘文「鼻」的意思,加上virus「病毒」構成。 *Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria:(n.)肺炎枝原體 ☆肺炎枝原體又稱肺炎黴漿菌,是一種可導致肺炎的枝原體細菌,也有機會導致冷凝集素症。由肺炎枝原體引起的肺炎,又稱作黴漿菌性肺炎,盛行於學齡兒童。大多數患者只有輕微上呼吸道感染,有咳嗽、發燒、喉嚨痛、頭痛及疲倦等症狀,有些患者有肺外症狀像是皮膚紅疹,嚴重者則可能患上肺炎,屬於非典型肺炎的一種。 *adenoviruses:(n.)腺病毒 ☆腺病毒是一種常見的病毒感染,有超過 50 種以上的血清型會感染人類,統稱為人類腺病毒。腺病毒一般潛伏期 57 天左右,容易侵犯 6 個月至 5 歲小孩,具有高度傳染力,容易高燒不退,症狀類似感冒。 *metapneumovirus:(n.)間質肺炎病毒 ☆humanmetapneumovirus人類間質肺炎病毒是間質肺炎病毒三種基因型當中的一種,是副黏液病毒科下的一種單鏈核糖核酸病毒,於2001年在荷蘭被首度發現。病毒主要令兒童受急性呼吸道感染,病徵包括發燒、咳嗽、氣促及呼吸困難等。抵抗力弱的成年人也有機會受感染。 Although the Chinese government claims that its surge of respiratory illnesses are caused by known pathogens, the CDC still has concerns and hopes to confirm the claim through testingand to detect if there are new variants or other novel pathogens. 儘管中國政府聲稱呼吸道疾病的激增是由已知病原體引起的,但疾管中心仍然對此表示擔憂,並希望通過測試來確認其真實性,並且檢測是否有有新變種或其他新病原體。 *claim:(n.)聲明;宣稱 *known:(a.)已知的 *concern:(v.)關切;擔憂 *variant:(n.)變體 *novel:(a.)新穎的 ☆novel也有小說的意思,通常指長篇小說,而fiction通常指虛構的作品,不限於文字的長短,story則是短篇故事。 Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan said that the voluntary testing program will be shortened or extended according to the outbreak situation in China, but the current plan would be going on until the Lunar New Year holidaydue tothe gradually increasing travelers form China during the period. 衛生福利部部長薛瑞源表示,自願檢測計劃將根據中國疫情爆發的情況縮短或延長,但期間因來自中國的旅客將逐漸增加,目前的計劃將持續到農曆新年假期。 *outbreak:(n.)爆發 *current:(a.)近期的
新聞英文解析 拜習會後台海議題
Tensions in the Sino-U.S. relationship appear to have eased somewhat following a recent summit between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping. The Taiwan Strait issue continues to be a sensitive topic in Sino-U.S. relations. It is becoming clearer that the U.S. would commit troops and forces to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack, so this is totallyon China. 拜習會日前結束,美中關係看似些許緩解。兩岸議題在美中關係中仍舊挑動敏感神經。若中國攻擊台灣,美國出兵協防的立場越來越明顯的,所以這完全取決於中國的態度。 tension:(n.)緊張 Sino-U.S. relationship:(n.)中美關係 Sino-U.S. relationship或China-U.S.都可以表示中美關係,但sino-是前綴,不能夠單獨使用。有很多中國的企業都用上sino-作為前綴,比如說「中國白酒」是Sinoliquor、「中國重汽」是Sinotruck、「中國石化」是Sinopec等。 appear to似乎:(adv.-phr.) seemto + 動詞或者是appear + to + 動詞,都有「似乎」的意思,通常用來表示已發生的狀態、行為。 summit:(n.)高峰會議;領袖會議;最高級別會議 The Taiwan Strait issue:兩岸議題 根據美方表示,拜習會中針對習近平停止武裝台灣的要求,拜登並未直接回應,至於習近平的統一宣言,拜登則重申反對任何一方單獨改變台海現狀。亦即目前對於台海問題,中美仍舊呈現各自表述的狀態。 commit :(v.)承諾;保證 troops:(n.)軍隊 force:(n.)武力 commit troops或commit forces都有「出兵」的意思 on:取決於,由depends on 或rely on省略而來 Taiwan enjoys a very important location. If Beijing can occupy Taiwan, it will become a so-called Chinese Hawaii. China can send the submarines from Eastern Taiwan, and such submarines can reach the west coast of the United States, to strike the United States.As Taiwan's next presidential election is getting closer, cross-strait tensions will continue to be a key topic in the development of relations between the United States, China, and Taiwan. 台灣地理位置相當重要,如果大陸佔領台灣,將形成所謂「中國的夏威夷」中國可以從台灣東部出動潛艦,這潛艦可以抵達美國西岸,藉此來打擊美國。隨著明年台灣總統大選腳步愈來愈近,兩岸緊張的程度也將持續成為美中台三方發展的風向球。 occupy:(v.)佔領; occupy有佔用的意思,比如說「這個位置有人(坐)了」就是The seat is occupied. 如果上洗手間的時候有人敲門,也可以說It is occupied. Chinese Hawaii:馬特斯稱台灣為中國的夏威夷 submarine:(n.)潛水艇 strike:(v.)打擊 Attacking Taiwan would not be in China's interest at this time since Xi has various problems on his hands. President Xi has many problems other than Taiwan. He's got a real-estate problem,population problem and other issues to work with, not just Taiwan. The U.S. won't overreact to this. attack:(v.)攻擊 since(adv.)既然 various:(a.)許多 various用於表示種類繁多,強調多樣化,因為這個字強調不同種類,所以後面只能接複數名詞,此外,這個字還有用於表示一些、幾個或很多(很多方面),強調的是「幾個種類」,這類用法,沒有比較級和最高級形式。 other than:(adv.-phr.)除了 other than可以跟besides的意思相同,用來表示「除了……之外,還有……」的意思,表示包括在內,也可以與except通用,表示「除外」,所以在上下文上的斟酌要特別注意 real-estate:(n.)房地產 overreact:(v.)過度反應
新聞英文解析 台灣徵收碳稅以降低歐盟對本土企業的關稅
The carbon fee rate is slated to be announced by the end of this year.Carbon feesin Taiwan would reduce the tariff that domestic exporters would be subject to under the CBAM when exporting to the EU, but the exact amount would depend on many other factors, Climate Change Administration Director-General Tsai Ling-yispoke to reporters at the Ministry of Environment in Taipei on Nov. 8. 台灣的碳費率將於今年底公布。氣候變遷管理局局長蔡玲儀於本月八日表示,台灣的碳稅將降低國內出口商在碳邊境調整機制(CBAM)之下向歐盟出口貨物時所需繳納的關稅,但具體金額將取決於其他因素。 *tariff:(n.)關稅 *besubject to:受…控制;有…傾向 *CBAM:Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism碳邊境調整機制 ☆Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism碳邊境調整機制,簡稱CBAM,主要是藉由明訂出口國產品的碳含量,來有效降低全球碳排。若超過進口國規範,進口商除須購買「碳權」外,也將會面臨產品被課徵碳關稅,亦即進口到歐盟的碳密集型產品進口商需依據碳排放量完成採購相對應的CBAM憑證(CBAM Certificate),產品才能進入歐盟。如果是非歐盟的生產商,只要提供產品在非歐盟國家已依據碳價格支付費用的相關證明,進口商則可以抵消歐盟CBAM憑證的採購費用。 *the EU:(n.)歐盟,the European Union的縮寫 *be slated to:預計 The transitional phase of the CBAMstarted on Oct. 1 andit runs to the end of 2025. No fees would have to be paid nor certificates purchased during the period; rather, it is a "monitoring, reporting and learning" period for the EU and those exporting into the EUto ensure a smooth rollout of the mechanism from 2026 onward, the EETO trade section head Aleksandra Kozlowskasaid. 歐洲經濟貿易辦公室(EETO)貿易部門負責人Aleksandra Kozlowska表示,碳邊境調整機制的過渡期從十月一號開始截至2025年底,在過渡期內,無需支付任何費用,也無需購買證書;更確切來說,對於歐盟和向歐盟出口的企業來說,這是一個「監測、報告和學習」的時期,以確保該機制從2026年起順利推出。 *transitional:(a.)過渡性的 *phase:(n.)階段 *certificate:(n.)證書 *rollout:(n.)首次發佈;首次推出 *mechanism:(n.)機制 *onward:(prep.)向前 *the EETO:The European Economic and Trade Office歐洲經濟貿易辦公室 The CBAMis a carbon tariff on carbon-intensive products imported by the EU.Sincethe EU Emissions Trading System's (ETS)free carbon emissions allowance allocation is gradually phased out in the EU, European producers might move their production sites to countries with no carbon emission restrictions.The CBAMwould be a measure to address the risk of carbon leakage. CBAM是針對歐盟進口的碳密集型產品徵收的碳關稅,因為當歐盟排放交易體系(ETS)免費碳排放配額分配時隨著歐盟逐步淘汰,歐洲生產商可能會將生產基地轉移到沒有碳排放限制的國家。CBAM將成為解決碳洩漏風險的措施。 *address:(v.)應付;處理 *leakage:(n.)缺漏 ☆carbon leakage:碳洩漏。高碳排產業為了躲避嚴格的碳排放規範,會選擇外移到碳排放規範較為寬鬆的國家,這種現象就稱為碳洩漏。 *allowance:(n.)限額 *allocation:(n.)分配 *emission:(n.)氣體、熱量、光線等的排放或發散 *restriction:(n.)限制 Sectors including cement, steel, aluminum, fertilizer, hydrogen and electricity would be the first ones covered by CBAM, because there is a high risk of carbon leakage in these six energy-intensive industriesand they account for a high proportion of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. 水泥、鋼鐵、鋁、化肥、氫能和電力業將首先被CBAM覆蓋,因為這六個能源密集型產業碳洩漏風險較高,且在歐洲溫室氣體排放中所佔比例較高。 *sector:(n.)行業 *intensive:(a.)密集的 *account for:(v.)在數量上佔… *proportion:(n.)比例
新聞英文解析 台灣首座腦庫成立
The Taiwan Brain Bankwhichlocated in the NTU hospital for collectingbrain and tissue samples from deceased donors for the purpose of developing drugs and raising the understanding of brain disorderswas officially launched on Sunday.Authorities are hoping to develop new drugs through research and give patients new hope. 位於台大醫院,作為搜集捐贈者往生後的腦神經組織、作為研發藥物以及了解腦部功能障礙之用的台灣腦庫於週六正式成立。當局希望能夠透過研究,研發新藥物,帶給病人希望。 *tissue:(n.)動物或植物的細胞組織 *deceased:(adj.)死亡的;過世的 *donors:(n.)捐贈者 *disorder:(n.)失序;紊亂;障礙 *launch:(v.)展開;創辦;發動 There are no medical cures for the diseases such as cerebellar degenerative diseases and Lou Gehrig's disease. Moreover, Taiwanese people have special genotype manifestations of many diseases, such as amyloid neuropathy, Wilson's disease, and cerebral small vessel diseases. 許多疾病,像是小腦萎縮症或者是漸凍人症,尚無藥可解。而且台灣人在不少疾病上有特殊的基因型表現,例如:類澱粉神經病變、威爾森氏病、小血管病等。 *cerebellar degenerative:(n.)小腦萎縮 *Lou Gehrig's disease:(n.)漸凍人症 ☆Lou Gehrig's disease盧·賈里格症就是我們所說的漸凍人症或運動神經元病,正式的說法為Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症,縮寫為ALS,是一種漸進且致命的神經退行性疾病。 *genotype:(n.)基因型態 *manifestation:(n.)表現 *amyloid neuropathy:(n.)類澱粉神經病變 ☆類澱粉神經病變是一種全面性(pan-modality)的周邊神經病變,包括運動、感覺與自主神經都會受犯而產生退化。 *Wilson's disease:(n.)威爾森氏症 ☆威爾森氏症(Wilson's Disease)一種自體隱性遺傳疾病, 是由於第13對染色體上的基因ATP7B異常, 導致人體內銅代謝時經由膽汁分泌的途徑發生故障,血漿中攜帶銅離子的蛋白質血清藍胞漿素(ceruloplasmin)缺乏, 進而使得銅離子代謝產生異常,讓過多的銅離子在肝臟細胞中與蛋白質結合堆積沉澱並逐漸波及全身器官,對人體組織產生毒性與破壞。這種罕見疾病患者會在肝臟或中樞神經系統中出現病變,或是兩者同時出現。 *cerebral small vessel diseases:(n.)腦部小血管疾病 ☆腦部小血管疾病(cerebral small vessel disease)是自發性腦出血之主要病因,最常見的種類包括影響腦部深處小血管之高血壓性腦血管病變(hypertensive angiopathy, HA),和影響腦膜與腦表面小血管之大腦類澱粉血管病變(cerebral amyloid angiopathy, CAA)。 Most of the research to date has relied on imported samples of brain tissue, but the research has not been able to meet the needs of Taiwanese patients due to the genetic differences between Asians and people in other parts of the world. 大多研究迄今都仰賴進口的腦部組織來進行,但因為東西方基因差異,研究無法完全符合台灣病友需求。 *to date:(adv-phr.)迄今 *rely on:(v-phr.)依賴 *due to:(adv-phr.)因為 PremierChen Chien-jenand health minister Hsueh Jui-yuan were on hand for the unveiling of the plaque. Chen said that he hopes the Taiwan Brain Bank will become a very important academic institution for brain research in Asia and connect to the international community to get a better understanding of brain diseases unique to Asians or East Asia. 行政院長陳建仁及衛福部長薛瑞元出席揭牌典禮,陳表示希望台灣腦庫也變成亞洲很重要的一個腦的學術研究機構,來促進國際的連結,讓亞洲人或者是東亞特有的腦疾病,也許有更好的了解。 *on hand:(adv-phr.)在手上;在現場 *unveiling:(n.)揭幕 *plaque:(n.)牌匾 *unique:(adj.)獨一無二的;獨特的 The Ministry of Health and Welfare will provide support formaintaining its daily operations and the government must rely on science and technology projects to support the brain researchand that needs our entire academic community to come up with meaningful research projects and propose them. 衛福部將支持腦庫維持運作,而政府將靠科技計畫來支持腦部的研究,這就需要整個學界提出有意義的研究來申請。 *come up with:(v-phr.)想出 ☆幾個跟「想」有關的片語,常見的片語think of 是想到或想起,think about是考慮,而come up with是想出。 *propose:(v.)提出
新聞英文解析 萬名日托工作者上凱道抗議
Daycare workers holding placards and bannersyesterday protested in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei, demandingbetter working conditions and urging the government to play a larger role in the industry. The alliance said that 10,000 people attended the protest on Ketagalan Boulevard and the advocates said that childcare is a societal right best left in the public's control. 日托工作者昨日在台北總統府前舉標語牌和橫幅進行抗議,要求提供更好的工作條件,並敦促政府在該行業發揮更大的作用。該聯盟稱有1萬人參加了凱達格蘭大道上的抗議活動。支持者表示,托兒服務是一項社會權利,最好由公眾控制。 *placards:(n.)標語牌 *banner:(n.)橫幅 ☆protest:抗議。本段落中,出現兩個protest,第一個是動詞,有抗議、反對與控訴之意,第二個是名詞,則是指抗議活動或遊行。 *demand:(v.)要求 *alliance:(n.)聯盟 ☆the Childcare Policy Alliance:托育政策催生聯盟,是由台灣家長教育聯盟、台灣勞工陣線、全國教保產業工會、台灣女人連線、婦女新知基金會、彭婉如文教基金會、台灣公共托育協會所共同組成的團體,主張政府應提供平價、優質、近便之公共空間與資源,推動保母托育(0~2歲)、幼兒園(2~6歲)與國小課後照顧(6~12歲)等公共托育服務,以滿足勞動家庭的需要。 *attend:(v.)參加、出席 *advocate:(n.)支持者 Private daycare centers outnumber public ones by a ratio of seven to three. Accepting more than the maximum number of children allowed by the law, hiring those who lack professional credentials and phony teacher-to-child ratios are endemic problems as commercial operators try cut corners for profit.Otherwise, the pressure of commercial competition contributes to poor working conditions, with low pay and long work hours the norm, the alliance said. 該聯盟表示,私人日托中心與公立日托中心的數量為七比三,當商業經營者試圖為了利潤而走捷徑,接收超過法律允許的最大數量的兒童、僱用缺乏專業資格的人員以及虛假的師生比例成為問題。此外,商業競爭壓力導致工作條件惡劣,低薪、工作時間長已成為常態。 *outnumber:(v.)在數量上超過;多於 *ones:(n.)此為不定代名詞,指的是日托中心 *ratio:(n.)比率 *maximum:(adj.)最大的 *credential:(n.)資格;任何證明某人有資格或能力的證書 ☆credential在使用上常使用複數形式credentials來表示「資格證明」,通常是指某人適合某項工作或職位。 *phony:(adj.)假貨;冒名頂替的人 *severe:(adj.)嚴重的 *to cut corners:(v.)走捷徑;超短線 ☆我們在走路時,比起走直角,沿著兩點之間最短的距離走更加省時。英語表達"to cut corners 切斷角落"的實際含義就是「為了省時間或金錢貪便宜、走捷徑」,在表示駕駛時,常用來表示拐小彎而不拐大彎;若用來形容做事,則是表示捷徑或者圖省事。經常帶有忽視規則或粗心大意等含義在內。 *contribute:(v.)導致 *norm:(n.)normal的縮寫,表示普遍;常態的 For giving professional women thesupportsthey need to raise a family and ensuring women in childcare are not exploited, expansion of the government's rolein daycare is necessary.Public daycare centers with prices fixed by government regulations, staffed with state-selected personnel and established in locations according to need can deliver good services at an affordable price to all families, the alliance said. 為職業女性提供養育家庭所需的支持,並確保兒童保育中的婦女不被剝削,擴大政府在日托方面的作用是必要的。該聯盟表示,公共日托中心的價格由政府規定確定,配備國家選定的人員,並根據需要設點,能以實惠的價格為所有家庭提供良好的服務。 *exploit:(v.)出於私利利用;剝削 *expansion:(n.)擴張 *affordable:(adj.)負擔得起的 After presenting a petition to the Presidential Office, an alliance spokesperson said that the government has expressed willingness to explore the feasibility of the policy and making financial changes to help meet its demands. 聯盟發言人在向總統府提交請願書後表示,政府已表示願意探討該政策的可行性並進行財務改革,以協助滿足其要求。 *petition:(n.)請願書 *express:(v.)表達 *willingness:(n.)意願 *feasibility:(n.)可行性
新聞英文解析 以色列要求加薩一百萬人24小時內撤離
Aweek after Hamas' bloody, wide-ranging attack into Israel, the Israeli military yesterday ordered nearly half the population to evacuate south and carried out limited ground forays ahead of an expected land offensive. Palestinians on Friday scrambled to flee northern Gaza following the warning. 在哈馬斯對以色列發動大規模血腥襲擊一周後,以色列軍方昨天下令近一半人口撤離南部,並在預計發動陸地攻勢之前進行了有限的地面進攻。巴勒斯坦人接獲警告後在昨天爭先恐後地逃離加薩北部。 *bloody:(a.)血腥的 *wide-ranging:(a.)大範圍的 *population:(n.)人口 *evacuate:(v.)撤出,疏散,轉移;尤其指把人從危險的地方撤離。 *carry out:(v-phr.)執行;實施;貫徹 ☆通常用於表示「執行」的英文單字有execute、implement以及carry out,通常,如果牽扯到跟跟政府或官方機構有關的決定、計畫或者是系統的執行,絕大多數都使用implement這個字。而implement強調的是「開始執行或實施」,而 execute則是著重在「執行並完成」,比較強調整個過程。carry out 是慣用片語,意思跟execute較為接近,但更著重在「執行某個命令或某件別人要求你做的事」,所以後面常接 plan或 order當受詞,在進行研究或實驗的時候,也常使用這個片語。 *foray:(n.)突襲,尤其指為了糧食、武器對城鎮所進行的襲擊。 *offensive:(n.)進攻 *scramble:(v.)快速移動;爭相 *flee:(v.)逃離 More than 1,300 people on the Israeli side was killed by the Hamas assault, most of which are civilians, and about 1,500 Hamas militants were killed during the fighting, said the Israeli government. 以色列政府表示,哈馬斯的攻擊造成以色列方面1,300多人死亡,其中大多數是平民,約1,500名哈馬斯武裝分子在戰鬥中喪生。 *assault:(n.)突襲;猛攻;尤其指單純企圖傷害的行為 *civilian:(n.)平民;百姓 *militant:(n.)激進好戰者 Israel dropped leaflets from the air and redoubled warnings on social media for more than 1 million Gaza residents to move south while workers at an Israeli military base kept going on their efforts through the Jewish Sabbath to identify the more than 1,300 people killed in the Oct. 7 assault.Palestinians could travel within Gaza without being harmed along two main routes from 10am to 4pm, said Israel. 儘管以色列軍事基地的工作人員在猶太安息日繼續努力識別在1,300 多名在 10 月 7 日襲擊中喪生者的身份,但以色列從空中散發傳單,並在社交媒體上再次警告超過 100 萬加薩居民向南遷移。以色列表示,從上午 10 點到下午 4 點,巴勒斯坦人可以沿著兩條主要路線在加薩內行動而不會受到傷害。 *leaflet:(n.)傳單 *redouble:(v.)加倍;增強;重複 ☆the Jewish Sabbath猶太教安息日:各個宗教的安息日有所不同,基督教的安息日在星期天,穆斯林的安息日在星期五,而猶太教在星期六,按照猶太曆,安息日是從星期五日落起到星期六日落為止,是一週當中的休息日。 *route:(n.)路線,尤其指固定路線;航線;航道 Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians had already headed south, but roads demolished by airstrikes and a fuel shortage hindered the journeys ofthose who live up to 20km away.Thousands of people crammed into a UN-run school-turned-shelter in Deir al-Balah, a farming town south of the evacuation zone. The UN and aid groups have said that such a rapid exodus causes hospital patients and others unable to relocate. 數十萬名巴勒斯坦人已經向南進發,部分居住於二十公里之外人們,被空襲摧毀的道路和燃料短缺阻礙了的行程。數千人擠在疏散區以南的農業小鎮代爾巴拉赫 (Deir al-Balah) 的一所聯合國開辦的學校改建的避難所裡。聯合國和援助組織表示,如此迅速的撤離將導致醫院病人和其他人無法重新安置。 *demolish:(v.)毀壞;破壞;拆除 *airstrike:(n.)空襲 *hinder:(v.)阻礙;妨礙 *cram:(v.)填滿;塞進;擠入 *shelter:(n.)必念所 *evacuation:(n.)疏散區 *exodus:(n.)出走,尤其指大批人的退出 *relocate:(v.)重新安置
新聞英文解析 杭州亞運台灣獲19金
Following half a month of sporting action, the curtain came down on the Hangzhou Asian Games last Sunday with a grand closing ceremony. Taiwan's flag-bearer was karate star Gu Shiau-shuang, who won the nation's final gold medal in the games and brought Taiwan's total medal count to 67. 為期半個月的杭州亞運周日舉行盛大的閉幕典禮,台灣隊的掌旗官,由奪下第19面金牌讓台灣得牌數高達67的空手道選手谷筱霜擔任。 Asian Games:(n.)亞洲運動會 亞洲運動會前身是遠東運動會和西亞運動會。目前為國際奧委會承認的地區性大型綜合運動會,由亞洲奧林匹克理事會主辦,每4年一屆,目前共舉辦19屆,本屆主辦方為中國,地點在杭州。 closing ceremony:(n.)閉幕典禮 flag-bearer:(n.)掌旗官 karate:(n.)空手道 Taiwan won 19 gold medals in all, matching the record set during the 1998 Asian Games in Bangkok where they won 77 medals, including 17 silvers and 41 bronzes. 這屆比賽台灣代表隊拿下了19金,追平1998年曼谷亞運的最多金紀錄,金牌數也與1998年曼谷奧運會上台灣隊的表現相當,當時台灣隊贏得了77枚獎牌,其中包括17枚銀牌和41枚銅牌。 match:(v.)匹配,此為旗鼓相當,金牌數相等。 silver:(n.)銀牌 bronze:(n.)銅牌 The 19 gold medals Taiwan won at the Games smashed the 10-gold goal set by the Sports Administration for the competition. Taiwan also won an all-time high of 20 silvers and 28 bronzes, to rank sixth on the medal table. 台灣隊在本屆奧運會上獲得的19枚金牌,打破了體育署原定於去年舉行的比賽所訂下的10枚金牌的目標。台灣獲20面銀牌也締造史上最多紀錄,另外還有28面銅牌,獎牌榜排名第6。 smash:(v.)刷新 the Sports Administration:(n.)體育署 competition:(n.)競爭 all-time high:(n.)歷史新高 rank:(v.)排名 table:(n.)表格 A large portion of the gold-medal haul was won by Taiwanese roller skaters. Theywon seven golds along with two silvers and four bronzes.At this year's Games, Taiwan took first place for the first time in judo, canoe slalom, 3x3 basketball and go. 大部分金牌都由台灣輪滑選手奪得,他們獲得了七枚金牌、兩枚銀牌和四枚銅牌。本屆運動會,台灣隊在柔道、獨木舟激流迴旋、三人籃球、圍棋等多個項目上首次奪冠。 portion:(n.)比例 bag:(v.) first place:(n.)第一名 Based on Taiwanese athletes' achievements at this year's Asian Games,a total of NT$335.3 million in awards is to be issued, said the Sports Administration. Taiwan's roller skating team and their coaches have also accumulated the highest amount of the nation's athletics awards, totaling NT$45.6 million. 體育局表示,根據台灣運動員在今年亞運的成績,共頒發新台幣3.353億元的獎金。台灣輪滑隊及其教練也獲得了全國最高的田徑獎項,總計4,560萬新台幣。 athlete:(n.)運動員 achievement:(n.)成就 award:(n.)獎金 issue:(v.)核發 accumulate:(v.)累積