新聞英文解析 香港依基本法第二十三條逮捕七人
Hong Kong police arrested the seventh person on Wednesday (May 29) under the territory's new security law(Article 23) in relation to social media posts about commemorating Beijing's 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown and massacre. 香港警方週三(5 月 29 日)根據新國安法(第二十三條)逮捕了第七名涉案人員,其涉嫌在社交媒體上發布紀念北京 1989 年天安門廣場鎮壓及大屠殺的帖子。 territory:(n.)領土;領域 commemorate:(v.)緬懷;尤指以舉行公開儀式或豎立雕塑或特別建築來紀念某人或事件 crackdown:(n.)鎮壓;制裁 massacre:(n.)大屠殺;殘殺 ────────────────── Authorities said the 53-year-old woman taken in was suspected of "offences in connection with seditious intention", following the detention of six people – including a prominent activist Chow Hang Tung who led the now-disbanded group that used to organize annual vigils to mark the Tiananmen Square Massacre-for publishing social media posts which "incited hatred" against Beijing a day earlier. 當局表示,這名 53 歲的女子涉嫌「與煽動意圖有關的罪行」,一天前因在社交媒體上發布「煽動對北京仇恨的帖子」,包括領導一個過去每年組織紀念天安門廣場大屠殺的守夜活動而現已解散團體的活動人士鄒幸彤在內,有六人被拘留。 seditious:(a.)煽動性的 seditious這個字,特別用於指「煽動背叛政府」的言行,比如,煽動性言論seditious speech,也就是以口頭形式鼓吹用武力或暴力推翻政府。而seditious conspiracy則指煽動叛亂罪。 intention:(n.)意圖 detention:(n.)拘留 prominent:(a.)著名的;重要的 disbanded:(a.)被解散的 vigil:(n.)值夜或守夜,指因陪伴病人、祈禱或表達不同政見等的而起的「不眠時間」。 香港曾經是中國領土上唯一一個人們可以公開哀悼1989年6月4日天安門遇難者的地方,自從 2019 年發生大規模民主抗議活動後,北京開始鎮壓異議,至此,香港的紀念活動便轉入地下,曾經吸引數萬人前往香港維多利亞公園的守夜活動自從2020年起便已被禁止。 hatred:(a.)憎恨的 ────────────────── The group of seven are the first people to be arrested under the “Safeguarding National Security Ordinance” — commonly referred to as Article 23 — which Hong Kong enacted in March and penalizes those found guilty of sedition with a prison term of up to seven years. 這七人是根據香港三月頒布的《維護國家安全條例》(通常稱為第 23 條)首批被捕的人,該條例規定煽動叛亂罪可判處最高七年監禁。 enact:(v.)制定法律;實施 penalize:(v.)懲罰;因犯規被處罰 sedition:(n.)煽動叛亂的言論或行為;暴亂 ────────────────── Passed by an opposition-free legislature, Article 23 became Hong Kong's second national security law which expands on the national security law, imposed by Beijing in 2020. The law, which was fast-tracked through Hong Kong's pro-Beijing parliament in March, covers treason, sedition and state secrets, and allows for trials to be held behind closed doors. 第23條,擴展了北京在2020年所實施的國家安全法,在無反對派的立法機關中獲得通過,成為香港的第二部國家安全法。該法於三月在香港親北京議會快速確認,其涵蓋叛國罪、煽動叛亂罪和國家機密,並允許閉門進行審判。 parliament:(n.)議會 treason:(n.)叛國罪;通敵罪 trial:(n.)審判 ────────────────── Although the EU calls on the Hong Kong authorities to protect the ability of the people of Hong Kong to exercise their rights and freedoms, the latest arrest comes after an EU spokesperson said that the law enforcement actions suggest the new legislation "is used to stifle freedom of expression". Amnesty International’s China director called the arrests a “shameful attempt to prohibit people from marking the upcoming anniversary.” 雖然歐盟呼籲香港當局保護香港人民行使其權利和自由的能力,但最近一次的逮捕是在歐盟發言人表示執法行動表明新立法「被用來扼殺言論自由」之後進行的。國際特赦組織中國部主任稱這些逮捕行動是「可恥的企圖,旨在禁止人們慶祝即將到來的紀念日。」 enforcement:(n.)法律或命令的實施;強制執行 stifle:(n.)窒息;扼殺 expression:(n.)表達 amnesty:(n.)赦免 Amnesty International:(n.)國際特赦組織 Amnesty International又稱為大赦國際,縮寫為AI,是一個國際非政府組織,致力於推動全球人權事業的發展。總部位於英國倫敦,在全球擁有大約七百萬成員及支持者。 upcoming:(a.)即將到來的 anniversary:(n.)週年慶;週年紀念日
新聞英文解析 立院再爆朝野大戰
A massive brawl erupted between governing and opposition lawmakers Friday (May 17) and they scuffled with each other inside and outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei over a vote on legislative reform bills. 朝野立委於週五(五月十七日)在立法院內外就立法改革法案的表決爆發大規模爭吵扭打。 massive:(a.)大規模的 brawl:(n.)亂哄哄的毆鬥;鬧事;大打出手 erupt:(v.)爆發 governing:(n.)治理;執政 opposition:(n.)反對 scuffle:(v.)扭打;亂鬥 reform:(n.)改革 ────────────────── President-elect William Lai is to be inaugurated on Monday, but his DPP lost its majority in the legislature. The KMT holds 52 seats in the 113-seat legislature, while the TPP has 8 and the DPP has 51. The KMT has been working with the TPP to promote their mutual ideas and there are also 2 independent lawmakers who are ideologically aligned with the KMT. 總統當選人賴清德將於週一就職,然而其所領導的民進黨失去立法院多數席位。國民黨在立院113席中佔有52席,台灣民眾黨8席,而民進黨有51席。國民黨一直在與台灣民眾黨合作推動他們的共同想法,且有2名意識形態上支持國民黨的無黨籍立委。 DPP:(n.)Democratic Progressive Party 民主進步黨,簡稱民進黨 majority:(n.)多數 KMT:(n.) Kuomintang中國國民黨,簡稱國民黨 TPP:(n.)Taiwan People’s Party 台灣民眾黨 ideologically:(adv.)意識形態上 mutual:(a.)彼此的;共同的 align:(v.)結盟;密切合作;支持 ────────────────── KMT and TPP lawmakers set up defensive lines outside and inside the Legislative Yuan to thwart an attempt by the DPP to launch a filibuster. They had held a vigil outside the Legislative Yuan since Wednesday (May 15) to get a head start on their DPP rivals and secure the right to propose bills first when doors opened at 7 a.m. 國民黨和台灣民眾黨立委在立法院內外設置防線,阻止民進黨發動阻撓。自周三(5月15日)起在立法院外守夜,以搶先民進黨競爭對手,並確保早上7點開門時首先提出法案的權利。 thwart:(v.)反對;阻撓 filibuster:(n.)冗長辯論,尤指為拖延或阻止新法律的通過而發表冗長的演說 台灣稱filibuster為「費力把事拖」。廣義的filibuster,是議會中議員利用議事必須保障發言權的規則作冗長演講為主,並用各種漏洞方法輔助,通過發表超長辯論而達到拖延表決或者拖延會議進程的目的。而狹義的filibuster是議會中居於劣勢的一小部分甚至單獨一位議員,因無力否決特定法案、人事,或為達到特定政治目的時,在取得發言權後以馬拉松式演說,達到癱瘓議事、阻撓投票,逼使人數佔優的一方作出讓步的議事策略。 vigil:(n.)守夜;尤指因陪伴病人、祈禱、表達不同政見等的不眠時間 rival:(n.)對手 propose:(v.)提案 ────────────────── There was pushing and shoving as KMT lawmakers formed defensive walls at the rostrum to shield Han Kuo-yu, enabling him to preside over the process for raising motions, reading bills and proceed to a vote. In such chaotic scenes, lawmakers surged around the rostrum, some leaping over tables and pulling colleagues to the floor. 國民黨立委在主席台上築起防禦牆,護住韓國瑜,讓他可以主持議案、宣讀法案、繼續議案,此舉引發推擠。在如此混亂的場面中,立委們向演講台周圍湧來,有些人跳過桌子,將同事拉到地板上。 rostrum:(n.)主席台 shove:(v.)推擠 shield:(v.)庇護 preside:(v.)主持 chaotic:(a.)混亂的 surge:(v.)陡增;湧上 ────────────────── DPP lawmakers rushed the rostrum during the interval when KMT lawmakers left it to retrieve voting cards, leading to the second wave of scuffles between the two sides. Puma Shen(DPP)falls after attempting to force his way up the rostrum to occupy the speaker’s seat. Even after the recess was announced, verbal clashes between the blue and green lawmakers continued inside the chamber. At 8pm, five lawmakers were taken to hospital. 國民黨立委離開主席台領取選票的空檔,民進黨立委衝上主席台,雙方發生第二波混戰。民進黨立委沈伯洋在試圖強行登上議長席時跌倒。即使在宣布休會後,藍綠議員之間的言語衝突仍在會議廳內繼續進行。晚上8點五名立委送醫。 interval:(n.)間隔 retrieve:(v.)取回 recess:(n.)休會 clash:(n.)衝突 chamber:(n.)用於特定用途或官方用途的房間,此指會議廳 ────────────────── The legislative reforms would enable better oversight of the Executive Yuan, including a proposal to criminalize officials who are deemed to make false statements in the legislature, said the opposition parties. However, the DPP said the KMT and the TPP are improperly trying to force through the proposals without the customary consultation process in what it called “an unconstitutional abuse of power.” 反對黨表示,立法改革將有助於更好地監督行政院,包括一項將被認為在立法院發表虛假言論的官員定罪的提案。然而民進黨認為,國民黨和台灣民眾黨以所謂「違憲濫用權力」的方式,在未經慣例協商程序的情況下試圖強行通過提案,是不恰當的。 oversight:(v.)監督 customary:(a.)慣常的;按慣例的 consultation:(n.)協議,磋商 unconstitutional:(a.)違憲的 abuse:(v.)出於個人私利的濫用 ────────────────── “The DPP does not want this to be passed as they have always been used to monopolizing power,”said the KMT lawmaker Jessica Chen, wearing a military-style helmet. 戴著軍用頭盔的國民黨立委陳玉珍表示,「民進黨不希望這個法案通過,因為他們一向有壟斷權力的習慣。」 國民黨立委陳玉珍為金門籍首位女立委。 monopolize:(v.)獨佔
新聞英文解析 中台緊張局勢下,德派兩軍艦前往印太海域
In a bid to bolster its military presence in the Indo-Pacific, Germany sent two naval vessels to the region on Tuesday amid mounting tensions between China and Taiwan, as well as concerning developments in the contested South China Sea. 為加強在印度-太平洋地區的軍事存在,德國週二向該地區派遣了兩艘軍艦,以應對中國和台灣之間以及有爭議的南海問題日益緊張的局勢。 in a bid to:企圖 bolster:(v.)支撐;加固 amid:(prep.)在……當中;為……所環繞 mounting:(a.)持續增加的;持續上升的 ────────────────── The supply ship Frankfurt am Main, which carrying 200 personnel, departed from the town of Wilhelmshaven on Germany's North Sea coast, while the frigate Baden-Wuerttemberg left from the Spanish harbor of Rota. These vessels will rendezvous at sea, and then serve in the Indo-Pacific region, including the South China Sea. The mission aims to ensure that Europe and Germany "have a greater presence in the Indo-Pacific region, one of the most economically important regions". 搭載200名人員的補給艦「法蘭克福號」從德國北海沿岸的威廉港鎮出發,而巡防艦「巴登-符騰堡號」則從西班牙羅塔港起航。這些船隻將在海上會合,並將在包括南海在內的印太地區服役。這項任務旨在確保歐洲和德國「在印太地區擁有更大的影響力,該地區是經濟上最重要的地區之一」。 depart:(v.)出發 frigate:(n)巡防艦 因frigate最初的設計是為了護衛船團,以避免運輸船艦遭潛水艇或潛艦等船隻襲擾,所以特別強調反潛作戰能力,現今已成一般中等國家的海軍作戰主力,體型較護衛艦corvette(台灣稱之為輕型巡防艦)大一倍。 rendezvous:(v.)會合(尤指秘密地);在指定地點會面 onward:(adv.)向前 ────────────────── China, in recent years, has consistently issued threats of reunification with Taiwan by force, frequently employing assertive military actions to convey its dissatisfaction with US policies in the region. China also claims democratically-governed Taiwan as its own territory in spite of the latter’s strong objections. 近年來,中國不斷發出武力統一台灣的威脅,頻繁採取強硬的軍事行動表達對美國在該地區政策的不滿。中國也聲稱民主治理的台灣是自己的領土,儘管後者強烈反對。 reunification:(n.)重新統一 assertive:(a.)武斷的;肯定的 territory:(n.)領土 objection:(n.)反對 ────────────────── According to an estimate, some 40 % of Europe’s foreign trade flows through the South China Sea. Beijing claims sovereignty over almost the entire South China, despite an international tribunal ruling that Beijing has no legal basis for these claims. 據估計,歐洲約40%的對外貿易經過南海。儘管國際法庭裁定北京的主張沒有法律依據,北京仍宣稱對幾乎整個南海都擁有主權。 claim:(v.)宣稱 sovereignty:(n.)主權;統治權 despite:(adv.)儘管;雖然 despite跟in spite of的用法跟although一樣,都不能和but並用。 tribunal:(n.)特別法庭 ────────────────── “Since several allied navy vessels have passed (the Taiwan Strait), this obviously is an option. But no decision has been taken yet,” said Pistorius. While the ships will traverse the South China Sea, it remains unclear whether they will navigate through the Taiwan Strait like the United States has done, a decision likely to irk China, Germany’s principal trade partner. China. 皮斯托利斯表示,「由於幾艘盟軍的海軍艦艇已經通過(台灣海峽),這顯然是一個選擇。但尚未做出任何決定。」雖然這些船隻將穿越南海,但目前尚不清楚它們是否會像美國一樣穿越台灣海峽,這項決定可能會激怒德國主要貿易夥伴中國。 traverse:(v.)橫越;貫穿 navigate:(v.)航行於…… irk:(v.)使厭煩;使惱火 principal:(a.)主要的
新聞英文解析 高雄漢來自助餐廳疑似食物中毒症狀人數增至46名
The number of those who have sought medical attention for suspected food poisoning symptoms after dining at an upscale buffet in Kaohsiung on Friday has risen to 46, the Kaohsiung City Health Department said on Sunday. 高雄市衛生局週日表示,週五在高雄一家高檔自助餐用餐後因疑似食物中毒症狀求醫的人數已增至46人。 sought:(v.)尋求,seek的過去分詞 medical attention:(n.-phr.)醫療照顧 symptom:(n.)症狀 常見的food poisoning symptoms,包括diarrhea(腹瀉), nausea(噁心), vomiting(嘔吐), abdominal pain(腹痛), fever(發燒), headache(頭痛)和 weakness(虛弱), 有時伴隨bloody stools(血便)或pus stools(膿便)取決於患者的年齡、個人健康狀況、引起食物中毒的疾病類型以及程度。 upscale:(a.)高檔的 ────────────────── Eleven people have sought medical attention for diarrhea and other symptoms of food poisoning after dining at an upscale buffet restaurant, Hi-Lai Harbo, in Kaohsiung's Zuoying District, the city's health authorities said Saturday. The department sent food safety inspectors to the branch restaurant at Kaohsiung Arena after notified of the incident by a hospital where one of the patients was treated. 該局週六表示,有11人在高雄市左營區高檔自助餐廳漢來海港用餐後出現腹瀉及其他食物中毒症狀就醫。在接獲某一患者收治醫院的通知後,該單位即派出食品安全檢查人員前往高雄漢來海港餐廳巨蛋分店。 inspector:(n.)調查員 branch:(n.)分店;分公司;分部 arena:(n.)體育比賽或表演用的場地,此指「巨蛋」體育場 notify:(v.)通知;告知 ────────────────── At the restaurant in Zuoying District, health inspectors found signs of cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods and collected 20 samples from food items in its kitchen, including salad, oysters and sashimi, and various locations in the restaurant. The department said that another 56 samples were collected from the restaurant's kitchen staff and the 11 people who became ill, adding that all the samples are still undergoing testing. 衛生檢查人員在左營這間餐廳發現生食和熟食間存在交叉污染的跡象,並進行在廚房內包括沙拉、牡蠣和生魚片在內等食品以及在餐廳不同地點的採樣,共採集了20個樣本。該部門表示還從餐廳廚房工作人員和11名患病人員身上共採集了56個樣本,並補充說明所有的樣本仍在受檢中。 cross-contamination:(n.)交叉污染 various:(a.)不同的,指多樣的或不同種類的 undergo:(v.)遭遇 ────────────────── Since Saturday, when 11 diners were reported to have fallen ill, another 35 people have come down with food poisoning symptoms, the city’s health authorities said in press release. As of 4:30 p.m. Sunday, the number of people who had fallen ill after eating at the restaurant buffet had risen to 46. They all reported diarrhea and other symptoms of food poisoning but none of them have been hospitalized, it added. 高雄市衛生局在新聞稿中表示,自週六有11名用餐民眾生病以來,另有35人出現食物中毒症狀。截至週日下午4:30,在餐廳吃了自助餐之後身體不適的人數已上升至46人,並補充道他們都有腹瀉和其他食物中毒症狀,但沒有人住院。 come down with:(v.-phr.)身體不舒服;生病。 come down with 尤其用來指「某人感到不適,有要生病的跡象」或「生小病」,還不是太嚴重的情況。 press:(n.)記者;新聞輿論 release:(v.)(發佈的)新聞稿 hospitalize:(v.)住院 ────────────────── Before the release of the test results, the restaurant agreed to remain closed on Saturday and Sunday to undergo extensive cleaning. City health officials are to conduct a follow-up inspection after the clean-up this week, and if sanitation issues persist, the restaurant could face fines ranging from NT$60,000 to NT$200 million under the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation. 在測試結果發布之前,這間餐廳同意在六日繼續關閉,以進行大規模清潔。衛生局官員將於本週進行清理後續之檢查,如果衛生問題持續存在,按食品安全衛生管理法,該餐廳可能會受到新台幣6萬至2億元的罰款。 remain:(v.)保持 extensive:(a.)大範圍的;大規模的 conduct:(v.)進行 follow-up:(a.)後續的 sanitation:(n.)衛生 persist:(v.)持續
新聞英文解析 高中生開發的地震App爆紅
An earthquake alert app designed by a Taiwanese senior high school student has gone viral following a magnitude 7.2 earthquake off the coast of Hualien County on April 3. because it sends earthquake alerts more readily than the CWA. It is facing bandwidth issues after a surge in downloads. 4月3日,花蓮縣外海發生7.2級地震後,一位台灣高中生所設計的地震警報應用程式因該應用程式比中央氣象局更快地發送地震警報而迅速走紅。因此該下載量激增,現正面臨頻寬問題。 viral:(a.)爆紅的 viral原意為「病毒的」,此指像(在網路上)病毒般瘋狂流傳的,也就是我們所謂的「爆紅的」之意。 readily:(adv.)迅速地;輕而易舉地 CWA: 中央氣象局the Central Weather Administration bandwidth:(n.)頻寬 bandwidth若作為商業術語,則是指「處理工作壓力的能力」或「面對挑戰的能力」,類似口語中的「精力」、「資源」或「餘力」。 surge:(n.)陡增;急遽上升;湧現 The "Taiwan earthquake alert," which was launched by independent developer Lin Tzu-yu last summer, has been compared favorably with the national emergency alert system which has remained largely silent to people outside the immediate area of epicenters amid a spate of quakes this month and it has been downloaded more than 320,000 times so far to top the Apple iOS' free app chart. 去年夏天由獨立開發者林子祐所推出的「台灣地震警報」應用程式比起在本月發生一系列地震後對震央範圍以外的人們幾乎沒有作出警報的全國緊急警報系統更受好評。這款應用程式迄今已經在蘋果iOS免費應用程式排行榜上下載了超過32萬次,名列榜首。 favorably:(adv.)有利地;適宜地 如果某個事物 is compared favorably with另一個事物,代表這個事物 is better than另一個,該片語被用來表示「優於」。 immediate:(a.)立即的;接近的;直接的 epicenter:(n.)震央 amid:(n.)在…之中 amid屬於正式用字,英式寫法為amidst,常在新聞中出現,用以形容一件事情在某種氛圍、情況之下發生,後面多接名詞片語,而不是完整的句子。比如說,Amidst COVID surge, Kinmen needs immediate and stronger support from the authority. 在新冠疫情飆升下,金門需要當局立即且更有力的支持。另一個用於表示「在…之中」的字為among,後面通常接複數名詞。 spate:(n.)大量(尤其指不愉快的)突發事件 The app has been praised for its capability to issue warnings seconds to tens of seconds before the shaking from a distant earthquake reaches the user’s location, including Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung, Chiayi, Tainan, Yilan, Kaohsiung and Hualien areas. It sends alerts for any earthquake that is expected to be magnitude 4.5 or greater and of at least intensity 3, or “light” shaking. 這款應用程式因其能在遠處地震的震動到達使用者所在地,包括台北、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南、宜蘭、高雄和花蓮地區之前幾秒鐘或數十秒發出警報,以及包括潛在震動的倒數和震級預測在內的用戶友好資訊顯示界面,而受到讚揚。對於任何預計震級達到4.5或更大,且至少達到3級強度或「輕微」震動的地震都會發送警報。 capability:(n.)能力 intensity:(n.)強度 Besides, the user-friendly interface that displays information, such as its countdown to potential shaking or magnitude predictions and the function that users can customize the app to set the location and seismic intensity level at which they want to be warned make the app the best welcomed one. 此外,使用者友善訊息陳列介面,像是潛在地震倒數或者規模預測,以及用戶可以自定義應用程式,設定自己希望收到警報的地點和地震強度級別的功能都讓該程式成為最受歡迎的軟體。 interface:(n.)介面 display:(v.)呈現;顯示 magnitude:(n.)規模 prediction:(n.)預測 customize:(v.)客製化 seismic:(a.)地震引起的 The data of the app originate almost entirely from CWA observation stations. The app is hosted on a server with limited bandwidth that his family pays for now, so Lin hopes to collaborate with the government in the future to improve data transmission speed and expand usage to a wider range of regions. 該程式的數據幾乎全部源自於中央氣象局觀測站。因目前該程式架在家裡付費的伺服器上,頻寬受限,所以林子祐希望未來能與政府合作,提高數據傳輸速度,並將使用範圍擴展到更廣泛的地區。 originate:(v.)起源於 entirely:(adv.)全部 host:(v.)託管;寄主 collaborate:(v.)合作 transmission:(n.)傳輸
新聞英文解析 高雄民生醫院外科開錯刀遭罰五十萬
The Kaohsiung Department of Health on Thursday (April 11) fined Kaohsiung Municipal Min-Sheng Hospital half of a million NT dollars following a surgical error for misidentifying two patients and consequently causing one of them to undergo the wrong surgery last week. 高雄市立民生醫院上週因誤認兩名患者,導致其中一名患者接受錯誤手術,高雄市衛生廳週四對該院醫療疏失處以新台幣五十萬元罰款。 municipal:(a.)市立的 surgical:(a.)手術的 misidentify:(v.)誤認 consequently:(adv.)因此,表示作為……的結果 ────────────────── The patient who was confused for another patient in his ward had been transferred from a care center to Kaohsiung Municipal Min-Sheng Hospital. The medical personnel involved had skipped the SOP and in the operating theater, neither the nurses, the anesthesiologist nor the surgeon confirmed the patient’s identity as required. The mistake was only discovered after the operation was completed. Later, It was also found that the surgeon involved had asked the patient to sign a surgery consent form after the matter. 被誤認為是另一位病人而送進開刀房的病人是由養護醫院轉進民生醫院的。涉及該起事件的醫療人員省略了SOP,在手術室,包括護理師、麻醉科醫師,到最後主刀的主治醫師都未依規定明確辨識病患身分。直到操作完成後才發現這個錯誤。執刀醫師被查出手術同意書是事後讓病人補簽。 anesthesiologist:(n.)麻醉醫師 neither A nor B:非A也非B,亦即A和B兩者都不(或沒有)的意思 operation:(n.)手術 surgery:(n.)手術 operation和surgery都可以表示「手術」,一般來說,operation是手術的統稱,是個泛用字,而surgery通常表示外科手術,是一個比較專業的用語。 consent:(n.)同意 ────────────────── The surgeon had not only operated on the wrong patient, but also falsified the patient’s medical records. After a review, the surgeon received another major demerit, for a total of two, and was dismissed. All consultations for the surgeon involved in the incident have been canceled. The hospital was penalized under the Medical Care Act Article 108, Section 1, which allows for a maximum fine of NT$500,000. The city’s health department has taken disciplinary action against management and removed the superintendent. 主治醫師不但開錯刀,且事後涉嫌病例登載偽造,經人審會議處,再記一大過,共計兩大過,予以免職。 事發後執刀醫師在民生醫院的看診已經全部停止。根據高雄市衛生署通報,該院依據醫療法第一百零八條第一項處罰,最高罰款新台幣五十萬元。衛生局對管理層連坐處分,並撤換院長。 falsify:(v.)竄改;偽造 dismiss:(v.)解除(職務) consultation:(n.)會診 penalize:(v.)處罰 disciplinary:(a.)紀律的 superintendent:(n.)主管 ────────────────── Demerits were given to the anesthesiologist, operating room nurses, ward nurses, and the worker who helped transfer the patient from the ward to the operation room for having failed to properly identify the patient. Meanwhile, the hospital also issued warnings to the deputy medical director, surgical department director and nursing department director. The operating director, operating head nurse, and ward nurse were all reprimanded. The hospital is now fully committed to rectifying and implementing patient safety control mechanisms. 麻醉師、手術室護理師、病房護理師以及幫助將患者從病房轉移到手術室的工作人員因未能核實患者身分而被記過。醫院也對醫學副院長、外科主任、護理部主任發出警告。手術主任、手術護士長、病房護士受到兩次警告。目前,醫院正全力整改落實病患安全管控機制。 demerit:(n.)過失;記過 ward:(n.)病房 reprimand:(v.)懲戒;嚴責 commit:(v.)致力於某事;投入 rectify:(v.)改正;矯正 implement:(v.)實施 mechanism:(n.)機制 ────────────────── Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare Victor Wang said that the Taiwan Joint Commission of Hospital Accreditation is to investigate the operation at the hospital after the major medical error. The hospital should analyze the fundamental causes of this major medical accident, propose improvement plans and report to the competent authority, as per the Medical Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act. 衛生福利部副部長王必勝表示,台灣醫院認證聯合委員會將在重大醫療失誤後對醫院的運作進行調查。院方應依據醫療事故預防及爭議處理法,分析造成該重大醫療事故的根本原因,提出改善方案,並向主管機關報告。 investigate:(v.)調查 fundamental:(a.)基本的 propose:(v.)提出 competent:(a.)有法定資格的 as per:(adv.-phr.)按照;根據
新聞英文解析 地震死亡人數上升至13人
The death toll from the Wednesday’s massive quake has risen to 13 following the three bodies were found on a walking trail through the mountainous region. The three deceased were among six people reported missing on Taroko National Park’s Shakadang Trail (砂卡礑). The teams were still working to confirm the identities of those recovered, the CEOC said, as rescuers continued to airlift trapped people in Hualien County. 中央災害應變中心表示,在穿越山區的一條步道上發現三具屍體後,週三大地震後確認的死亡人數已上升至13人。這三名死者是太魯閣國家公園砂卡礑步道上失蹤的六人之一。團隊仍在努力確認被找到的人的身份,而救難人員正持續空運花蓮受困民眾。 toll:(n.)死亡或傷患的人數 massive:(a.)大量的;巨大的 deceased:(n.)死者;已故者 the CEOC:(n.)the Central Emergency Operations Center中央災害應變中心 airlift:(v.)空運 trapped:(a.)受困的 ────────────────── The quake, Taiwan’s most powerful in 25 years, rocked the entire island on Wednesday and was felt as far away as Shanghai and Hong Kong. 74 hours after the temblor, which measured 7.2 on the Richter scale and magnitude 7.4 on the moment magnitude scale, the CWA had recorded 603 aftershocks, including 23 that were magnitude 5 or greater. As of 2:30pm yesterday, 13 people had died and 1,145 were injured in the earthquake, while 405 were trapped or stranded and six were missing, data released by the authority showed. 週三,台灣25年來最強烈的地震震動了整個台灣島,遠至上海和香港也有震感。芮氏規模7.2級、瞬間震級7.4級的地震發生74小時後,中央氣象局記錄了603次餘震,其中23次餘震為5級或以上。當局數據顯示截至昨天下午2時30分,地震已造成13人死亡、1145人受傷,405人受困或滯留,6人失蹤。 temblor:(n.)地震 magnitude:(n.)規模 the CWA:(n.)the Central Weather Administration交通部中央氣象署 aftershock:(n.)餘震 英文中,表示地震的用字會因為強度大小而有差異,最常見的字是earthquake和quake,同義字為temblor,如果是較小的地震則可用tremor來表示,aftershock則常被用來表示餘震。 stranded:(a.)滯留的 ────────────────── In Hualien County, the worst-affected region, buildings buckled and landslides were triggered. Also, the aftershocks have loosened earth and made rocks continue falling intermittently. Those listed as stranded are considered safebut are cut off by landslides and other blockages on rural roads near the island’s hard-hit east coast, said the authorities, adding that the rescue mission was affected by the aftershocks and inclement weather. 受災最嚴重的花蓮縣,建築物倒塌,引發山崩。同時,餘震使大地鬆動,導致岩石繼續間歇性掉落。當局認為受困民眾是安全的,但因山體滑坡和島上受災最嚴重的東海岸附近鄉村道路堵塞以致其與外界隔絕,並補充說明救援任務受到餘震和惡劣天氣影響。 buckle:(v.)因溫度、壓力而彎曲 trigger:(v.)引發,通常指不好的事情 intermittently:(adv.)斷斷續續地;間歇地 blockage:(n.)障礙物 rural:(a.)鄉村的 inclement:(a.)天氣惡劣的,通常指氣候嚴寒或者是有暴(風)雪的天氣 ────────────────── National Airborne Service Corps helicopters flew to areas that had been cut off near Taroko National Park and were deployed to airlift 82 trapped people to safety. But bad weather limited the number of flights, forcing rescuers to focus on the most vulnerable ones and gave the priority to the elderly, the weak, women, children and people with injuries or chronic diseases.One thousand kilograms of relief supplies were airdropped to those stranded in the mountains, to ensure that they’re not left without food. Meanwhile, engineers were working around the clock to clear massive boulders from roads and tunnel entrances. 國家空降服務團的直升機飛往太魯閣國家公園附近被切斷的地區,分批載送82人脫困,但因為天氣不佳,趟次有限,以老弱婦孺或是受傷及有慢性疾病的民眾優先下撤。特搜隊也空投1000公斤的物資給還困在山上的民眾,以確保受困者不會斷糧。同時,工程師們也晝夜不停地工作,清除道路和隧道入口處的巨大巨石。 deploy:(v.)部署;調動 vulnerable:(a.)脆弱的;易受傷害的 chronic:(a.)慢性的 relief:(n.)救濟品 supply:(n.)補給 airdrop:(v.)空投 around the clock:(adv.-phr.)晝夜不停地 boulder:(n.)巨石 ────────────────── Seven Turkish rescuers arrived in Taiwan last night and brought with them drone technology to assist in the rescue efforts due to the challenging terrain in the area. Taiwan would bolster its rescue operations by working with experts from Turkey whose team is the only foreign rescue team Taiwan has accepted technical assistance from. 七名土耳其救援人員昨晚抵達台灣。因為該地區地形具有挑戰性,他們帶來了無人機技術,以協助救援工作。土耳其救援隊是台灣唯一接受技術援助的外國救援隊,台灣將與土耳其專家小組合作,加強救援行動。 terrain:(n.)地形;地勢 bolster:(v.)加強;支撐
新聞英文解析 寶林茶室中毒案
Totally 31 people have now been confirmed poisoned, the health ministry updated on Sunday in the wake of a cluster of food poisonings at a location of Polam Kopitiam restaurant in Taipei’s Xinyi District. Aside from the two people who died, five are in intensive care, three are in general wards and 21 had returned home to rest, the CDC said. 衛福部週日更新台北信義區寶林茶室中毒案最新名單,目前已經達31人。疾病管制署表示,除了兩名死者外,還有五人在加護病房,三人在普通病房,21人已回家休息。 cluster:(n.)集群 side from:(adv-phr.)除了 intensive(a.)密集的;加強的 intensive care:(n.)醫院的加護病房 ward:(n.)病房;小室 the CDC:(n.) 衛福部疾病管制署Taiwan Centers for Disease Control ────────────────── The food poisoning outbreak occurred among people who ate at Polam Kopitam in Xinyi A13, from March 19 to 24, with most of them having eaten a stir-fried flat rice noodle dish called char kway teow. Among those who poisoned, four people have tested positive for Bongkrekic acid, further confirming that the toxin is at the center of the event. 這起中毒事件爆發在3月19日至24日至信義A13 Polam Kopitam餐廳用餐的人群中,其中大多數人吃的是炒粿條。中毒者當中有4人檢測出米酵菌酸呈陽性,進一步證實該毒素為此次食物中毒事件的核心。 outbreak:(n.)爆發 stir-fried:(a.)炒 further:(adv.)更進一步 confirm:(v.)確認;證實 toxin:(n.)毒素 ────────────────── Bongkrek acid, a rare toxin, is produced by contamination with a bacterium, especially in fermented coconut or corn food products. On Friday, it was found in blood samples taken from eight people who had been hospitalized after dining at the restaurant, including two people who died. Bongkrek acid affects the liver, kidneys and brain. Although one of those five patients in intensive care has started to show signs of recovery. their conditions are still critical. 罕見毒素米酵菌酸由細菌污染產生,特別是在發酵的椰子或玉米食品中。週五,在該餐廳用餐後住院的八人的血液樣本中發現了這種病毒,包括兩名死者。米酵菌酸會影響肝臟、腎臟和大腦。雖然5名重症患者中有一位有好轉的跡象,他們的狀況仍然很危急。 Bongkrek acid:(n.)米酵菌酸 該酸毒性極強,其所引發的食物中毒具有高死亡率。小至 1–1.5 毫克的劑量就可能對人類致命。症狀包括胃腸道和神經系統症狀,重症患者會出現肝臟和腎臟等多個器官衰竭。易受米酵菌酸污染的食品主要有變質澱粉類產品,如糯米、小米、高粱米、馬鈴薯粉等,以及變質的新鮮銀耳、完全或不完全發酵的玉米與椰子製品4大類。因此,米酵菌酸可能出現在腸粉、河粉、米線、粿條、濕米粉或冬粉、久泡銀耳或木耳、涼皮以及發酵玉米麵等。 contamination:(n.)污染。 一般來說,指水、空氣或環境受到污染常使用pollution這個單字,而contamination這個字特別強調將微生物、化學藥品、有毒物質、廢棄物、廢水或其他污染物引入到水、空氣、土壤或其他介質中並且達到一定的濃度,致使這些環境不能再做既定的用途。 bacterium:(n.)細菌 fermented:(a.)發酵的 hospitalize:(v.)使住院治療 recovery:(n.)恢復 critical:(a.)重要的;關鍵性的;危急的 ────────────────── Polam Kopitam in Xinyi A13 will be fined NT$2 million (US$62,520) by Taipei City Government because its product liability insurance had expired. The Taipei Department of Health would also fine other three branches of Polam Kopitam up to NT$3 million each for not having valid product liability and public liability insurance. 信義A13 的Polam Kopitam 因其產品責任保險已過期,被台北市政府處以新台幣200 萬新台幣(62,520 美元)的罰款。台北市衛生局也將對該餐廳在市內的另外3家無有效的產品責任和公眾責任保險的分店處以最高達新台幣300萬元的罰款。 liability:(n.)責任;義務 expired:(a.)過期的 branch:(n.)分公司 valid:(n.)有效的
新聞英文解析 US House overwhelmingly passes TikTok ban bill 美國眾議院壓倒性通過禁止TikTok法案
The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday voted with bipartisan over-whelmingly passed a bill that could lead to a nationwide ban against TikTok and would be a major challenge to one of the world's most popular social media apps. TikTok has called the legislation an attack on the constitutional right to freedom of expression for its users. 美國眾議院週三以壓倒性兩黨投票通過了一項法案,該法案將導致全國性禁止TikTok,這是對世界上最受歡迎的社交媒體應用程式之一的重大挑戰。TikTok 稱此項立法是對其用戶言論自由的憲法權利的攻擊。 House of Representative:(n.)眾議院 美國的國會分為參眾兩院,上議院為United States Senate,下議院則是House of Representative bipartisan:(a.)代表兩黨的,獲得兩黨的支持與合作 overwhelmingly:(adv.)壓倒性地 nationwide:(adv.)全國各地 legislation:(n.)立法 constitutional:(a.)憲法的 ────────────────── The bill would prohibit TikTok from US app stores unless the social media platform which used by roughly 170 million American users is spun off from its Chinese parent company, ByteDance. The bill would give the Chinese owner about six months to divest the U.S. assets of the short-video app or face a ban. If ByteDance failed to do so by that time, it would be illegal for app store operators such as Apple, Alphabet's Google and others to offer TikTok or provide web hosting services to ByteDance-controlled applications for download. 該法案將禁止這個約有 1.7 億美國人使用的社群媒體平台TikTok在美國應用程式商店上架,除非其從中國母公司位元跳動分拆出來。該法案將給TikTok的中國所有者字節跳動大約六個月的時間剝離這款約1.7億美國人使用的短視頻app在美國的資產,否則將面臨禁令。如果屆時字節跳動無法分拆TikTok,則蘋果、谷歌及其他等應用商店運營商提供TikTok或字節跳動公司所屬應用軟體網站服務下載將違法。 prohibit:(v.)禁止 roughly:(adv.)大約;初略 demerger:(n.)分拆 spin off(v.uphr.)股份轉移;轉股;公司分離;分拆 spin 「子公司」off from 「母公司」是母公司以股權轉移放棄對其分支機構或子公司的控制,而使後者成為一個獨立的公司的方式之一。而獲得新分配的股份的股東無需向該公司交回其所持有的該公司的股份作為交換。 ByteDance:北京字節跳動科技有限公司,簡稱字節跳動。 ByteDance是一家位於中國北京的跨國網際網路技術公司,成立於2012年3月,旗下有產品媒體聚合服務今日頭條、短影音抖音及其海外版本TikTok、西瓜視頻、社交平台Lemon8等。 divest:(v.)賣掉;出售企業的一部分 asset:(n.)資產 ban:(n.)禁令 operator:(v.)操作者 ────────────────── The House vote was 352 to 65, with 50 Democrats and 15 Republicans voting in opposition. In a rare show of bipartisanship, the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee voted 50-0 in favor of the bill, setting it up for a vote before the full House. It's not yet clear what the future of the bill will be in the Senate. 眾議院投票結果為 352 比 65,其中 50 名民主黨人和 15 名共和黨人投了反對票。上週在罕見的兩黨合作之下,眾議院能源和商業委員會以 50 比 0 的投票結果通過了該法案,並準備在眾議院全體會議上進行投票。目前尚不清楚該法案在參議院的未來前景如何。 Democrat:(n.)美國民主黨黨員 Republican:(n.)美國共和黨黨員 美國民主黨Democratic Party與共和黨Republican Party(又被稱作大老黨Grand Old Party,縮寫為GOP)並列為美國兩大主要政黨。目前共和黨美國聯邦執政黨,並擁有美國國會參議院的多數黨地位。 bipartisanship(n.)兩黨合作 ────────────────── The goal was ending Chinese ownership, not banning TikTok, said White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan. TikTok creators and Beijing have responded angrily to the upcoming vote, with China’s foreign ministry calling it an “act of bullying”. 白宮國家安全顧問傑克·沙利文週二表示,目標是結束中國所有權,而非禁止TikTok。TikTok 的創建者和北京方面對即將舉行的投票做出了憤怒回應,中國外交部稱其為「霸凌行為」。 ownership:(n.)所有權 respond:(v.)回應 upcoming:(a.)接下來的 bullying:(n.)霸凌
新聞英文解析 高中心理健康假期將於本月開始
To address rising rates of youth suicide and high levels of stress and depression, high schools are to begin offering mental health leave to students this month. 43 universities have expressed interest in the trial run. 為了因應青少年自殺率上升以及高壓力和憂鬱程度的情況,高中將於本月開始向學生提供心理健康假期。已有43所學校表示有興趣試辦。 address:(v.)面對;改善;回應 suicide:(n.)自殺 depression:(n.)憂鬱 trial run:(n.)試行;試營運 ────────────────── Students in higher education can apply for up to three days of mental health leave per semester and opt to take a half-day or an full day off without having to submit any proof, but with the permission of their parents. Because most of high schoolers and vocational school students are still minors, a proof of consent from their parents or guardians is needed when they apply for this break. 教育部建議每學期最高可請三天的心理健康假,且高中生無需提交任何證明即可以申請半天或全天休假,但需得到父母的許可。因為大多數高中生和職業學校學生仍然是未成年人,必需要出示父母或監護人的同意證明才能請假。 The MOE: 教育部Ministry of Education 的頭自語縮寫 opt:(v.)選擇、挑選,尤指是指「優先選擇」 英文中常用於表達「選擇」的字有choose、select、pick、opt、elect,其中,choose是一個普通的用詞,主要表達個人意願和判斷大多數人的選擇。Pick是口語用詞,指個人的主觀挑選,是比較隨意的挑選。文中所使用的opt多指在幾種可能性之間進行選擇,挑出「最優先」的那一個。select,強調「精選」,是一個書面用語,通常用於莊嚴、正式的場合。elect則指按一定的規章或法律,用投票等方式進行的認真、慎重的選擇。 submit:(v.)提交 minor:(n.)未成年人 consent:(n.)同意;許可;允許 guardian:(n.)監護人 break:(n.)暫停;休息 ────────────────── The mental health leave will not be applicable during academic assessment and exam periods. An alternative date for the examination should be found if the leave occurs during exam periods. 身心假不適用在學業評估和考試期間,如果在考試期間請假,則應找到替代考試日期。 applicable:(a.)可申請的 assessment:(n.)評估結果 alternative:(a.)可替代的計劃或方法;可供選擇的事物或解決方式 ────────────────── According to the MOE, a trial run for high schools and vocational schools will start next month and the measure could be formally implemented across high schools and vocational schools starting in the next academic year in August, following feedback from those carrying out the trial run at the earliest. 據教育部表示,高中和職業學校的試運行將於下個月開始,據其回饋,該措施最快將於下一學年8月開始在高中和職業學校正式實施。 measure:(n.)措施 implement:(v.)實施 carry out:(v.-phr.)執行 implement跟carry out都有實施或執行的意思。凡與政府或是官方機構有關的決定、法規、計畫或系統的執行,絕大多數皆使用implement,強調某個計畫或系統要「開始運行」,常搭配 changes、decisions、policies或reforms。若是表示在商業上要執行某個計畫,就會常常使用到execute這個單字。指的是「照著計畫執行某件事」,或是指「將計畫付諸執行並完成它」,中文常翻成執行、履行或進行,後面常接 plan 一起使用。強調「執行並完成此項計畫」,指的是執行計畫的整個過程。carry out 跟 execute 的用法比較像,但更著重在「執行某個命令或某件別人要求的事」,也常用於表示執行研究或實驗。 ────────────────── The scheme is in response to rising concerns over mental health issues among young people in Taiwan. Allowing mental health days could help students become more aware of their emotional state, especially when they are burning out at school. The MOE also encourages students to seek professional help, while calling on schools not to discriminate against students applying for mental health leave but to provide the necessary assistance. 該計劃是為了回應台灣年輕人對心理健康問題日益增長的擔憂。允許心理健康日有助於學生更了解自己的情緒狀態,尤其是當他們在學校精疲力盡的時候。教育部也鼓勵學生尋求專業協助,同時呼籲學校不要歧視申請心理健康假的學生,而是提供必要的協助。 scheme:(n.)方案 concern:(n.)關切 proposal:(n.)提議;提案;計畫 burn out:(v.-phr.)疲勞過度 seek:(v.)尋求 call on:(v.-phr.)呼籲 discriminate:(v.)區別
新聞英文解析 FDA暫停21家進口或製造商從中國進口辣椒粉
The FDA yesterday suspended chili pepper powder imports from China from 21 importers and manufacturers for three months after Sudan III, a colorant banned in food in Taiwan were found to contain in their products. 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署昨日暫停21家進口商和製造商從中國進口辣椒粉三個月,因為這些產品被發現含有台灣禁止在食品中使用的著色劑蘇丹Ⅲ。 suspend:(v.)暫停;中止 colorant:(n.)也可寫作coloring agent,著色劑 ban:(v.)禁止(各種禁止的使用方式可參照前期新聞英文) The FDA:Food and Drug Administration衛生福利部食品藥物管理署的縮寫(簡稱食藥署),成立於2010年1月1日,是中華民國衛生福利部所屬機關,負責食品和藥品的管理監督工作。 Eight months before the FDA imposed the new standards, 172 shipments of Chinese chili powder were imported into Taiwan. 98 of them were inspected and 24 failed tests, a failure rate of about 25 percent. The tainted powder that ended up in the supply chain was imported on Oct. 23 last year before the standards were enhanced. More than 1.06 tons of products were recalled as of Monday, including Yuzhong Food’s popular shrimp-flavored snacks. 在FDA實施新標準前8個月,有172批中國辣椒粉進口到台灣,其中98批被檢查,24批不合格,不合格率約25%。最終進入供應鏈的受污染粉末是在標準提高之前於去年10月23日進口的。截至週一已有超過1.06噸產品被召回,其中包括裕榮食品股份有限公司受歡迎的零食蝦味先。 impose:(v.)推行;強制實行 shipment:(n.)貨物裝運;出貨 inspect:(v.)檢查 用來表示「檢查」的單字有很多,一般來說,最普通的用詞是examine,可以表示粗略地查看,也能表示仔細觀察或調查已確定事務的性質、功能或特典等等,這個字經常用於醫學或者是法律的語境。而文中使用的inspect : 是側重按照一定質量標準來檢查某物,來找出不足或不同之處,通常強調對象正進行正式或者官方的檢查,以確認是否符合規定。investigate : 指為了發現事實真相或者了解以掌握情況來進行深入細緻的現場考察。detect則是一個比較寬泛的用詞,用來表達發現未知或者難以觀察的事物,經常用在科學研究的上下文。至於大家經常用的check,是指進行確認或者驗證某物是否正確或者處在預期的條件之下。 tainted:(a.)被污染的(通常指透過添加有害物質而污染食品或血液等) enhance:(v.)增加;提高 recall:(v.)召回;收回 “Sudan reds” typically being used as an industrial dye for oils, wax and polymers are categorized as Group II carcinogens by the WHO. Human consumption of the substance can lead to the formation of amines, a probable carcinogen for humans. The use of Sudan reds in food is punishable by up to seven years in prison commutable to an NT$80 million (US$2.54 million) fine, FDA Director-General Wu Shou-mei said. 通常用作油、蠟和聚合物的工業染料的「蘇丹紅」被世界衛生組織列為第二類致癌物。人類食用該物質會導致胺的形成,胺是一種可能的人類致癌物。FDA 局長吳秀梅表示,在食品中使用蘇丹紅可判處最高七年有期徒刑,併科罰金8,000 萬新台幣(254 萬美元)罰款。 polymers:(n.)聚合物;高聚物;多聚物 聚合物一般為「有機聚合物」,但亦有「無機聚合物」,其英語單字polymer,源自希臘語的字根,polys 表「多」,meros 表「小單位(part)」,所以很多小單位連結在一起的這種特別分子,稱為聚合物,例如塑膠和高分子。 consumption:(n.)攝入;飲食 substance:(n.)物質 formation:(n.)形成 amine:(n.)胺 carcinogen:(n.)致癌物質 commutable:(a.)可取代的;可交換的 FDA officials told a news conference that the policy to test every shipment of chili powder imports from China which in effect since Dec. 11 last year is to continue until June 10, adding that importing a food product without valid documentation, including its point of origin, is punishable by a NT$200 million fine and the possible suspension of the affected product line or company. FDA官員在新聞發布會上表示,自去年12月11日起對每批從中國進口的辣椒粉進行檢測的政策將持續到6月10日,並補充進口沒有有效文件(包括原產地)的食品將被處以新台幣 2 億元的罰款,且可能暫停受影響的產品線或公司。 in effect:(phr-adv..)實際上,事實上 valid:(a.)有效的 suspension:(n.)暫停
新聞英文解析 兩名中國跨境捕漁船員在逃避追捕中喪生
Two Chinese fishermen have drowned while trying to avoid a pursuit by the Taiwanese coastguard who accused them of entering prohibited waters off Taiwan's northernmost Kinmen archipelago. 兩名中國漁民在台灣最北端的金門群島附近被因逃避台灣海警追補時溺水身亡。海警指控他們進入台灣金門島附近的禁海。 drown:(v.)淹死;溺水 pursuit:(n.)追捕 coastguard:(n.)海巡 accuse:(v.)指控 prohibit:(v.)禁止 通常在新聞英文中常見用來表示「禁止」的單字是ban、prohibit和forbid,但這三個字在運用上有很大的差異,ban這個字通常指的是法律或規則上禁止某個行為的發生,可以直接當動詞或名詞使用,當名詞用要加上on,例如或髮禁(ban on hairstyles),也可組成複合名詞,比如gun ban(槍禁)。prohibit通常使用在被動語態,並以事物作為主詞,被「人」給「禁止」之後,這件「事情」就被禁止了。而forbid是「有權利位階差異」下所做出的禁止,例如中國紫禁城就叫做“The Forbidden City”,而父母對小孩的禁止通常也用forbid來表示。 northernmost:(a.)最北 archipelago:(n.)群島;群島周圍的海域 Coast Guard officials said the fishing boat trespassed into Taiwanese waters illegally to fish on Wednesday. The four crew on board resisted an inspection and tried to escape in a zigzag formation, at one point using an evasive maneuver that caused the boat to capsize during the pursuit and all four crew were thrown into the sea. 海巡表示,這艘漁船週三侵入台灣水域捕魚。船上的四名漁民拒檢,該快艇試圖蛇行避開追捕,甚至甩尾導致快艇翻覆。 trespass:(v.)違法擅自進入;侵入 resist:(v.)抵抗 inspection:(n.)檢查;視察 zigzag:(n.)鋸齒形線條;之字形;行動、計劃或想法突然變來變去;呈之字形移動 formation:(n.)結構;形狀 evasive:(a.)迴避的 maneuver:(n.)部隊的調動;演習 evasive maneuver機動規避;迴避式運動 The coast patrol boat rescued two crew members and found another two unconscious ones in the sea. Rescue workers struggled to lift an unconscious Chinese fisherman onto the boat, but the fisherman wouldn't budge. Eventually with careful cooperation, each fisherman was pulled from the water by a spine board. Two of them survived. The two unconscious members were sent immediately to Kinmen Hospital for emergency care and were declared dead upon arrival. 海岸巡邏艇救出了兩名船員,並在海中發現了另外兩名昏迷的船員。兩名潛水人員,試圖將失去生命跡象的落水中國漁民,推上翻覆的船艇,但未果。通力合作下,用脊柱板成功把人送離水面。其中兩名生還,另兩名喪失意識的船員立刻被送往金門醫院進行急救,在抵達後宣告死亡。 patrol:(n.)巡邏 unconscious:(a.)失去意識的;無意識的 budge:(v.)使輕微移動 spine board:(n.)脊柱板 spine是脊隨的意思,board是板子,spine board(脊柱板)是一種患者處理設備,最常由護理人員、救生員和滑雪巡邏人員使用,主要用於到院前的創傷護理,為疑似脊柱或四肢受傷的人在運動過程中提供牢固的支撐。 coordination:(n.)協調 declare:(v.)宣告 The vessel involved in this case was unnamed, lacking certification and port of registry. Beijing "strongly condemned" the incident and said it "seriously hurt the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait". Taiwanese authorities on Thursday expressed regret over the death of two Chinese fishermen but maintained that its maritime law enforcement officers were acting on their mandates in accordance with the law. 涉案船舶系屬是無船名, 無船舶證書,無船籍港登記的三無船舶。北京「強烈譴責」這起事件,稱其「嚴重傷害了海峽兩岸同胞的感情」。台灣當局週四對兩名中國漁民的死亡表示遺憾,但堅稱其海上執法人員正在依法執行任務。 vessel:(n.)船 通常我們用boat、ship和vessel來表示「船的總稱」。差別在vessel是比較正式的用語,可用來統稱所有的船隻。而boat和ship是一般生活中較常見的字。boat通常是指「中小型的船」,會出現在沿海地區、湖邊、河邊,像是漁船fishing boat、帆船sailing boat、遊船cruise boat......等。由於撈屈原的船是江邊漁夫的小船,所以「端午節」就叫Dragon Boat Festival。 ship則是「中大型的船」,航行距離比較遠,甚至會橫跨海洋。例如:遠洋漁船fishing ship、遊輪cruise ship、貨船cargo ship.....等。 certification:(n.)證書 registry:(n.)註冊 condemn:(v.)譴責 compatriot:(n.)同胞;國人 maritime:(a.)近海的;沿海的;海事的 mandate:(n.)授權進行;正式批准 accordance:(n.)符合