
English Guidebook of Kinmen Tourism


金門觀光英文解說參考手冊─戰役篇 (Battles)

August 23rd Artillery Battle Museum 八二三戰史館

The August 23rd Artillery Battle Museum is on the eastern part of Kinmen island, by the side of Banyan Park of Sihuen village, Jinhu township. It was completed in 1988, on the 30th anniversary of the "August 23rd Artillery Battle". It looks stately(註一) with white walls, red columns and green glass tiles.


Displayed outside the museum are jet fighters, tanks and cannons used during the battles. In the museum there are historical documents of the battle, military intelligence data, and reports of battle status, all reflecting the details and the causes and effects of the battle relevant to the present time. The museum serves as a historical record. One of the newly completed facilities inside the museum provides the tourists with moving experiences of the war. They can feel the fierceness(註二) and sadness of the war. Meanwhile, they are brought into the presence of the lively(註三) bombardment and they get to understand the violence of the artillery battle.


Tour Guide: You have to understand a bit about the history of the battle before you step into the museum.

Tourist: Surely we do.

Tour Guide: The artillery battle occurred at 6:30P.M., August. 23rd, 1958. The Chinese communist's military focused 342 cannons of various kinds and shelled Kinmen for two consecutive(註四) hours. The artillery shells totaled about 57,500. Our ar tillerymen fought back, too.

Tourist: How long did they fight with each other?

Tour Guide: Forty-four days in all. The Chinese communists fired a total of 478,911 artillery shells. At that time, it could be said that everyone had heard of "Kinmen", because the artillery sounded the alarm.(註五)

Tourist: Under such circumstances, Kinmen was a very dangerous place, wasn't it? How was Kinmen able to survive?


Guide: Yes. Not only were the airport and the harbor both destroyed by artillery shells, but also all supplies from the air and the sea were cut off. Thanks to(註六) their perseverance, (註七) soldiers and civilians did survive the disaster.


Tourist: Did any other countries help Kinmen ?

Tour Guide: Yes, the American military sent warships to cruise in the Taiwan Straits to help, and they played a remarkable(註八) role in stabilizing the whole situation.


Tourist: The "August 23rd Artillery Battle" must have meant a lot to Kinmen.


Tour Guide: Yes, you bet! Kinmen is considered the first line of Taiwan's defense. The victory has altered the history of Kinmen, changed the fate of both sides, and has offered Taiwan a firm platform for future development. By the way, after the war, local people collected artillery shells and sold them to knife factories, making the so-called "Kinmen Artillery Shell Knives" so famous and popular.


Tourist: Are you going to show us how the "Kinmen Artillery Shell Knives" are made?


Tour Guide: Surely I will. I won't let you down.


Tourist: Oh, do the characters on the walls by both sides of the museum have any special meaning?


Tour Guide: Of course!Carved on the walls are the names of the soldiers killed in the battle-altogether 578 soldiers of all ranks.


Tourist: I want to salute them and show my highest respect.


Tour Guide: Mmm, the museum opposite here is the "Memorial Museum of Dr. Yu Dawei." He was the defense minister at the time. Displayed in the memorial museum are his relics, pictures, and medals of honor from abroad. We can drop by there after we finish here.



●註三:lively-(a)生動、栩栩如生;活潑、有生氣的。此處形容「震撼教育體驗」讓人有被帶回到砲擊現場(be brought into the presence of the lively bombardment)的臨場感。


●註五:sound the alarm-就字面解讀是指發出警報,或高聲宣布重要事項以吸引眾人注意,此處則指砲戰的「聲響」引起世人對金門的關注,使金門無人不知、無人不曉。

●註六:thanks to-片語,由於、幸虧。可等同於because of 或 owing to,這裡thank並非一般動詞用法,與全句時態無關。



