
English Guidebook of Kinmen Tourism



(Battles)Zhaishan Tunnel 翟山坑道

Zhaishan Tunnel was dug in 1961, because of the war needs. Located at southeast of Gugang village, Jincheng township, it was once called "Damaoshan Tunnel". The main function of the tunnel was to provide the military boats a waterway for supplying goods to the wharf(註1) inside the tunnel. The construction of the tunnel took about 5 years, and was finished in 1966. After its completion, the tunnel was garrisoned(註2) by the second battalion(註3) of the navy. However, the tunnel became silted(註4) with sand and its war preparedness was diminished(註5). It was discarded(註6) in 1986. Kinmen National Park took over the tunnel from the hands of the Kinmen Defense Command and opened it to tourists in 1997.


The tunnel is an A-shaped waterway functioning for war preparedness. It measures approximately 375m in length, 11.5m in width, and 8m in height. It can accommodate 42 military boats beside the wharf. When you enter the tunnel, you can't resist feeling the tunnel's attraction. The chiseled(註7) features of the granite rocks and the spattering(註8) sound of the wave suddenly carve(註9) an amazing picture in your mind.


Tourist: The tunnel feels safe and sound. What kind of rock is it?


Tour Guide: It's carved into a bedrock of granite gneiss. It's also Kinmen's primary rock formation.


Tourist: Wow!The tunnel is well-ventilated(註10) inside. I feel cool and comfortable.


Tour Guide: Absolutely! The tunnel has the characteristic of being warm in winter, while cool in summer.


Tourist: Sounds interesting. But it's a little different from other tunnels, isn't it? Are there any other features of the tunnel?


Tour Guide: Yes, there are. One of the most unique features is that the tunnel is divided into a walkway and a waterway, unlike most of the other tunnels in Kinmen.


Tourist: Are there any other tunnels like this in Kinmen ?


Tour Guide: More than one. There is another one like this on the list of scenic sites opened to tourists. It is on Little Kinmen, and is known as " Siwuei Tunnel " or " Jiougueng Tunnel."


Tourist: Are there any rules about using the tunnel?


Tour Guide: Yes. No food, water, or littering are permitted, because the waterway opens to the sea, so it could be polluted if you threw garbage into the water.


Tourist: I see. I will follow the rules.


Tour Guide: Oh, I'd like to let you know a good place where you can take a nice picture . You can walk all the way to the end of the tunnel. There you will have enough light to take a snapshot(註11) of the whole grand tunnel. I believe you will like it.


Tourist: Thank you. I will try it.




■註3:battalion-(n.)軍事用語,指營或大隊。另,此處「海灘總隊」僅簡單以navy代替,正式的翻譯為naval beach group,簡稱NBG。










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