Dadan, Erdan Islands大、二膽
The original name of "Dadan" (phonetically similar to 'boldness' in Chinese) island was "Da-dang" (phonetically similar to 'burden' in Chinese).(註1) When Chiang Jing-guo, the late President of the R.O.C., served as the Director of the General Political Warfare Department, he inspected Da-dang in 1951 and encouraged soldiers with the words " With 'boldness' you are bound with the 'burden' of national recovery."(註2) So the name "Da-dang" was changed into "Dadan". Up to the present day, Dadan Island is still renowned(註3) for its reputation as "Boldness upon burden, a never abandoned islet."
On July 27th, 1950, the Communist soldiers began to fire at Dadan Island from Baish Battery, Sitou, Tatou, and Uyu of the mainland. About four hours later, approximately 700 soldiers set sail from Xiamen Harbor and landed on the east and the west sides of Dadan. The battle occurred during a typhoon at night, and the failure of military communication put our soldiers in jeopardy.(註4) After fighting a hard and brave resistance, in one day our military captured over 200 enemy soldiers with just the manpower of two companies(註5) and a half. The rest of the enemies were either dead or wounded, and most of them had drowned in the sea. This battle was thus noted as "Big V at Dadan."(註6)
■註2:以When引導的子句作為時間副詞,形容全句,並以同位格(, the late President…,)解釋蔣經國為已故(late)總統。此部分在中文原句裡並沒有。全句的主詞與動詞為he inspected…。
■註6:Big V-指Big Victory,大捷。亦可代換為Great Victory。若比照古寧頭大捷,此處可譯為Triumph Over Dadan。
【編按:本系列含英文新聞註解由國立金門技術學院Patti Jernigan老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界來函建議、指正。】