
Cyonglin Tunnels瓊林戰鬥村坑道


Cyonglin village is located at the center of Kinmen. Being at the narrowest place in Kinmen, the village is strategically(1) important. The reason for building the tunnels was mainly war-preparedness as well as to strengthen civil defense(2) and security. The tunnels were dug in 1976 by a self-defense team organized by the residents of Cyonglin village. Leading to every corner of the village and linking together,(3) the tunnels are several kilometers in length. The administration office of the village used to be the command post, and is now the ticket office and entrance into the tunnels. Once you enter the tunnels, it takes about 10 minutes to walk to one of the exits in the northern suburbs,(4) where a statue of the Wind Lion God stands right at the village entrance. The Wind Lion God is considered a legendary(5) protector and evil-expeller(6) of the village.

Tourist: From where does the name "Underground Kinmen" come?

Tour Guide: The underground world in Kinmen is just un-imaginable. During wartime, the military took precautions against calamities(7) and dug numerous tunnels under the ground in preparation for battle. Some of the tunnels are waterway and walkway combinations, but most of them are walkways.


Tourist: Were all of them dug by the soldiers?

Tour Guide: Not really. Some tunnels were dug by the self-defense team formed by the residents, and the "Cyonglin Tunnels" are among them.

Tourist: What is the main function of the tunnels?

Tour Guide: The tunnels have about 12 exits. They interweave(8) not only underground, but also to every corner of the village. In case a battle occurs, they can provide the best place of refuge(9) and defense for the civilians.


Tourist: Could we say that now the tunnels are the best place for us to experience the same feelings as the local people in Kinmen did during the wartime.


Guide: Yes. Walking through the tunnels, you can imagine the haunting(10) sounds of war and feel peace in the air.

Tourist: I must experience this for myself.

■1. strategically-(adv) 戰略上;戰略性地。
■2. defense-(n)防衛、保護。此處指民間的自我防衛,亦即civil defense,且以strengthen為動詞,指「加強」。
■3. linking together-指地下坑道彼此相互連結。link是連接、連結之意。本句以leading與linking為分詞構句,用以形容the tunnel。
■4. suburb-(n)郊區;邊緣、外圍。
■5. legendary-(adj)傳說的、傳奇的、著名的。
■6. evil-expeller-(n)驅邪者。expeller由動詞expel變化而來,指驅趕~者,並加上字首evil-,表示風獅爺是驅趕邪惡的守護神。
■7. calamity-(n) 大災難、大禍、苦難。 take precautions against~,指採取防範措施,以預防~發生。
■8. interweave-(vt)使交織、使混雜。指地下坑道彼此相互交織。
■9. refuge-(n)避難、庇護、躲避。也指避難所、藏身處。
■10. haunting-(adj)給人強烈感受、縈繞心頭、不易忘懷的。源自於動詞haunt,原意指鬼經常出沒,或思想、回憶縈繞心頭。

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