Airline Transportation Voucher For The Disadvantaged On The Way
全國首創的社會福利政策!金門縣政府為照顧弱勢族群特別推出航空「交通券」補貼福利政策,自即日起上路,估計約有身心障礙者、低收入戶近5600人以上受惠,每年申請以一次為限,補貼金額由4000至 6000元不等。將實施至民國100年12月31日止,縣府請符合資格者自即日起可逕向戶籍所在地之鄉鎮公所提出申請、使用。
First seen in the national social welfare policy! In order to take care of disadvantaged groups(1), government of Kinmen county introduced this policy of airline" transportation voucher", and it starts from today. It is estimated that more than 5600 people, including people who are physically or mentally challenged(2), low income households, will benefit from this policy. The compensation is between 4000 and 6000 NT dollars and can be applied for once a year. The policy will last until December 31st, 2011. County government asks people qualified to apply to village or town office in the domicile(3) and use the voucher.
Kinmen county is a off- shore island. Government of Kinmen County realizes that residents rely on the airline to commute(4) between Kinmen and Taiwan. Since low income household is economically disadvantaged transportation between Taiwan and Kinmen is usually unaffordable; (5) people with physically or mentally challenged have to commute between Kinmen and Taiwan very often to go to the doctors and go under treatments because of mental and health problems, and the fee for transportation can be a big burden to the family. Thus, government of Kinmen County introduces this compensatory policy to subsidize(6) for the airplane tickets.
Social Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county pointed out that according to the "Implementation Measures of Airplane Ticket Subsidies for Disadvantaged Groups in Kinmen County", disadvantaged groups from residents of Kinmen area can apply for subsidy for the ticket while commuting between Kinmen and Taiwan. Those who can get the subsidy is subjected to those who has the residency(7) of Kinmen county for more than three years, and also are on the list of low income household or physically or mentally challenged. (Children under three years old are excluded from the first limitation of holding residency of Kinmen for more than three years.) Subsidy standard is that people under two years old can get full subsidy twice each year (which is four trips back and forth).
Social Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county indicated that residents older than 2 years old with low income identity can get 6000 NT dollars of subsidy each year; residents with mentally or physically challenged can each get 4000 NT dollars each year. If low income households or residents with physical or mental disability are simultaneously(8) qualified to apply for subsidies according to the "Implementation Measures of Airplane Ticket Subsidies for Students in Kinmen County", they should apply for students' ticket subsidy first. If the amount of money is less than this standard, they can apply for the margins according to this regulation.
As for the ways of subsidy, residents older than two years old will be subsidized through the transportation voucher. Each voucher has the face value of 500 NT dollars. People under two can get a full compensation according to the ticket's price. People over two years old can use the transportation voucher to discount the ticket while taking planes back and forth between Kinmen and Taiwan. Transportation voucher can only cover for part of the ticket. It cannot discount full price of the ticket so residents should pay the rest.
The timing(9) of distributing transportation will be: 1, low income households: originally listed low income households can get the transportation voucher for the year after qualifying the reexamination of the application in Jan each year. 2, mentally or physically challenged: for residents with the handbook for the physically and mentally challenged persons, their qualification will be examined at the same time as the low income households'. Once qualified, they can get a year's quota of transportation voucher. New cases each year will get the subsidy from the month qualified under the condition that one year amount of transportation voucher will be distributed to those qualified before the end of June; after July, qualified people can only get half amount of transportation voucher.
From today on, qualified residents can bring a copy of certificate or booklet of each registered residence and private stamp to apply to village or town offices. Mentally or physically challenged also have to give a copy of the handbook for the physically and mentally challenged persons. Once qualified, Kinmen county government will print out the voucher and information such as the user's name and will inform applicants to pick up and use the voucher. For residents under two qualified for full compensation can fill out applications and give the boarding pass and a copy of booklet of each registered residence and apply to the Social Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county from the day of the flight to the end of December the same year.
Social Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County reminds that one year amount of transportation voucher will be distributed to those qualified before the end of June; after July, people can only get half amount of transportation voucher. Residents who are qualified have to grasp the right time and apply for it to protect individual's rights and interests. Transportation voucher can only be used by the one who is subsidized while on the trip between Taiwan and Kinmen. If the voucher is lost or destroyed, it cannot be reissued. No transferring of the ownership of the voucher. Nor can it be cash into money or get the change.
Social Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County emphasizes that the voucher issued this year should be used before December 31st, 2009. It cannot be used after that. While using the voucher, please provide an identification for check over.
■1. disadvantaged groups-弱勢族群。disadvantaged (adj) 指下層社會的,貧困的,弱勢的。
■2. physically or mentally challenged-指身、心障礙者。challenge (vt)指向~挑戰,或強烈要求、需求。此處引伸為「殘障的」較委婉的說法。
■3. domicile-(n)住處。指戶籍所在地。
■4. commute-(vi)通勤。通常是commute between A to B,或者commute from A to B。
■5. unaffordable-(adj)負擔不起。為affordable(負擔得起)加上表反義的un-字首,成為affordable的反義詞。
■6. subsidize-(vt)給予津貼、補助。名詞為subsidy。
■7. residency-(n)定居、住處。此處指在某地設有戶籍。
■8. simultaneously-(adv)同時地、同步地。
■9. timing-(n)時間的選擇或安排。