
Commissioner Lee's Interview With Croatian State Media Reporters



Commissioner Lee pointed out in an interview on April 2nd with three senior reporters from Croatia National Broadcast Company, Mr. Zeljko Valcis et al, that Kinmen was the frontline during the civil war between KMT and Chinese communists, and the tension aroused by the battle between both sides has allayed(1) as time went by. Cross straight relationship alleviating.(2) Mini-Three-Links is under way,(3) and the close neighbors, Kinmen and Xiamen, have become Kinmen-Xiamen life circle, regaining(4) a peaceful and friendly relationship.
  李縣長四月二日接受克羅埃西亞國家廣播電視公司資深記者Mr.Zeljko Valcis一行三人專訪時指出,金門在國共內戰時位處戰地前線,砲火隨著歲月煙消雲散,兩岸關係和緩,小三通上路,近在咫尺的金廈兩門已然形成金廈生活圈,並恢復過去和平與友好關係。
Commissioner Lee pointed out that Kinmen used to be the anti-communism springboard. After the opening of policies between cross-straights, Kinmen has become the bridge of peace connecting China and Taiwan. A Predictable regain of past peace and prosperity can be expected as the situation develops, because both sides consider war as horrible and not a solution to solving problems. The only way an opportunity for peace is to come out of grieving.(5)

The Croatian trio(6) came to Taiwan during March 27th to April 3rd to film a movie named "Taiwan experience." They were in Kinmen to shoot on-the-spot(7) and do some interviews on April 2nd. The shootings here will be used as a contrast to show how Kinmen has turned from an important military base into a tourist sightseeing spot and a critical part of the Mini-Three-Links. The film will be shown during their TV programs. Because of the high audience rating of the challenl on the Balkan Pneesula, the effectiveness of this story can be expected.
Mr.Zeljko Valcis一行人,係三月二十七日至四月三日期間來台訪問,主要拍「台灣經驗」專輯,四月二日抵金門實地拍攝及參訪,以便製作金門曾為軍事要塞而今成為觀光與小三通要點的比對部份,所拍攝內容分別於其所屬電視節目中播出,以該台在巴爾幹半島的收視率衡之,成效可期。

Croatian National Broadcast Company is a public organization which is supported by the money collected from audience by the government. It has a long history. It has some 3,600 or more employees. The headquarter is based in the capital Zagreb, and it supervises(8) three main branches, radio broadcast, TV channels, and music production programming companies. There are two permanent TV channels.

Croatia used to be the hardcore(9) of the former Yugoslavia. Its culture, economy and industry were closely related to that of the Austria's, and it was part of the Austro-Hungary empire. At the present day, Austria is the main investing country of Croatia.

■1. allay-(vt.)使緩和;使平息。
■2. alleviat-(vt.)緩和、減輕。
■3. be under way-正在進行中。
■4. regain-(vt.)恢復;收復;取回。
■5. grieve-(vt.)使悲傷,使苦惱。動詞三態是:grieved、grieved、grieving。名詞是grief。
■6. trio-(n)由三人組成的一組、一套,或指三重奏、三重唱。此處指的是來自克羅埃西亞的三位記者。
■7. on-the-spot-(adj.)指現場的、當場的、立即的。
■8. supervise-(vt.)督導、管理、指導。
■9. hardcore-(n)或拼為hard core,骨幹、中堅。

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