
Deyue Tower得月樓 (下)


Tour Guide: Definitely not. The clock shows the owner's original purpose of reminding his offspring(15) of the importance of diligence.(16) Always work 40 more minutes than other people, because working hard is one of the best strategies to get rich.
Tourist: So it is. The owner of the houses was such a wise man. Any other stories?
Tour Guide: Well, look in front of the houses. There is a tower called the "Gun Tower". Its main function was to find and prevent invaders(17) from the sea.

Tourist: Why is that? Isn't the public security very good in Kinmen?

Tour Guide: Although Kinmen is culturally civilized and publicly secure now, it was not safe in ancient times. Surrounded by the sea, Kinmen was easily exposed to invading robbers and pirates, especially a port village like Shueitou. In order to protect his family from invaders, the house owner built this gun tower. In the middle of the tower there is an iron-frame used to place firearms. On two sides of the tower there are windows where watchers could observe the enemies.

Tourist: Understood! So the gun tower is not only beautiful but also defensive.

Tour Guide: That's true. By the way, in front of the western houses there is "Jinshuei Elementary School". It was the first private school in Kinmen. The school was completed in 1931 with the sponsorship(18) of some overseas Chinese from this village. In the Japanese colonial days, this elementary school was used as a hospital for the Japanese soldiers. The school a traditional roof of red bricks, but its front door is decorated with some English letters and an angel pattern. This tells us that the building has some European influence.

Tourist: All of these western houses show a combination of Chinese and Western architecture; at the same time, they provide testimony(19) of a profound(20) history.

■15. offspring-(n)後裔、子孫;結果、產物。
■16. diligence-(n)勤勉、勤奮。
■17. invader-(n)入侵者。
■18. sponsorship-(n)贊助、資助。
■19. testimony-(n)證言、證詞、證據。
■20. profound-(adj.)淵博、深奧的;深刻的。



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