
Hot Wheels Bicycle Team Begins Pilgrimage Ride to Meizhou



The Hot Wheels Bicycle Team from Kinmen arrived in China for the second time through the Mini-Three Link on Apr. 23. The 18 cyclists(1) would to start a 4-day 300 km pilgrimage(2) ride to Meizhou as well as to conduct athletic exchange in Fujian. They were going to ride to the original Mazu Temple on Meizhou Island to pay respects to(3) Mazu and pray for blessings on Kinmen and Cross-Strait peace.
Led by Xu Jinxi, the bicycle team boarded the passenger ship Quanjin at Shueitou Pier on the 23rd with their bicycles to head to Shijing Harbor in Quanzhou where they would begin their pilgrimage ride to Meizhou.

This Meizhou trip is the team's second bicycle tour after their 5-day 400 km ride of Tulou in Fujian in October last year. The members include 17 men and one woman.

The only female, Zhuang Jinshen, works at the Kinmen Hospital of Department of Health. Encouraged by her husband Xu Yongxi, a clerk at Kinmen District Court, she decided to join the team to challenge herself. As the only couple within the team, they are the envy(4) of the other members.

Team leader Xu Jinxi said, Mazu is the guardian(5) angel of the sea and she protects the people on both sides of the Strait. Therefore, the Hot Wheels Team made the plan to go on a pilgrimage trip in the first half of this year by riding to the original Mzu Temple on Meizhou Island to pay respects to the goddess as well as to pray for blessings on Kinmen and peace across the Strait.

The team set out(6) on their 4-day journey soon after arriving at Shijing Harbor in Quanzhou in the morning. They would visit Quanzhou City, Huian, Xianyou, Wenjia, Meizhou as well as Shishi, before returning to Kinmen from Shijing Harbor by boat on the 26th.

■1. cyclist-(n)騎腳踏車的人,騎士。
■2. pilgrimage-(n)朝聖,旅行。
■3. pay respect to-向~致敬。
■4. envy-(n)羨慕、嫉妒的對象。其用法為SB's X is the envy of B,即某人的X令B羨慕。
■5. guardian-(n)守護者,保護者,監護人。
■6. set out-開始,出發。


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