
More than 3.3 billion will be invested to boost the development of Kinmen harbor within 3 years



3 billion 350 million and 200 thousand NT dollars will be invested in the comprehensive plan and the future developmental plan of Kinmen Harbor from now(2009) till year 2011. Deputy Magistrate Yang Zhong Quan hopes that Harbor Bureau, Kinmen County can stick to(1) the agenda and accelerate the construction and usage of the harbor.

Government of Kinmen County set up(2) a conference to report the 2009 working plan of the "Comprehensive Plan & Future Development Plan for Kinmen Harbor." The conference was hosted by Deputy Magistrate Yang Zhong Quan. Some authorities concerned participated in the meeting, including Director-general of Kinmen County Transportation and Tourism Bureau, Lin Zheng-cha, Director of Harbor Bureau, Kinmen County, Yang Ting-piao, Specialist of the Transportation and Tourism Bureau, Lin Zhi-Guo, and relevant agencies from Kinmen County Government Accounting and Statistics Office.

The comprehensive plan and future plan for Kinmen harbor starts from this year to 2011. This project includes: 1. reconstruction of old piers(3) in Liaoluo Port; 2. as for Shueitou harbor, it includes digging the harbor, filling up and constructing the land, detail planning of the whole harbor, and the design of large costumer service center; 3. comprehensive plan and future development plan.

There are two subjects in the working plan of the comprehensive plan and future plan for Kinmen harbor this year:

First is the reconstruction of Liaoluo pier. It is planned that the public bidding will be hosted in May. Contract will be signed in June. It will go through 1095 days of reconstruction and it is decided to be finished in December, 2011.

Second is the digging of Shueitou harbor, filling up and construction of the land, detail planning of the whole harbor. So far, it is still in the pre-operation of design which includes the measurement of depth of water, digging, seismic(4) testing. It is estimated to be finished in September this year, and then it will be open to public view and bidding.

■1. stick to-忠於;信守。
■2. set up-創立、建立。
■3. pier-(n)碼頭。
■4. seismic-(adj.)地震的;因地震引起的。

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