Thin Noodles麵線
Kinmen thin noodles are handmade, using crystal-clear and unpolluted local water, and dried by natural sunlight and wind. In addition, they are free of chemicals. The biggest difference between Kinmen thin noodles and those of Taiwan is in the preparation process. Kinmen thin noodles have no salt added. So they have a special taste and aroma. They are tender and don't have a salty taste. Local cuisine(10)with thin noodles includes dishes with oysters, stewed pork legs, yellow fish, and so on. Now Kinmen manufacturers have developed thin noodles with flavors of local specialties such as taro, seaweed, sorghum, and so on.
■1. Moghania-(n)豆科植物,大葉千斤拔。而一條根就是大葉千斤拔的根部。
■2. endemic-(adj.)具有地方特色的,(疾病)地方性、地域性的。
■3. medicinal-(adj.)有藥效的,藥用的。
■4. alleviate-(vt.)舒緩、減輕。
■5. arthritis-(n)關節炎。
■6. scarcity-(n)稀有、罕見;匱乏、不足。
■7. tonic-(adj.)滋補的,令人精神振奮的。
■8. ensuing-(adj.)接著發生的,接踵而至的。
■9. spent-(adj.)用過的,失去效能的。
■10. cuisine-(n)烹調法,菜餚。此處加上local為形容詞,指地方特色小吃。
資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩