
Environmental Protection Administration Affirms Forestry Bureau's Outstanding Performance in Green and Aesthetic Engineering


綠美化成果表現傑出 林務所獲環保署肯定

Kinmen Forestry Bureau won the second place in the First EPA Civil Servant Creativity Competition with "Revitalization(1) and Reuse Projects in Kinmen Botanical(2) Garden". Director Ye Mei-mei received the trophy(3) from Environmental Protection Administration Minister Shen Shu-hung on Earth Day, Apr. 22.

The "EPA Civil Servant Creativity Competition" is designed to encourage government agencies and environmental protection units to generate creative concepts and measures that are feasible(4) on the national, regional or local level to help environmental protection offices come up with diversified and multi-direction thinking as well as absorb new ideas.

Ye Mei-mei pointed out that in the early days Kinmen Botanical Garden was surrounded by bunkers, ammunition(5) depots and obsolete(6) barracks(7) due to its location in the Taiwu Mountain Military Control Zone. To bring back the charm of the area in line with(8) the Taiwu Nursery Reconstruction Plan, the Forestry Bureau has resorted to use of surrounding natural resources and created the forestry leisure space with Kinmen characteristics in spite of the limited budgets from the central and local governments.

The botanical garden has retained the original war zone features by remodeling the abandoned barracks and concrete buildings. Water started to flow smoothly in the river like before and the swales(9) were turned into ecological ponds. The biological varieties have increased notably. The environment not only provides good breeding grounds for aquatic(10) insects but also has become good habitats for carnivorous(11) plants. It is now an excellent outdoor classroom for education on ecological sustainability.

According to the forestry Bureau, since the opening after the revitalization and reuse measures were implemented in the botanical garden, over ten thousand people and 56 groups have visited the botanical garden up till the end of January 2009. To record the change in ecological resources since the revitalization, work was carried out in the botanical garden, surveys on insect resources were outsourced and recorded, between May and December 2008, 10 orders, 33 families and 57 species of insects, 2 species of arachnidan,(12) one species of snails, one species of mammals,(13) 3 species of amphibians,(14) 3 species of reptiles,(15) as well as 26 species of birds, indicating rich biological resources.

■1. revitalization-(n)新生,復興。此處指活化。
■2. botanical-(adj.)植物的,植物學的。
■3. trophy-(n)獎品,戰利品,紀念品。
■4. feasible-(adj.)可行的,合理的,適合的。
■5. ammunition-(n)彈藥、軍火。ammunition depot就是彈藥庫。
■6. obsolete-(adj.)廢棄的。
■7. barrack-(n)營房,兵營。
■8. in line with-與~一致。
■9. swale-(n)沼澤地。
■10. aquatic-(adj.)水生的,水棲的。
■11. carnivorous-(adj.)肉食性的。
■12. arachnidan-(n)節肢動物。亦可當形容詞。
■13. mammal-(n)哺乳動物。
■14. amphibian-(n)兩棲動物。亦可當形容詞。
■15. reptile-(n)爬蟲類動物。亦可當形容詞。

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