
Hong Kong Company Visited Kinmen to Investigate Business Potential after Legalization of Offshore Island Gambling


考察離島博弈發展 港商登門探路

Hong Kong's Melco International Development Ltd. Executive Director Tsui Che Yin and five other people made a special trip to Kinmen and called on Magistrate Li. Their purpose was to acquire first-hand understanding as well as to inspect the tourism industry conditions and land investment potential in relation to development of legal gambling in Kinmen. Magistrate Li expressed that, since the concrete content of legalization of offshore island gambling operations was still in the air,(1) it was not a proper time to hold the public referendum.(2) He said, the government would abide by(3) the decision of the public.

Mr. Tsui and the others had a deep conversation with Magistrate Li on issues related to the investment environment and development potential in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China, as well as kinmen's conditions for developing legal gambling and land investment. Melco is a public company in Hong Kong. Its principal operations include leisure resort development and entertainment. They also provide investment, banking and financing services. Tsui commented that, they made the trip to Kinmen particularly for the purpose of understanding the situation and the standpoint of the county government, because they had learned that opening of legal casinos on offshore islands was on the way.

Magistrate Li expressed that the public vote required for developing legal gambling on offshore islands could not be conducted yet because the related details were still vague.(4) Also, the public referendum should be initiated by private organizations, not the government. As for whether the people in Kinmen were for or against opening of legal casinos in Kinmen, he added, past surveys had shown strong opposition. The government would abide by the decision of the people.

Li emphasized that although the Legislative Yuan had passed the Gambling Law, the related complementary measures were still being established. It was too early to discuss the issues of potential investors, distribution of profits or limits on investors etc. These concrete contents should be in place before the public referendum could be conducted. In case that the gambling industry is not what the people expected, then holding a referendum would be pointless and irresponsible.

As for the investment environment and market in Kinmen, Magistrate Li also expressed his frustrations as he suffered one after another setbacks(5) recruiting investors due to the limited authority of the local government. In spite of the many interested investors, as the Kinmen Magistrate, he had been unable to give any promises or clear answers. However, as long as it was within the bounds of legal regulations and his authority, he would be happy to give assistance to investors who could really help with Kinmen's progress.

Mr. Tsui expressed that he could understand the attitude of Kinmen County Government. He said it was still too early to talk about investment and his company would perform thorough research to make further assessment. Members from the Melco had visited Penghu for the same purpose. According to Tsui, the ambiance(6) was different but Kinmen appeared to be better than Penghu in leisure resort environment. They would do more evaluation to determine whether Melco would make investments.

■1. in the air-尚未確定。
■2. referendum-(n)公民投票。
■3. abide by-遵守、信守;承擔~的後果。
■4. vague-(adj.)模糊不清的,朦朧的。
■5. setback-(n)挫折、失敗。
■6. ambiance-(n)氣氛,格調,周圍環境。

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