
Free Transportation Vouchers for the Underprivileged in Kinmen Delivered to Every Township



Up till Jun. 1, Kinmen County Government received and approved 2,187 applications for free Kinmen-Taiwan air transportation vouchers for low-income families (NT$6,000 each) and handicapped people (NT$4,000 each). The vouchers were delivered to township office to be distributed on Jun. 1. The applicants were to pick up the vouchers at the township office where they are registered and use the vouchers before Dec. 31 this year.

County Social Affairs Bureau pointed out that people would be able to buy tickets at the airline counter at the airport with the vouchers instead of cash. To pick up the vouchers, applicants should remember to bring their signets.(1) People picking up the vouchers on behalf of the applicants should bring their own as well as the applicants' signets. At Jinsha Township Administration the Township Officers are assigned to issue the vouchers. The applicants can call in advance for needed information.

According to statistics from the Social Affairs Bureau, the first batch of vouchers would be distributed to 2,187 people, including 78 low-income families and 2,109 handicapped persons. Vouchers for Jincheng Township residents who completed their application before May 25, 2009 and residents of other townships who completed their application before May 15 are available as of today.(2)

County Social Affairs Bureau added that people who complete their application before Jun. 30 will be issued transportation vouchers for the year (NT$6,000 for each low-income family and NT$4,000 for each handicapped person.) Those who apply after Jul. 1 will only be given transportation vouchers half the amount (NT$3,000 for each low-income family and NT$2,000 for each handicapped person.)

■1. signet-(n)私章、圖章。
■2. as of ~-從~開始。as of today就是「即日起」。


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