
Police Make Identification Stickers to Prevent Bicycle Thefts



To prevent thefts and protect the residents' interests, the County Police Bureau, after branding(1) codes on motorcycles, as well as farming and fishing equipments and putting theft-preventing stamps on kaoliang liquor bottles, began in June a test run of bicycle sticker offering service. The sticker is a picture of Spirit Lion Statue with two invisible anti-theft barcode.(2) The data of each bicycle are also established as part of the effort to cut down(3) the rate of bicycle thefts. Bicycle owners interested in having the sticker can go to any police station to receive the service.

In response to government's urges for energy saving and CO2 emission(4) reduction, bicycle riding has become a popular leisure sport and many people even use bicycles as a daily means of transportation. On top of this, bicycles are becoming more and more refined, each producer releasing one after another new model. Buying and riding bicycles has turned into a fashion. The cost of a bicycle can range between a few thousands to several hundreds of thousands of NT dollars. The market is thriving(5) but it has also jacked up(6) theft rates that brought property losses to people.

In light of this, the Criminal Investigation Division of the County Police Bureau initiated researches for measures to fight bicycle thefts. The sticker was decided because it would not hurt the appearance of a bicycle. The service is offered to bicycle owners willing to use the stickers. The sticker is so special that it cannot be recognized without the help of a special apparatus.(7) Since the owner's data are established, the anti-theft codes will provide the information of the owner even if a bicycle gets stolen.

According to the County Police Criminal Investigation Division, starting in June, people can take their bicycles, along with their ID and proof of purchase, to any police station between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on weekends and national holidays to receive the service for free. Whether the bicycle has a manufacturer's number or not, owners are welcome to register their personal information to safeguard their bicycles.

■3.cut down-縮短、削減、減少。
■6.jack up-提高。jack是千斤頂或起重機,當動詞用指「舉起」或「抬起」。


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