Weekly Major Events 03/01~03/07
●Awards Presented To Recognize Model Women
The Kinmen County Government held the Kinmen Model Women Recognition(1) Celebration on March 7, 2010. Approximately 1300 women from each township united together. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, Council Speaker Wang, Zai-Shen and related dignitaries(2) came to congratulate these women as well as to present them with an award to recognize them as model women.
●Chinese Artists Painting KKL Bottles For Global Exposition On The Way
A conference with the Chinese artists who will be painting Kinmen Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor (KKL) bottles for the Global Exposition is going to be held on March 9. The conference will be hosted by County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi. A total of nineteen Chinese artists from across-strait and other overseas countries will come to Kinmen to paint porcelian liquor bottles that will be filled with Kinmen Kaoliang liquor. The premiere(3) of the worldwide exhibition tour will be at the Shanghai Expo 2010.
●Kinmen Immigration Office Upgraded
The Kinmen Border Affairs Office, National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior, held establishment ceremony on March 4. Minister of the Interior, Jiang, Yi-Huah encouraged all subordinates(4) to implement good security control and provide better services. Accroding to statistics of the Agency, the number of passengers traveling across straits via the Mini-Three-Links was over 1.28 million last year and has grown more than 60 fold within ten years.
●Suggestions Presented To Minister of the Interior
Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi presented seven important suggestions to Minister of the Interior, Jiang, Yi-Huah on March 3, 2010. One suggestion is shrinking the range of the Kinmen National Park. Regarding all the suggestions, Jiang emphasized that he will do his best to help.
●內政部長抵金視察 縣府提七項重大建言
●County Govt. Urged Celebration of ROC's 100th Anniversary in Kinmen
Concerning the celebration of ROC's 100th Anniversary, Kinmen County Government would like to propose Kinmen as the foundation of the establishment of the state, and invite President Ma to host the celebration activities in Kinmen. Meanwhile, the KKL Inc. will present its Century Memorial liquor.
●建國百年 縣府爭取在金舉辦主題活動
●Wang, Xu Elected As Council Speaker & Vice Speaker
A total of nineteen councilors were sworn(5) at the fifth Kinmen county council on the morning of March 1. Wang, Zai-Sheng, and Xu, Jian-Zhong were elected as the council speaker and vice speaker.
●Six Township Mayors Inaugurated
The discharging(6) and inauguration(7) for the tenth township mayors (and the eighth in Wu Qiu Village) in Kinmen County took place on March 1. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi emphasized at the ceremony that if central, county and township governments united together, Kinmen's future development will be prosperous. Li expects to work with mayors hand in hand to create a new and thriving Kinmen.
■1. recognition-(n)常見的解釋是承認、認可。此處指「表彰」。
■2. dignitary-(n)顯貴、要人。
■3. premiere-(n)通常指電影的「首映」,此處指彩繪瓷瓶的首次展出。
■4. subordinate-(n)部屬、所屬。此處文中並未明確點出江宜樺所「期勉」的對象是誰,但從文理可以推知應該是移民署所屬官員,因此譯為subordinate。