
First Interchange with Chinese Students-Milestone for Higher Education

作者: 譯者:Walker;校正:Patti。


Thirty students from Zhangzhou Institute of Technology, China, through an exchange project, will be the "auditors"(1) to study and learn through enrollment in classes at KMIT for a semester starting in March. This is the first time for Chinese students to study in Kinmen, and thus marks the milestone of the recruitment of students from China to study in Kinmen.

These students are from Fujian, northeastern China, Hubei, Hebei and Anhui etc. They are interested in the vibrant(2) and creative student associations, and the City God Festival to be held on Lunar April 12th.
KMIT mentioned that Kinmen has the qualities to be an ideal testing area for the recruitment of students from China. These experiences accumulated in Kinmen could be promoted to other schools in Taiwan. President Li, Jin-Zhen (李金振) also strongly encouraged department heads to assist the Chinese students in their adjustment to life in Kinmen so that these students will in the long term(3) cherish their experience and develop a love for Kinmen.

●1. auditor-(n)旁聽生。亦即所謂的「隨班附讀」。
●2. vibrant-(adj.)充滿生氣的、活躍的。
●3. in the long term-從長遠來看。

