Weekly Major Events 03/15~03/24
●Council Speaker Visited Taipei County Association
After waiting for forty years, the old and well-established(1) Kinmen Fellow Townsmen Association of Taipei County, founded in 1970, finally had the opportunity to welcome the Kinmen County Council Delegation headed by the Speaker on March 20. Director-General, Huang, Xian-Ping (黃獻平) and all general committee members warmly greeted the delegation and held enthusiastic discussions at an informal meeting. Legislator, Zhang, Qing-Zhong (Taipei County) (張慶忠) whose origin is Qing-Yu, Jin-Sha Township in Kinmen, and legislator Lin, De-Fu, (林德福) who has been showing great concerns over Kinmen related issues and acts, also came together to pledge support for the "Kinmen Bridge" construction budget.
●Shandong & Beijing Seniors Visit Kinmen in Transit
A total of 800 tourists from the Elder Physical Education Association, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China, traveled in three groups consecutively for three days to Taiwan, via Kinmen, started on March 20. Another tour group of 337 from Beijing arrived in Kinmen on March 20 after their trip in Taiwan. The number of tour groups visiting Kinmen for two days and one night in transit to Taiwan or back to China is rapidly increasing. The "Taiwan Kinmen and Xiamen Tourism Circle" is just starting!
●Despite Environmental Assessment Failure Astro Determined To Invest In Kinmen
The environmental impact assessment for the spotlighted(2) Kinmen Industrial and Business Park development project proposed by Astro Corp. (泰偉電子) was held on March 19. Due to the concerns of the review committee over the land, water resource and environmental pollution, the project did not successfully pass inspection. Astro said that they will make persistent(3) efforts to achieve quality standards for the next inspection scheduled within six months, thus pursuing their interest in the Kinmen investment.
●泰偉環評未過 投資金門決心不變
●Expecting the Welcome of City God To Become International Event
At a conference on March 19, Kinmen County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi emphasized an extensive promotion of the Welcoming City God Activity to be held on Lunar April 12th. He mentioned implementing strategies and performing religious tourism marketing functions to attract Taiwan, China and even international tourists to visit Kinmen and participate in the activities, with the anticipation of this event becoming an international temple activity.
●Li: To Build the Shopping Paradise for Kinmen's Economic Take-off
Kinmen County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi listened to the presentation for the KKL's proposal for a Kinmen duty-free shop along with the development of Huagangshi (literally Granite ) Hospital area. Li suggested that KKL apply for duty-free shops at Shangyi Airport or Shuitou Pier via equity investment(4) while seeking suitable locations in the towns. He also welcomed local businesses to join in the building of a shopping paradise that will drive the economic take-off in Kinmen.
●Stationing of Airborne Service Corps in Kinmen Expected This Year
Legislator Chen, Fu-Hai invited the Director-General of Airborne Service Corps, Chen, Chong-Xian, (陳崇賢) Director of Aviation Mission Division Lin, Zheng-Xun, (林政勳) and others to negotiate the possibility of the Airborne Service Corps being stationed in Kinmen. Related personnel from the Aviation Mission Division will come to Kinmen to negotiate the planning of aircraft configuration, and to hold an on-site inspection the surrounding of fleet.
●空勤總隊進駐金門 年內可望實現
●Expanded Use of Transportation Vouchers Proposed
Showing concern for the students, the Kinmen County Government has established the "Implementation Measures of Airplane Ticket Subsidies for Students in Kinmen County". It is expected that the vouchers will be applied to ferry tickets and to the purchase of school supplies this year in order to substantially benefit the students on the island.
●Nineteen Military Camps To Released & Activated
Kinmen County Government and Kinmen Defense Command held the on-site inspection of the vacant camps on March 17. The current release of the camps has identified 19 places that will be submitted to each unit for an overall planning and development to restore new life to the old camps.
●KKL and KMIT Signed Letter of Cooperative Intent
KKL and KMIT signed a letter of Cooperative Intent on March 16. County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi, bore witness to the event. He expressed his expectation for the head of industry, the KKL, and the highest seat of learning at KMIT, to unite together to further develop Kinmen's industry, enabling Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor to hold its position on the island and to further broaden the export market both cross-strait and globally.
●1. well-established-(adj.)信譽卓著的。
●2. spotlighted-(adj.)受矚目的。
●3. persistent-(adj.)持續不變﹑堅持不懈的。
●4. equity investment-股權投資。亦即一般概念中所謂的「轉投資」。企業若以購買其他企業股票﹐或以貨幣資金﹑無形資產和其他實物資產直接投資於其他單位者﹐均可稱為「股權投資」。長期性的股權投資﹐最終目的是為了透過利潤或股利獲取經濟利益﹔抑或基於生產鍊的垂直整合需求﹐透過持股方式達到控制上﹑下游企業之目的﹐以便原來母公司的生產經營活動得以順利遂行。