


Kinmen-Xiamen Gang-up(1) to Promote "Free Trip" to Kinmen

The Vice-Mayor of Xiamen Municipal Government, Zhan, Cang-Zhou, (詹滄州) visited Kinmen County Government on Marh 27. County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi presented the issue of "opening for mainlanders' free trip to Kinmen", and other related proposals, hoping that the "trial and pioneer policy" would start between Kinmen and Xiamen, in order to broaden and expand the cooperation and development on both sides. Zhan, Cang-Zhou stated he will try his best to help to implement these proposals.

Zhan, Cang-Zhou, said that the purpose of this trip was to invite Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi to attend "The Third Cross-strait Culture & Creative Industry Fair," to be held in June, as a dignitary(2) speaker of the "Straits Forum".

Magistrate Li also presented six issues to Zhan, including the deregulation for mainland residents to travel to and from Kinmen; the cooperation between Kinmen and the West Coast of the Strait Tourism Zone; the opening policy for Kinmenese to travel to and from Xiamen holding a valid identification issued from Taiwan; the importing of Chinese capital into Kinmen to participate in public infrastructure; the tariff-free policy for Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor exporting to Xiamen; and the free circulation of legal currencies between Kinmen and Xiamen. Li also orally presented a proposal for night ferry service of Mini-Three-Links as a "Trial & Pioneer Policy".
Zhan, Cang-Zhou said that Xiamen is urging the same issues; however, some of them are not the authority of the local government and should be redirected to the relevant departments. He said that earlier this year Secretary-general, Hu, Jin-Tao (胡錦濤) also reiterated(3) that "anything that is conducive(4) to the people of Taiwan, we all will do it". Zhan,Cang-Zhou believes that the active cooperation of the cross-strait will be driven by trend.

●1. gang up-聯合起來;聯手。
●2. dignitary-(adj.)地位尊貴的。
●3. reiterate-(vt.)重申;重複講。
●4. conducive-(adj.)有助的、有益的。


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