
Weekly Major Events 04/05~04/18

作者: 譯者:黃怡真;校正:Patti。


●148 Registered for Local Elections
The Local Electoral Registration deadline of the tenth township councilors and village chiefs election (the eighth in Wu Qiu Village) in Kinmen County was on April 16. A total of 65 people had registered for township councilors and 83 people for villager chiefs. The vote and vote count for this two-in-one election are scheduled on June 12.

●New Medical Facility Added In Kinmen Hospital
Kinmen Hospital, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, held the ESWL Room opening ceremony on April 15. According to the description of Kinmen Hospital, the introduction of the extracorporeal(5) shock wave lithotripsy(6) (ESWL) system is for relieving the distress for patients going to Taiwan for further medical treatment.
  行政院衛生署金門醫院15日舉辦「體外震波碎石室(ESWL Room)」啟用典禮。根據署立金門醫院的說明,署立金門醫院引進的體外震波碎石系統,一定程度可免除病患赴台就醫的困擾。
●42 people Strive(7) for One Pawn Shop License Drawing
County police bureau had been handling the applications for a new pawn(8) shop license. A total of 42 eligible(9) townspeople completed the registration. Casting lots ceremony is scheduled on April 30 to decide who the winner will be.
●42搶1 新增當舖抽籤僧多粥少

●Magistrate Li Received China Students & Granted Scholarship
Thirty exchange students from Zhangzhou Institute of Technology in China, studying this semester at the National Kinmen Institute of Technology, visited the Kinmen County Government on April 14, and were warmly welcomed by County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi. Li granted (10) a gift of 5,000 NT dollars to each student at their first meeting, and encouraged students to study hard, enjoy the natural conditions and hospitality of Kinmen. He also encouraged them to treasure good memories and be the seeds of Kinmen marketing after going back to mainland China.

●KMIT To Upgrade Into NKMU On August 1
Students and teachers of National Kinmen Institute of Technology have looked forward many years to the upgrade of the school from college to university. And it finally became a reality. The Ministry of Education (MOE) held its review meeting on April 13 and approved that KMIT be renamed "National Kinmen University" after August 1. This upgrade of KMIT to university status will make great strides (11) in Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi's county developing prospect, "Kinmen University Island."

●Minister of MOE Willing to Help Establish the Kinmen Branch of NCKUH
Kinmen County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi visited the Minister of MOE, Wu,Qing-Ji (吳清基) on the morning of April 13 and received the support from Minister, Wu for "Kinmen Branch of NCKUH". Wu, Qing-Ji said that there had been precedents (12) in taking over of general hospitals, Department of Health by the colleges of medicine of different national universities. Wu promised that the MOE will cooperate fully with establishing the Kinmen Branch of NCKUH.
●成大設金門分院 教育部長吳清基同意配合
●Magistrate Li Requested Opening Historical Folk Museum Next Year
Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi listened to the presentation by related bureau of the county government, demanding total control of the progression of the Kinmen Cultural Park project, and instructed that the Historical Folk Museum to be opened to all visitors on January 1 of next year hoping that the museum would boost the economic tourism development and reproduce an old elegance (13) for the Jinsha area.

●1. host-(vt.;初級) 主持、主辦。亦可當名詞,指「主人、節目主持人」。
●2. trinity-(n)三個一組、三位一體。
●3. overlook-(vt.)眺望、俯瞰。此處以現在分詞形式作為形容詞,與platform和在一起稱為景觀平台。
●4. memorandum-(n)備忘錄;或指外交上的「照會」。
●5. extracorporeal-(adj.)體外的。
●6. lithotripsy-(n)震波療法。即shock wave therapy。
●8.pawn-(n., vt.)典當、抵押。
●9. eligible-(adj.)法律上符合資格的;適合的、合意的。
●10. grant-(vt.;中級) 贈予;授予;同意、准予。
●11. stride-(n;中高級) 邁大步走。
●12. precedent-(n;中高級) 前例;先例。
●13. elegance-(n)優雅、典雅。此處指金沙鎮昔日的「風華」。
