
Moon-cake Gambling Game Starts September 8

作者: 譯者:蔡湜梵;校正:Patti。


The Year 2010 Kinmen Mid-Autumn Moon-cake Gambling Game will begin on September 8th. It will then be followed by a series of preliminary (1) competitions among various townships with the finale (2) taking place at the "Qing Dynasty's Quemoy Troops Headquarters" on September 22nd. Both locals and visitors are welcome to join and try their luck in this great event.

So, during Mid-Autumn festival, what are the unique traditional events in Kinmen that are different from other places? Wishing to enjoy the Mid-Autumn festival in a whole new way? A visit to Kinmen will guarantee you an eye-opening experience!

This Moon-cake (also named "Zhuang-yuan Cake") gambling custom has been a part of Kinmen culture for at least 300 years now. This unique custom tacitly (3) transforms a simple dice game into a game which encourages people to pursue a higher rank in the ancient imperial (4) examination.

In ancient time, Kinmen, which was subordinate to (5) Tongan county, had been a place that was well-known for its great achievement in tackling (6) the imperial examination. "There would be no Tongan without Kinmen; there would be no ground where Kinmenese cannot stand steady," says an old proverb. The barren (7) soil in Kinmen had been a motivator which pushed Kinmenese to eagerly participate in the imperial examination in the desire of a better life. It is alleged that in order to introduce the imperial examination system more properly to the fellow folks, the inventor of this gambling game had then named the six combinations of six die based on the six ranks in the examination system including Zhuang-yuan, Bang-yan, Tan-hua, Jin-shi, Ju-ren, and Xiu-cai. During every Mid-Autumn festival, family members and friends would gather in circle eager to play this game. The strategy of getting Zhuan-gyuan, the highest among all six ranks, on the very first roll of the die, is both entertaining and educational. This is also one of the Moon-cake gambling legendary events during Mid-Autumn festival.

This year, the grand opening ceremony of Moon-cake Gambling Game is set for 6:00 pm on September 8th at the front road of BeiZhen Temple. There will be 99 tables prepared, corresponding to the 99th anniversary of this nation, with an estimated one-thousand participants to join the fun. From September 11th to 21st, the preliminary competitions will take place in various townships for locals and visitors who wish to participate. And to close the festival on September 22nd, a grand finale will be held at the "Qing Dynasty's Quemoy Troops Headquarters." The first place winner, also known as "Zhuang-yuan prize", will receive a car; the second place winner (Bang-yan) a laptop; and the third place winner an electric scooter (Tan-hua). Besides playing the actual game, CISA(Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C. has also designed an online game, named "Moon-cake Gambling in Kinmen", which would bring all the Taiwanese citizens together to experience the fun and try their luck in Kinmen Moon-cake Gambling via the world-wide-web (http://www.kinwar.com.tw/fighting/).

●1. preliminary-(adj.)初步的、開端的;預備的。此處preliminary competitions指「預賽」。
●2. finale-(n)結尾;終場。此處指「決賽」。
●3. tacitly-(adv.)默默地。
●4. imperial-(adj.)帝國的。此處imperial examination指古代的「科舉考試」。
●5. subordinate to-隸屬於、從屬於。
●6. tackle-(vt.)對付、應付~。
●7. barren-(adj.)指人無法生育的;植物不結果實的;亦指土地貧瘠。

