
Looking Back At Kinmen Agreement C. V. Chen: Humanity Surpasses Politics Hao, Bo-Cun: Opening Up Peaceful Interaction

作者: 譯者:Wilson Chou;校正:Patti。

〈金門協議〉陳長文:人道超越政治 郝柏村:開啟和平交流

The 20th anniversary for the signing of Kinmen Agreement was held in Renai Guest House in Kinmen on September 21st. During a seminar, former Premier Hao, Bo-Cun (郝柏村) pointed out in a rather teasing (1) tone that when looking back at cross-strait relations in the last sixty years, he had been a warmonger (2) during the first thirty years of that time, and then a peacemaker the latter thirty years. It was the history's trend and destiny. Hao believed that only when the Chinese stop fighting against each other, can there be a bright future for the cross-strait relations. He commended the signing of the Kinmen Agreement by both sides as a historical beginning and emphasized it was significant for the revival of the Chinese civilization.

Former Premier Hao said that he had witnessed how the cross-strait relations changed dramatically from people engaging in war to living peacefully with each other. Such a change showed the wisdom and adroitness (3) of leaders from each side. Hao firmly believed as long as peace is maintained, both sides will enjoy prosperity, stability, and security, a great blessing for all Chinese.

●1. tease-(vi.)逗弄、戲弄。此處以動名詞形式轉為形容詞使用,指郝柏村說話時帶點幽默、開玩笑的口吻。
●2. warmonger-(n)戰爭販子。好戰者。monger指販賣某項商品的人,前面可加上某個名詞,組成複合名詞(Compound Noun)。
●3. adroitness-(n)精明、機智、靈巧。


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