
Weekly Major Events 10/04~10/10

作者: 譯者:蔡湜梵;校正:Patti。

一週大事 10/04~10/10

●Love & Peace Carnival Over-flows with Patriotism
●和平愛嘉年華 大搞愛國瘋
NQU's Caterpillar (1) Dance contest, "Endless Patriotism (2) for Kinmen," held during the Jincheng Township "Peace and Love" Warzone Cultural Campaign, took place at the plaza in front of the Fujian Provincial Government building on October 9th. The event included various creative and humorous dance performances which were presented by NQU students from different departments. It was a night filled with joyful excitement. Earlier that night, a launching ceremony was held at the roundabout (3) in front of the Jincheng Township Governor's office. The attendants even cloaked (4) the Chiang Kai-shek statue in the roundabout with a "flag suit", giving him a patriotic (5) makeover. The Jincheng Township Mardi Gras (6) was enriched with an array of colorful styles of the NQU students. Later, their excellent performances in the Caterpillar Dance contest brought highlights to this National day.

●KKL Retail Store Opens in Miramar Department
To increase service points in Taiwan, KKL Inc. has joined Miramar Department for the first time, and held a grand opening for the KKL retail store in Miramar Dept on the 8th. Kinmen Council Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng (王再生), KKL Inc. Chairman Li, Qing Zheng (李清正), and Miramar Department Chairman Huang, Gu Rong (黃固榮), were all there to witness this historical moment as KKL marched into the department retail channel for the first time in history. With the comprehensive varieties of business activities in Miramar Department, KKL Inc. expects to reach different consumer groups through this move, and create a win-win situation for both sides.

●KMVS Gets 2nd Place in National Robot Competition
Joining the competition for the first time, Kinmen Vocational Senior High School (KMVS) wowed (7) opponents by taking 2nd place in the National Robot Competition held by the Ministry of Education. To be more specific, KMVS students joined "The 6th AI One Chip Mouse Robot National & International Competition" and took second place in the "AI Racing Motor Cars" senior high school category. The students in the group were Lin, Yi-qun(林逸群); Xu, Yi-jun(許翼鈞); Wu, Tao-lin (吳燾麟); and Cai, Cheng-zhan(蔡丞展). The name of their project was "Go KM1" and they were accompanied by their mentors (8) /teachers Cai, Shao-wen(蔡紹文) and Zheng Qing-jian(鄭清堅). Cai told reporters that thanks to this extraordinary achievement, some universities have already issued "recommendation for admission" to these students. However, they won't rush into any decisions before carefully evaluating all the opportunities.
  第一次參賽,金門農工就在教育部舉辦的全國機器人大賽中拿下第二名,引起競爭對手的驚嘆。金門農工在「第六屆人工智慧單晶片電腦鼠暨機器人國內及國際邀請賽」中拿下「人工智慧競速自走車」高中職組全國第二名;參賽學生包括資訊科林逸群、許翼鈞、吳燾麟、蔡丞展;他們的作品叫做「Go Km1」。他們的指導教師是蔡紹文及鄭清堅。蔡紹文表示,由於學生表現優異,已經有大學主動邀請他們前往就學;不過,學生們將「待價而沽」,不急於決定。

●Nearly 75 Percent of Citizen Are Satisfied With Local Government Services
Kinmen County Government hired NQU to do an analytical (9) survey regarding the public satisfaction with the service provided by Kinmen County Government and its subsidiary organizations. According to the results of the survey done by NQU's survey team, overall public satisfaction reached 75.2%, with less than 3% of the public expressing dissatisfaction. Innovative services, proactive (10) attitude, and sincere concern are the subjects that need to be improved. Magistrate Li, Wo-shi pointed out that this public satisfaction survey aims to determine whether the public's expectation of government services is being met. In the future, the government will adjust its strategies and plans based upon the results of this public survey.

●1. caterpillar-(n)毛毛蟲。
●2. patriotism-(n)愛國主義;愛國精神。
●3. roundabout-(n)圓環。
●4. cloak-(n)作為名詞指「披風」或「斗篷」。此處為動詞,指「為~披上披風」,或遮蔽、遮蓋的意思。
●5. patriotic-(adj.)愛國的。
●6. Mardi Gras-(n)基督教主顯節與大齋期(四旬節)之間,透過狂歡、化妝遊街、化妝舞會等形式慶祝的一種「狂歡節」。此處比喻活動期間那股熱鬧的氣氛,猶如狂歡節或嘉年華一般。
●7. wow-(vt.)博得~的喝采。這個字本來是個形聲字,指讚嘆、喝采的聲音。此處做動詞用。
●8. mentor-(n)導師。Mentor是希臘羅馬神話裡的神祇,譯為曼托,祂是奧德修斯(Odysseus)的忠實朋友,又是其子的良師,後來引伸為良師益友。
●9. analytic-(adj.)分析的。
●10. proactive-(adj.)積極主動的。

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