
Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi: Offshore Islands Shall Experiment with Individual Tourist Travels in Advance

作者: 譯者:Wilson Chou;校正:Patti。

陸客自由行 李沃士:應讓金馬澎先試先行

During the interpellation (1) session in the Legislative Yuan on October 5th, KMT legislator Cao, Er-Zhong (曹爾忠) advised Premier Wu, Dun-Yi (吳敦義) to open up Kinmen and Matsu in advance to individual travels of mainland China tourists. Kinmen magistrate Li, Wo-Shi endorsed (2) the idea. He thought the individual travels of mainland tourists could be experimented with in advance in the offshore islands so tourism in the islands may thrive (3).

Legislator Cao indicated during the interpellation session that since the size and population of offshore islands are relatively small, once they opened up individual travels in Fujian-Kinmen and Fujian-Matsu, less cautions would be needed among the islands than in Taiwan. If restrictions on transferring from the offshore islands to Taiwan were imposed on the mainland tourists, Kinmen and Matu's tourism industry would likely gain more revenues.

Magistrate Li thought that what Cao, Er Zhong advocated for the offshore islands accurately reflected the needs of the offshore. Li added that since the three offshore islands are all currently relying on (4) their tourism to sustain (5) their economies, they are undoubtedly the most appropriate places to initially receive the targeted mainland tourists. The "Kinmen-Matsu Long Term Economic Development Program" that the Executive Yuan approved was scheduled to promote Kinmen and Matsu as the earliest cross-strait cooperation paradigms (6). Additionally, Li pointed out that Kinmen is currently pushing for building duty-free shops. These shops are expected to be officially opened by the end of the year. For Kinmen, opening up to individual travels of mainland tourists would be a great incentive (7) for creating a market for the island.

●1. interpellation-(n)質詢。
●2. endorse-(vt.)公開贊同、支持,認可。
●3. thrive-(vi.)興旺;繁榮;成功。
●4. rely on-依賴、依靠。
●5. sustain-(vt.)支撐;維持;供養。
●6. paradigm-(n)典範;範例。
●7. incentive-(n)刺激、鼓勵、動機、誘因。


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