
Weekly Major Events 10/11~10/17

作者: 譯者:蔡湜梵;校正:Patti。

一週大事 10/11~10/1

●Romantic Concert Performance at Military Tunnel
The "Year 2010 Kinmen Tunnel Music Festival," organized by the Kinmen National Park Administration (KNP), was held at ZhaiShan Tunnel on the 16th. Several musicians including cellist (1) Zhang, Zheng-jie (張正傑) were invited to perform on a moving platform that was slowly and gently guided through the waterway in the tunnel. In the past, the waterway functioned as a transportation route for military supplies. It was then transformed into a tourist site, and now, it has become a performing stage for this romantic concert. This year, the tunnel music festival was a two-day event. It was also the second time the KNP Administration has held similar events. It is expected that in the future, this music festival can be held every year so that more local residents and tourists can enjoy this very unique festival of music together.

●Magistrate Li's Tour de Taiwan Pork Knuckle Festival
"The best way to learn is to learn from the best."-Kinmen Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi visited Pintung on the 16th with his county government team to attend the "Year 2010 Taiwan Pork Knuckle (2) Festival". At this festival, they could see and learn how marketing and distribution of agricultural and livestock (3) products are done in each county/city in Taiwan. This Pork Knuckle Festival was organized by the Vice-President of Legislative Yuan-Ceng, Yong-Quan (曾永權), who claims that its core components are "Pork Knuckle, beer, and music". President Ma, Premier Wu, Legislative Yuan President Wang, and some Executive Yuan officers were among the dignitaries invited to this event. Magistrate Li was also invited to attend the opening ceremony and was able to represent the touring industry and local development of Kinmen.

●Li, Wo-Shi: Kinmen will Have Better Opportunities Only by Loosening-up Some of its Policies
  During the hosting of "Year 2010: the 3rd Industrial and Commercial Development and Investment Promotion Committee" meeting, Kinmen Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi pointed out that "the central government has to first offer some beneficial policies to bring more business and investment to Kinmen; Kinmen will have better opportunities only by loosening-up (4) some policies." Some attendants also shared many suggestions regarding the improvement of Kinmen's development. "Any proposals are worth trying if they can bring positive contribution to the development of Kinmen", says Magistrate Li. He hopes that the loosening-up of investment constraints (5) will draw the first pioneers, or the so-called "the leading sheep", to invest here and to spark (6) more corporations to do the same. Magistrate Li also mentioned the concept he once proposed to Vice-President Xiao, "We can only attract private corporations to invest in Kinmen by implementing more beneficial policies; according to the current financial status of central government, it's impossible for it to invest abundantly (7) to Kinmen. Therefore, the only way to create a triple win is to loosen-up policies and bring in more private investment".

●Li, Wo-Shi: Visa Processing for Mainland Students Traveling to Offshore Islands Should be Treated Differently
  During a visit to County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi on the 13th, National Immigration Agency (NIA) director-general Xie, Li-Gong(謝立功) exchanged thoughts with Li on the soon-to-be (8) law regarding the admission of mainland students. In Magistrate Li's opinion, instead of having a one-for-all rule, he suggested that the visa process of mainland students traveling to offshore islands should be treated differently from the visa for those traveling to the main island (Taiwan). Therefore, NIA should take into consideration the voice of the local people while discussing related laws. Li also hopes that multi-entry visas could be granted for those mainland students in the Kinmen area, as this is more realistic to the status quo (9) in Kinmen. Xie, Li-Gong says the relevant law hasn't been finalized yet, and that he will bring back Magistrate Li's proposal for further review.

●1. cellist-(n)大提琴演奏者。
●2. knuckle-(n)關節;供食用的肘或蹄,亦即豬蹄。
●3. livestock-(n)家畜的總稱。
●4. loosen up-鬆開、鬆綁。
●5. constraint-(n)束縛;限制。
●6. spark-(vt.)這個字原來是火花、火星的意思。此處作為動詞使用,指發動、點燃;激勵、鼓舞的意思。
●7. abundantly-(adv.)大量、充足地。
●8. soon-to-be-即將。此處形容即將實施或「上路」的法令。
●9. status quo-(n)現狀。語源來自於拉丁文,意謂the state in which。經常被引用為政治或外交辭令。
