
NQU's Second Student Dormitory Begins Construction

作者: 譯者:邱慶寧;校正:Patti Jernigan。


National Quemoy University received 280 million NTD from the central government for the construction of a second student dormitory. On the afternoon of the 27th, a ground-breaking ceremony was held to commence the beginning of the construction. This second student dormitory is estimated to be completed in May, 2012 and is expected to provide a housing capacity for 670 students, large enough to resolve the current student housing situation.

Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, attended the ground-breaking ceremony and anticipated NQU to lead in the development of Kinmen and become a cradle of talents (1). He also hoped that NQU will become the pride of Kinmen in the future.

In the ceremony, NQU President Li, Jin-Zhen gave special thanks to Kinmen County Government for financial aid, which allowed the school to initiate the planning of the second dormitory earlier in 2009, and also led to the successful funding of 280 million NTD needed for construction from the central government in 2010. Once the construction is completed, it is estimated to accommodate 670 students and will be opened for the 2012 academic year to enroll new students.

President Li pointed out that in order to match up (2) the future need, NQU plans to construct a third and fourth dormitory according to the prospective (3) enrollment. Magistrate Li also said that the county government is willing to offer continual support, and promote construction of the future third dormitory, and the scholar and international house dormitory.

●1. talent-(n)天才;有才能的人。cradle of talents就是人才的搖籃。
●2. match up-動詞片語,與~相配合。
●3. prospective-(adj.)預期的;未來的;期望中的;即將發生的。


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