
Propaganda Shells Fired By PLA To Be Converted Into A "Peace Bell"

作者: 譯者:Ginger;校正:Patti Jernigan。


Republic of China's Centennial Celebration-the Peace Bell activity started on the 24th. In Kinmen, Wu, Zeng-Dong, owner of Jin He Li Knife Factory, provided two artillery pieces originally used by People's Liberation Army to shell Kinmen. After its smooth journey to Taiwan, via ocean transportation, these shells will become a vital part of the landmark art-the "Peace Bell." This bell will be installed back in Kinmen and is scheduled to be rung on August 23, along with offered peace prayers, letting the world hear the sound of Taiwan's pursuit of peace.

The foundry (1) of the Peace Bell is one of the major events in the ROC's Centennial Celebration. Jin He Li Knife Factory initiated assistance by providing two former Communist propaganda artillery bombardment bombs to be the casting material for the Peace Bell. The host of this event also invited the help from experts and artists from different fields, and also the help from the Ministry of Defense, Foreign Affairs, Interior, Education and local governments, announcing to the world the faith of the people, and their desire for peace.

Jin He Li's owner, Wu, Zeng-Dong noted that the pursuit of peace is a universal value of mankind, and is particularly meaningful for the people of Kinmen who endured many years of war. It is especially exciting to participate in the meaningful activities forging (2) the Peace Bell at the ROC's Centennial Celebration.

Wu, Zeng-Dong stated that these two shells are propaganda artillery shells fired by the Communist China after the August 23rd Artillery Battle in 1958. Each one is a 122 mm cannon shell, and weighs about 5 kilograms.

The commissioner of the Centennial Celebration, Ceng, Ting-Xuan (曾婷瑄), said that the shells would be sent to Kaoshiung to undergo analysis by the China Steel Company, then transported to Taichung, where the high-carbon steel material within the shells will be melted unprecedentedly (3) to cast the Peace Bell to a height of about 2 meters. It is scheduled to return to Kinmen this summer before August for installation.

●1. foundry-(n)鑄造。
●2. forge-(vt.)冶煉、
●3. unprecedentedly-

