
To Enliven Kinmen's International Medical Park, Magistrate Li Visits the Department of Health

作者: 譯者:Wilson Chou;校正:Patti Jernigan。

李縣長訪衛生署 催生金門國際醫療園區

Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi visited the Department of Health (DOH), Executive Yuan on March 15th to ask for its aid in the establishment of the "International Medical Park" in Kinmen as well as the facilitation (1) of the establishment of a large scale medical center of their Kinmen branch. This is expected to improve the medical treatment in the Kinmen area. Magistrate Li also consulted the head of DOH, Qiu, Wen-Da (邱文達), for his advice on the county government's purchase of helicopters for the purpose of medical evacuation.

Qiu stated that the DOH took the healthcare problem of offshore residents seriously and would provide as much assistance as possible. Magistrate Li, on behalf of Kinmen county residents, initiated a petition that urges the establishment of the Kinmen branches of both the Veterans General Hospital (VGH), and the National Cheng Kung University Hospital (NCKUH). In response, Qiu pointed out that VGH is currently engaged in the merging (2) of its different branches around the country. The DOH-owned hospitals in the newly reorganized five municipalities (3) also intended to turn themselves into a municipal facility. Qiu promised that after the merging of these hospitals, further study on the establishment of the Kinmen branches would be made.

It is alleged that the construction of the Kinmen Hospital United Medical Building will be completed at the end of next year, within which, an "Advanced Health Examination Center" will be planned on the sixth floor. For this purpose, the Kinmen County Government is seeking for the cooperation of Taiwanese large-scale medical organizations. Aiming at improving Kinmen's medical quality, the county hopes it can acquire the help from DOH in the establishment of a Kinmen branch of VGH or NCKUH. In addition, Kinmen currently is striving for the establishment of a six-hectare International Medical Park. At present, the planning, as well as the acquisition of land and evaluation of environment impact for this project, are all completed. It is anticipated that the DOH can assist Kinmen with the acceleration of amendments for the related medical laws. Regarding the lack of response in the bid-invitation for Kinmen's medical evacuation operation, county government also hopes to obtain the assistance of the DOH. To better visualize the goals mentioned above, Magistrate Li made this special visit to the DOH and major domestic medical organizations accompanied by related county government officers.

Concerning the establishment of an "International Medical Park", Shi, Chong-Liang (石崇良), the Director of Medical Affairs Division of DOH, praised the county government for its efficiency. He thought that with the efficiency demonstrated by the county government, this project in Kinmen could very likely be approved and become the first of its kind in the country.

Director of Nursing Care Division Deng, Su-Wen (鄧素文) said that the patients with acute (4) diseases and illnesses would need medical evacuation and be sent to hospitals in Taiwan for appropriate treatment. In the past, there were several medical experts who suggested that the offshore local government purchase helicopters on its own. However, since the civil aviation industry has put the cost as its first priority, it is unwilling to allow planes to reside at offshore islands. This is the reason for the lack of response in previous bid-invitations for medical evacuation made by the Kinmen County Government. Director Deng expressed her concurrence with the proposal of the county government to purchase a helicopter on its own.

Magistrate Li and the head of Kinmen Public Health Bureau Chen, Tian-Shun said that last year the county government spent more than 10 million NT dollars employing helicopters to execute the "Home Return for Hospice (5) Patient" operation. In addition, it spent more than 20 million NT dollars (including the subsidy from the DOH) for the execution of 52 medical evacuation operations. They thought these 30 million NT dollars should be sufficient for the maintenance and management fee of the self-purchased helicopter. Magistrate Li emphasized that this can be a matter of life and death, and people's lives are priceless. As long as it can help to save one Kinmense fellow's life in time, it would be worth spending 100-200 million NT dollars on purchasing helicopters. Nevertheless, Li pointed out, the final decision in this matter would require further communication with the county council and explanation to the local residents to gain their genuine support.

●1. facilitation-(n)促進。
●2. merge-(vi)合併。
●3. municipality-(n)自治市。即新近改制升格的五個直轄市(五都)。形容詞是municipal,指市立的、市辦的。
●4. acute-(adj)嚴重的、急性的。
●5. hospice-通常是hospice care,即「安寧照護」。此處指的是接受安寧照護的病患,藉此委婉地傳達「安寧返鄉」。

